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Pokemon Region : Kiatsu [started !/ always accepting]

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My Opinion: No, just makes the Region more enjoyable then going town to town.

What I was thinking is That I put up the 202 new pokemon up on the front page and as people join, they can choose a couple and use them, including name them and include all stats for them. Then Either you or I Would Decide if it is balanced and what not.

These would be them:
[spoiler=202 Riatsu Pokemon]
check front page
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I'm new at Rps but I've studied a bit

Username: Raine
RP Name: Seriph Raines
Age: 16
Hometown: Saffron City
Biography:[spoiler=Bio]Lived as an orphaned run away back in Kanto, living on the streets he learned about how to succeed in a ruthless world. Though exceptional circumstance he came across a Scyther on the outskirts of town, notorious for being anti-social and isolated. The two connected and when he turned 16 he convinced Scythe to travel with him to see and get out of the city he spent so long homeless. The next morning he managed to scramble enough money to purchase a poke-ball and the two of them traveled to Vermilion City and boarded a boat to the Kiatsu Region in hopes of a new life.[/spoiler]
Personality:He is cold to outsiders and it requires alot of friendship to see his true side. When in battle his emotionless state breaks and he gets revved up in the heat of battle, he cares intensely about the sate of his pokemon.
Trainer Type: Normal Trainer
Gym Leader/Elite 4: -
Starter Pokemon: Scyther
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Username: Look up.
RP Name: Daniel Andrews
Age: 20
Hometown: Hiun City, Isshu
Appearance: Daniel has very spiky dirty-blond hair with a yellow patch, though this patch is actually Chu, his Bachuru, who feeds off of his static electricity by riding in his hair. His spiky hair is actually a mullet that has spiked up thanks to Chu. He has striking blue eyes, and a lanky build, being 6'4". He has on a T-Shirt with some sort of funny Pokemon anecdote, a safari vest, jeans, hiking boots, a pair of headphones around his neck that are attached to a hi-tech SilphCo device called a "myPod", and a pair of aviator goggles just above his hairline. He also carries around a backpack that has all sorts of gear, including a special extendable bug-catching net, camera and a laptop.
Biography: Daniel Andrews, aka, "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles", is a legend on the Pokemon World's Internet. Founder and Chief Administrator of ThatGuyWithTheGoggles.mon, Daniel started the site when he was 14 so he could help out Bug Catchers (and later Pokemaniacs) everywhere. With helpful information detailing the latest swarms and how to find the rarest of bugs, TGWTG.mon has grown into an Internet powerhouse. With supporting admins "Linkcada", "TheSpinnyOne", and "TheShedinjaSnob", Daniel now has hundreds of thousands of fans across the world and dozens of contributors to his site. He eventually decided to go try out the newly-opened Kiatsu League, but instead of using his own collection of Pokemon, he asked his followers to send in their baby Pokemon in a contest. He eventually chose a cute little Bachuru, whom he named "Chu", a Trapinch mistakenly given to him by "TheFlygonFan", an eccentric minor reviewer of Pokemon films, and a Meraruba given to him as a present by his supportive staff. He plans to chronicle his adventures regularly.
Personality: Daniel is a bit wacky, but he is good-natured, and never means to do any harm. He loves Bug Pokemon, and is a great nature enthusiast. To him, Pokemon-catching is a way of life, and he loves this way of life to the fullest. He is also an expert Pokemon Breeder, and genuinely cares for any Pokemon.
Trainer Type: Ultimate Bug Catcher
Starter Pokemon:
"Chu" Bachuru LV1 ♀
Silver Powder
String Shot, Spider Web, Leech Life, Thunder Wave

"Chomper" Trapinch LV2 ♂
Arena Trap
Soft Sand
Bite, Bug Bite, Earth Power, Dig

"Mothra" Meraruba (Shiny) LV3 ♀
Flame Body
Sitrus Berry
Ember, String Shot, Insect Opposition, Zen Headbutt
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