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.:Overdrive:. 's Shop [CLOSED]


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[spoiler=Special Birthday Order for a buddy]

Text: Black-Skull Cortez

Text color: Black

Text size: Big

Anything else: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081202035755/sonic/images/thumb/a/a3/0152_sonic_unleashed.png/275px-0152_sonic_unleashed.png



Render/Stock: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:p3ehrkwRFX5etM:http://i36.tinypic.com/33vccbm.png&t=1

Colors: Black surrounding render would be cool.

Anything else (Border): Do whatever you think would make it look snazzy.


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• Cost: 15 points.







• Cost: 15 points.







• Cost: 15 points.




[spoiler=Fusion X. Denver]





• Notes: The 2nd render is not actually a render. So, I used the 1st one for the avi.

• Cost: 20







• Cost: 5 points.



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Hey , Could you add a christmas hat to the alexis in my avi and maybe some snow?


I'll pay however much you want.

Then, I'll need to make a new avi 'cause I can't fit the hat on the current avi. Can I make the new one?


Would you be able to do this with my avi too?


But no snow, and make the hat Tron-like

Tron-like? Um...yeah, I can try.

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