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My Evil Deck

EHERO Andrew

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These are the most commonly used decks:



Perfect Circle

Light and Darkness Perfect Circle



OMFG!! this little yugioh encyclopedia has post 2 decks as the most used (yes, 2... because perfect circle and light and darkness perfect circle ARE THE SAME!!!) and he completely forgot the following:


six samurai

apprentice monarch

zombie swarm (w/zombie master and ill blud)

CB abundance


pyro burn

demise OTK (still used)

ninja remover

warrior toolbox

monarch hydrobox



and two decks that are not very popular now but they're gaining followers: fairy counter and alien control... and guess what: NO HEROES WITH AN "E"


so, when you want to get the title of "the master of all yugioh knowledge" first get some info... put your money where your mouth is, that's the only way to get a beautiful and brand STFU!!

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I used a ehero deck (w/ non hero support) and all my opponents used perfect circle and six semari decks and they were amazed how good mine was. U treat my decks as a 100 percent failure, well it's not. And u guys r not getting my point. For the heroes to be good, they need non hero support. Support like cyber dragon or exiled forceand all that support. So before u persecute me, throw stones or jab me with sticks, I will prove to u guys that my deck can be a winning deck. I'm never gonna give up on the heroes! And that is what winners do! They never know when to quit!

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These are the most commonly used decks:



Perfect Circle

Light and Darkness Perfect Circle



you forgot



Stratos Toolbox

Apprentice Monarchs

Tomato Toolbox

Volcanic Monarchs

Counter Fairies

Machine Burn


Crystal Beasts



theres lots of variation there.


and you say theres no variation, so why are you playing E-Heroes, when a huge amount of people run the same thing?

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the reason you feel different from others is because you lose...all the time.


lol' date=' nice one.


Andrew, listen up.


Stop with the heroes.


They just don't work, enough said. Seriously, it has to stop.

Just take all the staple cards you have and make a deck.

It will be much better than this, for sure.


And don't even start a Rainbow Neos / Dark Gaia deck.

Those two monsters might be powerful, but what If I said

I was going to make a Vennominaga / VWXYZ deck? No.


Stop for your own sake.

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bc heroes are never used in tournaments. I'm always the one with heroes. And I like it. Bc I feel separate or different from the others.


E-Heroes ARE sometimes run in tournys, and you what? They mostly all the time LOSE! I was lucky enough to make an E-Hero deck that actually got 2-2 at my tourny. (But I went up against REALLY crappy decks.). I learned that E-Heroes are NOT good. And I stopped playing them, now stop using them, and you'll win some duels.



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Ha, ha. Your saying that E-Heroes rock, when all your doing is saying all the same sheet that most people with E-Hero decks would say. "I WILL WIN!" And then someone finally comes and beats the sheet out of you in a Duel and they quit dueling. lol


More or less the Person who runs a Elemental/Evil Hero Deck. Quits. Also can I join this unofficial club? To make it official.


Also about someone looks at my decks and see what are they in even with the banned cards. =D


The only day I make a E-Hero deck is a day I GO TO HELL.

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I'm always the one with heroes. And I like it. Bc I feel separate or different from the others.




so many people use heros....and you said no one makes new decks!


I know I said this alreadt but...practice what you preech!


make a new deck!


make....OSCILLO HEROS!!!!...I'm kidding, if you do....someone will go missing.....

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Holy Enigma said, "people who use E-Heroes quit dueling". If that is true, then how how come I didn't quit yet? You guys can throw your high and mighty speeches on me, but read this, I dueled someone at the PHDN preview (he used a Dragon/Cyber deck or Zane's Cyber Dark Dragon Deck) with my Evil Hero Deck (the first post) and I beat him in 2 turns. What do you say to that?


The defense rests...

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so andrew, i have news for you... YOU'RE NOT JADEN!!!



the only e-hero deck with no-hero support that can be good is stratos toolbox, the other ones NEEDS supports like miracle fusion, e-emergency call, hero counterattack, and cards like poly, king of the swamp, etc...



let's face it, heroes will win when the UDE guys make an e-hero so broken that it becomes banned the next week of it's release... until then your e-heroes sucks ducks...

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