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SuperNatural Hunters ReMIX (started and still accpting)

Joey Miles

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[spoiler] Name: Selinis Glass

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 22


Personality: What your temperament is like.

Appearance: Use any pic and a brief description.

Hollow abilities: The Following 2 spoilers are 2 versions of one ability. You decide on which version makes the cut (I'd prefer version 2 to make the cut though)[list]
[*][spoiler](Okay this is the first version.....its very underpowered and a lot more hard to implement)Selinis has the ability to create her own hollows, Now that of course seems overpowered but I'm here to say that by the time your done reading this you will think its underpowered. For one lets start with what it takes to make these hollows.. For one thing she can only make one hollow per post with a max of ten in all. She also has to permanently remove Reiatsu into the created hollow. This hollow will have the same amount of Reiatsu that she removed. Here's an example. Say she has 7000 total and she uses 1000 for a hollow, the hollow will have 1000 and she will have 6000. Now lets move on to how much they gain per 1000. They get 10% of what she would get so, she gets 900 and a made hollow gets 100 but that 10% will be divided evenly among the created hollows. So if there are two of them then they get 50 each instead of 100. Now As you have most likely guessed, this alone makes the made hollows very weak but that's fine cause there two up-sides to this. The first being if a made hollow dies she gains the amount of Reiatsu it had. Now as for the second this one is simple, each made hollow has its own ability which I for one will be so kind as to tell you what they are along with other details about the hollows in general. Anyways a few other things you should know about this ability. It takes ten minutes for her to create a hollow so this isn't something she can use in combat unless she has incredibly reliable back up. The created Hollows are in a way her but more like there different personalities of herself (some are even the opposite gender which I find really odd and I'm the one who created them). With this being said if one of these hollow die she can recreate it, at which point they will have all there abilities but if they had achieved arrancar state then they won't be arrancers when they are brought back.[/spoiler]
[*][spoiler](Okay Second version) Selinis has the ability to create hollows. These hollows are split personalities of herself because of this they have different abilities. Now in this version however there are some big changes. Mostly in the SP gain rate. The biggest change in this is that all the created hollows start out at 5k reiatsu. The next is that for every 2k reiatsu Selinis has excluding the first 5k the created hollows gain 1k. So if Selinis has 37k reiatsu then that means first you take the starting 5k reiatsu out and divide the remainder by 2 so that means that the created hollows will each have a total of 21k reiatsu which is including their starting reiatsu. Another thing is the stat points, I wasn't able to figure a way to make a decent system for the first version but in this one it only took minutes. Basically its the same as the normal stat gain system that is currently up now but instead the difference is the created hollows gain only 2 points. Now lets move onto how to make it balanced, so far this has seemed very overpowered but luck-ally I found a way to balance it. Remember how I said a created hollow gains basically half the reiatsu that Selinis gains? Well that hasn't changed but only when they are first created will they be able to gain a massive amount of reiatsu, when they die and are brought back then they half to start all over. So here's the difference. Say Emera is first created and Selinis has 10k reiatsu, then that would mean that Emera would have 7k reiatsu but now lets say Emera dies and Selinis brings her back and lets also say Selinis still has 10k reiatsu, so now Emera would only have 5k reiatsu. See the big difference there. Oh yes, I almost forgot about starting stats. The starting stats are the same as any other hollow, bare in mind that each created hollow has its own type. Alright now that that's all said and done lets move onto the minor things. Like in the first version, the created hollows still have their own abilities but unlike the first she doesn't gain any reiatsu if they die. Also like the first version if she kills one of her created hollows then they can never be created again and she doesn't gain anything. I'm still going to try and push for the created hollows being able to achieve arrancar state. Also like the first version it will still take her 10 minutes to create a hollow. The final thing about this ability is that she can only make a hollow every 5 threads excluding the first created hollow, though I don't plan on making it in the introductory post. Hollows will be created in the same order as they are marked in this application.[/spoiler][/list]

The Following 10 spoilers are the 10 created hollows
1. Name: Emera

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to this hollow being a creation of Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Her ability is to control water in a plasma state. This is not to be confused with the to control over water in a solid, liquid, or gas state. This is because plasma is what some consider as the forth state of matter. She creates this water plasma from the water in the air along with electricity. This water plasma is extremely hot and will be able to burn through most things. Following this she uses it to enhance her claws and tail. The maximum control she can use with this is to make semi-complicated shapes such as a net or spikes across her body.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: While in her Resurrecion form she utilizes her water plasma ability to its maximum potential. This meaning she can compress her water plasma into a solid state. This is what the metallic armor on her body and the anchor she wields is made of. However this solid form of water plasma is very heavy which is why there isn't a whole lot of it covering her body. Also she possesses greater control over the movements of this plasma and can create it into very complicated shapes. She is also able to create more of this plasma then before but that's an obvious fact.[/spoiler]2
2. Name: Zoe

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Zoe's hollow ability is to form a barrier around herself that is shaped as her form. This barrier is completely gas proof. The barrier moves with as she moves, so if she moves her right arm then in turn the barrier will move its right arm. Another interesting fact about this barrier is that it posses X strength, X equaling her strength times the barriers size. What this means is if the barrier is twice as big as her then its strength will be twice that of her own natural strength. Now the way I figure it, is that I need to put a limiter on this so it doesn't get out of hand so what I'm going to do is for every 10k she has she will get a 1+ to its size. She will be able to have it at twice her size if she has below 10k though, then at 20k 3x her size and so forth and so on. The barrier can only be seen by others if they have equal to or higher Sp then her own. Not only this but the barrier's color is the same as her Reiatsu. If the barrier takes damage then she takes damage though it won't be as great of damage as it would be due to the size factor. That's about it for this ability.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: Now this is ability unlike like the original hollow ability is rather bland. See basically it takes the original abilities barrier and compresses it down doubling the strength the barrier max size had to Zoe. So in other words if the barrier went up to 4x her size then her strength would be 8x her normal strength. The biggest down side of this is damage is it's doubled....so yeah not really a good thing. [/spoiler]3
3. Name: Derin

Gender: Male

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Derin's hollow ability is like tag, a extremely deadly game of tag that will turn the loser into stone, no seriously stone. Here's how it works, when Derin touches his attacker/prey, a greenish stone will begin to grow where the attacker/prey was hit. Now this stone won't be growing super fast, I'd calculate that it grows around the attacker/prey at about an inch per minute. Then once his attacker/prey hits him, stone will begin to grow on him as well but guess what, the stones growth rate for both of them double. As each hits each other the stone growth speed will continue until the loser is completely covered in stone at which point the winner will have the stone crack and fall off almost instantly.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: Okay for starters, ability has his original ability but the stone's growth rate on him is halved. Moving on. Derin can now even remove some of this stone from his body and through it, if so the stone will continue to grow even once it hits something. Not only this but now as long as he is in this form anything he touches even himself or objects will have stones growing and what ever the stone touches will begin to have the stone grow out it making it a really deadly game in dead. [/spoiler]4
4. Name: Cammy

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Cammy's hollow ability is razor sharp hair. This hair covers her entire body. Though the hair looks black its really white. Why you say....well its because it takes in light and converts it to darkness. The hair itself can grow out to about 5feet and can retract back to its normal length. The cutting strength is basically that it can easily cut through wood. That is about it for this ability.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: Now the resurrecion ability. No longer does her hair take on a black-ish look caused by the light to darkness conversion. The hair is now can cut through steel with general ease. As well as this the hair now has very small hooks not seen by the naked eye which is very important. This hooks inject a powerful paralysis poison that if not treated within a day will kill the victim. The poison's paralysis effect will take 10 minutes to fully paralyze the victim[/spoiler]5
5. Name: Sora

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Sora's ability involves creating multiple limbs. So basically she can create arms and legs anywhere on her body. These limbs are the same size as her other arms/legs.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: In this form her body is completely covered in gold. This gold is very tough. Anyways her multiple limbs ability somewhat stays the same. The limbs can become change into sword like blades. Of course these limbs are also covered in gold.[/spoiler]6
6. Name: Crystal

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Crystals hollow ability mainly involves pain lose. She has very thin unnoticeable scales on her body that she can fire out at enemies. If an enemy is hit by one of these scales their pain signals will be blocked…..so in other words they cant feel pain. Now after a while Crystal can use her mind to remove these scales from the person but not right away. What happens once all the scales are out is rather simple, all that pain that was being block rushes out to the brain causing a huge spike of pain (I‘m sure you can imagine what that means). So really this ability is for strategic use. This ability still applies even if she dies.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: While in this form she has her old hollow ability but with some changes. Now first things first, by her side is a shadowy image of herself, this image can‘t fight or in that matter get hit directly. Its purpose is to take any damage that Crystal would take. If in this way the shadowy image sustain enough damage to die then it will vanish (the shadowy image can take as much damage as Crystal can) and Crystal will start to take the hits for real. Now lets move on to one of the other parts of her ability. Crystal carriers a gun that looks like a cross between a shotgun and a syringe. This gun of course can fire ceros but what its meant to fire is a red liquid (she only has 30 shots worth of the red liquid). This red liquid has similar properties to that of what her scales had but lets go into more detail. If you get hit by it your skin turns red and of course it’ll block your pain signals from reaching your brain. Though once unlike before it’ll double the pain you take. After a while Crystal can remove the liquid out of the body regardless of the distance at which point three things will happen. [list]
[*] the syringe in her right hand will fill up slightly (depends on how many people are having the liquid removed & is fully filled up if all 30 shots worth (30 people hit, very unlikely) are used correctly)
[*]all the hits on the shadowy image will heal up or if it’s gone, a new one will form (if Crystal has taken hits then the shadowy image wont be able to take as much hits as it did before even if its fully restored)
[*]the person(s) having the liquid removed will now feel the doubled pain that has been blocked by the liquid [/list]
So now we move on to the last part of the ability. Crystal carriers a syringe which is strong enough to be used like a sword but what’s its intended for is to inflict a major amount of pain at one time. The liquid inside it is literally liquid pain which is gained only one way (see list above). Basically it takes a copy of the pain that was being blocked and then added to the syringe. Then once the syringe is injected into someone they take all the pain that the syringe stored.[/spoiler]7
7. Name: Peter

Gender: Male

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: This hollow has very similar abilities of that of a Quincy. He can form mouths of any size across any part of his body. These mouths are used to absorb spirit particles which is called “El Hambre Vacío” or “Empty Hunger”. There are two moves that he can use after “El Hambre Vacío”, “Vaciarse” and the “Ruta Vacía”. “Vaciarse” or “Empty Run” occurs when his mouths ingest the gathered spirit particles enabling him to run at a Shun Po like speed though it is slower then a Shun Po. “Ruta Vacía” or “Empty Path” is different, the spirit particles compresses down and then fired out like a cero though into a much more narrow beam.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities:Now there isn't much to say about his ressurecion. Though suppose the biggest thing is that he can now in this form he can combine the “Ruta Vacía” with a Cero to create an incredibly powerful beam. Now this alone would be great but he has a greater “Hambre Vacío” which means that mouths he creates will attract more spirit particles at a faster rate. This combined with multiple mouths and “Ruta Vacía” means a blast that will cover a full 360 degrees around him.[/spoiler]8
8. Name: Terrance

Gender: Male

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Located beneath the skin of his right arm are five circles. Theses circles are limiters to his strength. When each circle is released each will glow yellow, this glow can be seen on the outside of his arm. The first circle which is the one closest to his hand, when activated will boost his strength by 5%. Then the next three will boost his strength by 10%. Finally the last circle will boost his strength by 15% making a combined total of 50%. However if all 5 circles are activated for more then 2 posts they will glow red, making him instead loose his boosted strength along with his strength being cut in half for 7 posts.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities: Now he has 10 circles but they run down his spine instead of across his arm. When each one is activated a silver spike grows out of each circle. When the first circle is activated his strength will be boosted by 5%, this is the same for the next 4 circles. Once the 6th circle is activated a hole on his left should will form along with his strength being boosted by 10%. The next three circles will give the same amount of strength boost as the 6th one did. Once the 10th and final circle is activated a hole will open on his right shoulder along with his strength being boosted by 35%making a grand total of 100% boost to his strength. Now that both holes in his shoulders are opened he can use them. These holes are used to create an extraordinarily powerful cero that can be fired from the back or the front side of the holes. What the holes do is convert his strength into reyk. The biggest down side of this however is that once fired he instantly transforms back and his health drops down to 1. [/spoiler]9
9. Name: Pam

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities: Meh she doesn’t really have an interesting ability. All she can do is change any part of her right arm into a weapon.

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities:[/spoiler]10
10. Name:

Gender: Female

Race: Hollow

Age: 0

Biography: Not applicable due to it being a creation of a hollow I.E. Selinis.



Hollow abilities:

(you decide if the created hollows can become Arrancar) Resurrecion abilities:[/spoiler]

Resurrecion abilities:

Been working on this for another site for months
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Name: Rocky
Alias/Title: Fang
Age: 16
Gender: male
Appearance: Imagine it [url="http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20vampire%20boy/meh366/Anime%2520males/vampire_boy.jpg"]Without wings[/url]
Personality:He stays ussaully very calm, collected, and nice until he has less than 50% of the blood that he needs to stay alive. When that happens, he goes berserk and doesn't care who's looking, he will kill and drink peoples blood until he has 100% of his blood supply back. Anyone who sees him do this will "Mysteriliosy die" with a set of holes in their necks before they tell anyone else he is a vampire. If that does happens, the people who did hear will also mystiriously die. He has had to wipe out entire cities. He tries not to make good relation ships with people so he doesn't have to make a decision on wether or not to kill them.When he is above 50% blood, he only drinks blood when he is alone with someone else. Then, he says a vampire burst in and killed the other person, and he saw the back of the vampire when he flew out.
Species: Vampire
Weapons: Fangs, Claws
Abilities: He has super Speed, and he can turn his fingers sharp claws
Bio: One day, when he was asleep, a vampire burst into his house and bit him, but did not know how to finish him, so he became a vampre. He did not know until it was too late. He killed his Dad when he was with him and his mom. When that happened, he knew he could never be with her again. She went to another vampire speacilizing in memory. He asked him the following, while trying very hard not to cry his eyes out: "I...I... I need you to complete wipe her memory. She needs to think she is a single woman who works at a very well known paper business." At first, the vampire looked at him, and then his neck. Noticing, Rocky showed her his fangs, and she said "I get it. There are so many vampires these days that don't know how to finish a job." She did the job, and Rocky left her in the house, and ran away, as far from the house as he could get, using the speed he had gotten when he was bitten. "I'll try to get you back." Those were his final words. He later found out about his claws when he became very mad at a store dealer, who ripped him off. He then ripped him, but not off. He was changed at that point, and was a very vicous and mean when he was low on blood
Interesting Facts:He is afraid of almost animal with more than 2 legs. The only one he is not afraid of is the cat. He also has no last name, so no-one actually identifies him as the Rocky that kills lots of people. His claws cannot stay concealed when he is feeling extreme amounts of any emotion.
RP Sample: "Oh no, it feels like i'm getting low on blood. i need to find a victim." Rocky cout a window out of its frame with his claws. He looked around, and saw a young woman sitting on a couch, talking idely to a man. "I'll just wait till he leeves" Rocky said quitley "then I'll suck her blood." The man eventaully got up and left. "Hello little lady."Rocky said to the woman, making sure to show his fangs. He liked to play with his food. "It's a-""Shhhhh, you wouldn't want to attract your neighbors. That would be very bad if they had to die too." He said, right before muffling her screams as he plunged his teeth into her neck, sucking the life, and blood, out of her. Walking back into the forest in which he lived, he said to himself, "What have i become. Help me, mother."

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[/color][/size]Gender: male
Appearance: Imagine it [url="http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20vampire%20boy/meh366/Anime%2520males/vampire_boy.jpg"][color="#284b72"]Without wings[/color][/url]
Personality:He stays ussaully very calm, collected, and nice until he has less than 50% of the blood that he needs to stay alive. When that happens, he goes berserk and doesn't care who's looking, he will kill and drink peoples blood until he has 100% of his blood supply back. Anyone who sees him do this will "Mysteriliosy die" with a set of holes in their necks before they tell anyone else he is a vampire. If that does happens, the people who did hear will also mystiriously die. He has had to wipe out entire cities. He tries not to make good relation ships with people so he doesn't have to make a decision on wether or not to kill them.When he is above 50% blood, he only drinks blood when he is alone with someone else. Then, he says a vampire burst in and killed the other person, and he saw the back of the vampire when he flew out.
Species: Vampire
Weapons: Fangs, Claws
Abilities: He has super Speed, and he can turn his fingers sharp claws
Bio: One day, when he was asleep, a vampire burst into his house and bit him, but did not know how to finish him, so he became a vampre. He did not know until it was too late. He killed his Dad when he was with him and his mom. When that happened, he knew he could never be with her again. She went to another vampire speacilizing in memory. He asked him the following, while trying very hard not to cry his eyes out: "I...I... I need you to complete wipe her memory. She needs to think she is a single woman who works at a very well known paper business." At first, the vampire looked at him, and then his neck. Noticing, Rocky showed her his fangs, and she said "I get it. There are so many vampires these days that don't know how to finish a job." She did the job, and Rocky left her in the house, and ran away, as far from the house as he could get, using the speed he had gotten when he was bitten. "I'll try to get you back." Those were his final words. He later found out about his claws when he became very mad at a store dealer, who ripped him off. He then ripped him, but not off. He was changed at that point, and was a very vicous and mean when he was low on blood
Interesting Facts:He is afraid of almost animal with more than 2 legs. The only one he is not afraid of is the cat. He also has no last name, so no-one actually identifies him as the Rocky that kills lots of people. His claws cannot stay concealed when he is feeling extreme amounts of any emotion.
RP Sample: "Oh no, it feels like i'm getting low on blood. i need to find a victim." Rocky cout a window out of its frame with his claws. He looked around, and saw a young woman sitting on a couch, talking idely to a man. "I'll just wait till he leeves" Rocky said quitley "then I'll suck her blood." The man eventaully got up and left. "Hello little lady."Rocky said to the woman, making sure to show his fangs. He liked to play with his food. "It's a-""Shhhhh, you wouldn't want to attract your neighbors. That would be very bad if they had to die too." He said, right before muffling her screams as he plunged his teeth into her neck, sucking the life, and blood, out of her. Walking back into the forest in which he lived, he said to himself, "What have i become. Help me, mother."

(Sorry bout that)
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everything else, i'm sorry for, but the reason i double posted my app is because, if you actualy looked at them you would have noticed this, i forgot to do the red letters bigger size thing, and whenever i edit my post, all the spaces dissapear, sohavefuntryingtofindeverydarnspaceinthissentencecausethatswhatihavetodoeverytimeineedtoeditmypost
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Ultima if I really have to then very well


First off the personality is completely screwed up. You begin by stating he is usually calm and what not but then begin talking about his feeding habits after the second sentance. Feeding habits are NOT a part of the personality. Pretty much . . . it is in shambles and hardly worth calling a personality.

Weapons Flaw. Seriously? Seriously!? Fangs and claws were ALL you could come up with for a weapon, not even a simple dagger came to mind? I'd not have been worried if you had put anyhting else, but I can't just deal with the copout of "oooh he a vampire so he fight with fangs and claws!"

Abilities is super speed and he can, what I assume you meant to say, turn his fingers into shapr claws. Super Speed is something that EVERY vampire has in common so it's not exactly an ability. As for turning his fingers into sharp claws I think that hardly counts as one either <_<

Biography . . . biography . . . meaning an interesting backstory to how your character became who is is now and his present goals. This is the single most important part of any application and, quite honestly, you flunked it hard. I don't want to sound mean but did you have to go with the cookie-cutter method of, "he was just bitten one night when he was asleep"? I'm not going to count how many times I've read that, but it still isn't any more interesting than the last.

From there you went on to say he murdered his father, while he was with both parents; yet suprisingly he doesn't kill the mom- you never say why. Instead you forget that important little detail and continue on to speaking about a vampire with memory manipulation; this I don't mind at all considering what I thought you were going to do. What did I think you'd do? Have your character forget his mother and father . . . THAT would take the plot into a new interesting twist.

But sadly you did not do something like that, instead having the vampire erase the MOTHER'S memory, which why she still lives is a mystery you've never answered, and made her think she works at a well known newspaper.

I wont continue analyzing the bio, seeing as I stopped reading about this point- the rest was moot anyways.

Interesting facts was actually well done for the first part. Scared of anything with more than two legs, but not afraid of cats. That would be an interesting phobia he had if the application had been accepted. But when you say he couldn't hide his claws that actually belonged in the bio along with the explination you gave.

RP Sample is norrible all around. Grammar, punctuation, character believability . . . all of it just tastes sour and rotten when I read it.

Well there you have it. You asked to know why and I gave you my reasons. Also, Nexus is right in stating you couldn't've bumped the page on the same day, no matter a little more than an hour after you posted the app.

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Ultima you have two more chances but after that you have to wait a month to try again. I understand you wanting to join but I cannot in good conciousness allow someone who I feel doesn't meet certain goals in their application(s)- also know I will be equally as critical of the others as I was with the first.

However, if you were too fail in the next two attempt, you cannot post until the month is up for any reason what so ever. Be it asking if the month is almost up or for another chance, if you post after the third app was denied you will NOT be allowed to retry again . . . ever . . . period. Is that clear?
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