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Team Pokemon vs Team Disaster! (IC/Always Accepting via OOC)


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"Heh guys I'm Flattered you guys are SO impressed with my team shoot it was all out of luck" Jake then gave one of the most rarest things he ever gave...a smile "Well currently to my knowledge the Johto legendarys are not that powerful well I've resarched them and I acually found a lot of useful stuff which is bad if I know things Team Disaster knows double.I'll brief you guys up though *ahem according to my knowledge the Johto region has 6 Legendarys Celebi ,Entei, Ho-Oh ,Lugia ,Raikou ,and Suicune. Raikou, Suicune and Entei are the Legendary dogs they can rain fire thunder and water storms of destruction if Team Disaster gets them. Ho-Oh, and Lugia are the masters of the Legendary Dogs and Legendary Birds, Respectively meaning they individually control them.Celebi has the power to go back or forward in time however by itself it can only jump a few months using a special cave called the time passage though the sky's the limit! welp that's all I know we should get going shall we? Ladies first ;) "

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Traugott walked up the stairs onto the main Deck. If his information was correct, Ashmin, leader of the well known relief Team, Team Pokemon, would be on deck and headed for Johto. Traugott admired what she does, for there should people like that cared for the well being of pokemon. As he continued to walk up the stairs, he saw the door to the main deck was yellow. This really messed with his day. He was having a semi good day and then this door show up and had to ruin everything! "Go, Slowking! destroy this door!" Traugott said and Slowking appeared. This Slowking was special, for it was one of the few that actually learned to speak the same langauge and thus causing Slowking to be Traugott's closest friend. The Slowking looked at the Door then back at Traugott, then said, "Honestly, when are you going to get over this thing about Yellow! Electivire is mostly yellow anyway...You just make no sense." Traugott shot alook and replied, "Electivire is different...He isnt yellow but Gold! There is a difference! Just get rid of the door." Traugott pointed at the door in disgust. Slowking just shook his head, "Fine, Here." The door vanished, as though it never existed. Returning Slowking, he made his way behind Ashmin and said,"Excuse me, Do you go by the Name Ashmin?"
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Before Ashmin could turn behind, Samantha turned behind. Her [s]yellow[/s] golden hair gleamed under the sunlight, sparkling like yellow stars. Jolta and Sarcophagus too turned behind. After that, her four other Pokemon turned behind too. After that, they all faced the front, and continued walking, away from the ship [b]after Ashmin did[/b]*. They were now in Johto.

"This is it. We're here, buddies, None of us have been here before. Good thing I have a... ma... aaa...ap..." Samantha has never been to Johto before. She came from Isshu, and have been to Kanto, Hoenn and Almia before. Once ma'am has finished with her conversation we're ready to move. Hope you guys are ready for this..." Her Beautifly flew off her head and fluttered around her, feeling excited.

OoC: *Don't mistake this for godmodding. It means that once you get off the ship Samantha will.
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The Absol watched Samantha, it's eyes staring at her physique; the pokemon drooled in excitement, [i]Her body is perfect! I must have a sample...[/i]. The Absol was, infact, Chimera; Advisor to Lance Albright and one of the highest authorities in Team Disaster! Chimera ran out of his cover and a moment later, he was infront of the girl, barking happily. Chimera's idea was to make the girl comfterble around him and then take her sample...
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Asuka had finished checking the base and she proceeded to make her way to theharbor to meet up with Ashmin. Suddenly, she noticed an aura similar to the one from the base. She looked down, watching an Absol approach Samantha. Asuka suddenly appeared behind the Absol."Samantha, watch out! That's no ordinary Absol! Ulgamoth, go! Bug Buzz attack!" she called as the red and orange moth shot out green waves at the Absol. Asuka landed next to Samantha. "That Absol's working with Team Disaster" Asuka explained. "Though last time, this same aura and energy came from a Tangrowth" she thought.
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Lex lept off the side of the ship and landed on her feet showing the physical skills of a ranger. Ninetales landed beside her with her tails fanned out. "Can't we even step off the ship without a battle?", mused Lex tossing a pokeball into the air. Vaporeon appeared on her other side. "Ninetales use flamewheel into flamethrower!", Lex ordered. 'HM!', Ninetales lept up into the air and whent into a flamewheel. As she headed for Chimera she used a flamethrower so that streams of fire shot out in every direction. She collided with Chimera and threw her back before landing next to Lex again. "Now time too coll this Absol down. Water pulse into Ice beam!", yelled Lex. Vaporeon shot two water pulses at Chimera before freezing them with and ice beam into balls of ice.
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Terry had waved a greeting at the various members who'd shown up, but had spent most of the time in thought. There were quite a few things on his mind, and although a lot of them were intricate scientific hypotheses that would probably bore even the most dedicated trainer, his mind never strayed too far from the fact that most of the members of the team were undeniably children. [i]I guess children have always been key to saving the world,[/i] he mused, [i]I guess I did my share back then as well. Still, I guess I can see why my parents worried now.[/i] He was aroused from his thoughts by the sight of a battle. It seemed some Absol had gotten the attention of both Lex and Auska, who he presumed was already in Johto. He watched, interested as to how these two had progressed since he'd last seen them in action.
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'You! I thought we delt with you last time but I guess not!', Ninetales growled sending her sharp anger through telepathy. Lex narrowed her eyes as Vapreon's attacks collided with Chimera but didn't knock the dark pokemon down. "So you're still up to your games then. Chimera.", said Lex putting a hand on her hip. She reconized the Advisor of Team Disaster as soon as Ninetales said something. "What are you after this time Chimera? Surely Lance has top intelegence officers or spys to do jobs like this...unless he couldn't find a good enough agernt?!", Lex was cool and calm. "So tell us what you're after this time around."
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Samantha was interested in catching the Absol and temporarily storing it in her Pokemon Storage back in Isshu, until she found out it was Chimera. Her Beautifly then used a string shot to pin it at one place, in order to prevent him from escaping. Beautifly then used its orange wings and flapped it quickly while using Stun Spore on the creature

"Never grab me or my friends," she said in her usual 'cute voice' while holding her 'Monarch' Beautifly in her hands. "So, where's the other ambassador?"

Meanwhile, Jonathan Ragnarok Sparks too, another of Lance's right-hand men, was watching the gang from above. "My sister? And her gang? Well, looks like I'll have to send one of you down." Jonathan took out three cubes and threw them into the air. Emerged from them was a blue, fighter-like creature with a taekwondo suit and a giant, ancient bipedal Dinosaur and a bagworm that appeared to be covered with soil.

"Now Wormadam, Chop, ride on Rampardos. Rampardos, slide down safely but quickly."

The worm and warrior rode on the Dinosaur as it slid down the hill. It had ambushed the gang!

"Rampardos! Dageki! Wormadam! They're my brother's!" Samantha suddenly realised she had spilt the beans. "Sorry for not telling you all earlier..."

The minute Sarcophagus saw Rampardos, she was extremely furious. She fired bandages from her mouth, directed at Rampardos. Rampardos was completely sealed, but managed to break out. Rampardos then used Thunder on Jolta and Electron. Surprsingly, it affected them. It then continued by using Earth Power on Sparks. The Earth Power somehow managed to hit the mid-air hovering electric eel. Sparks was hurt very badly due to it being super-effective.

"But how? That's impossible!" Samantha and her Pokemon started running as they were being chased by the giant Rampardos, like some T-Rex in Jurassic Park. Samantha screamed due to her cowardliness. Jolta, still standing strong, turned back. Both his legs started glowing. He spun around and hit Rampardos with a Double Kick. Rampardos was pushed back. The Wormadam used Psychic to lift Samantha up, but that was the best it could do. Chop then used his Blue Legs to attack Samantha with a Double Kick. Electron countered with a strong Stomp attack, pinning the blue fighter down with his strong hooves.
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Chimera snarled, this Asuka girl was ruining everything! He cursed under his breath, he'll have to get a sample another time. Suddenly, six viles appeared out of his back, one of them was empty. The empty vile started filling with black liquid, while a vile with dark green liquid slowly emptied; While this happened, Chimera began to change. His bones snapped, reconnected, and repositioned, his skin distorted and his fur fell off. What was once a Sly Absol was now a mighty Tyranitar! Chimera roared at the two girls...
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(ooc: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! So many posts!)
Ashmin nodded. "Indeed, I am Ashmin. Who asks?" She stated simply. The ship docked, and she got off, and noticed an absol. "It shouldn't be here." She muttered. "Absol's come from the Hoenn, not the Johto." She was rather confused. She was surprised when Asuka came out and declared it was Chimera. But when she noticed the viles, she knew it was him. "Curses!" She muttered, snatching a Pokeball from her belt. "GO, Sazandora!" The named Pokemon appeared. "Now Sazandora, Dragon Pulse!" Sazandora shot a beam of Dragon energy at Chimera, who was now a Tyranitar.
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"Ulgamoth, return! Sazandora, you're up as well!" Asuka called, releasing a blue and black hydra-like dragon that appeared next to Ashmin's. "Sazandora, use Surf!" Asuka declared as Sazandora released a huge wave, which collided into the Dragon Pulse, making it transform into a giant, blue twister. "No wonder I can sense the same aura in different Pokemon...it was all him..." Asuka thought as she glared at the Tyranitar, though her glare looked about as "scary" as a smile. "Alright, Ashmin. Let's finish off this overgrown science project...Sazandora! Earth Power!" she commanded, as the hydra released a fissure which opened up underneath the Tyranitar and shot large, molten rocks at the Tyranitar.
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Samantha's odd-coloured Beautifly decided to help. The orange portions of her wings which made up a majority of her wing's colour started glowing even orange-er. It seemed to be absorbing Solar Energy.

"All right, now Beautifly, release Solarbeam!" Samantha shouted.

"BEEEEAAAAUUUU!" Beautifly released a strong beam from her mouth. It focused on the Target with her orange eyes, ensuring it hit Tyranitar.

"Grass beats Rock, I guess..." Samantha shivered, fearing that Tyranitar endured it.

Beautifly was then hit by a Karate Chop from Chop. Samantha turned at the direction where Chop was.

"Jonathan Sparks! My evil twin! How could you..." Samantha was sad, not furious.

"The name's Ragnarok. Jonathan Ragnarok Sparks..." Jonathan- or should I say, Ragnarok, replied.
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Chimera endured the earth power, roaring in pain; and when the Solarbeam came towards him, he transformed. The viles on his back reappeared, and the empty one filled itself halfway with Tyranitar's DNA, while another vile emptied itself halfway aswell. This transformed the Tyranitar into a terrifying form, the tyranitar's skin turned blue, his legs reformed into his body and his tail grew to the length of an Arbok's body. Tyranitar's back exploded as six wings bursted out of his back, similar in appearance to that of a Sazandora's wings; the transfromation looked like a cross betwee a Sazandora and a Tyranitar! Chimera then dodged the attack by flying into the air, he laughed at them and tried to escape...
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Ashmin shook her head, "Oh no you don't!" She declared. "Sazandora, Fly!!" Sazandora spread it's wings, then flapped them, and soared speedily through the sky after Chimera. "Now Sazndora, use Tri Atack!" Sazandora formed three orbs of power, of which it then proceeded to hurl through the sky after the fleeing Chimera. Ashmin's attention was caught by "Ragnarock" approaching. " We just got here and they've already ambushed us! You seriously can't be serious..." She muttered.
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"OK Sarcophagus, quick, use Mean Look!" The coffin-like creature used her green eyes to form a mean-looking face, in order to prevent Chimera from escaping. She then used a strong Shadow Ball into the air. "Now Ditto, its your move, stand in there and use Transform on Chimera!"

Ditto started morphing into Chimera's form. Ditto too flew into the sky in order to catch Chimera. Beautifly tagged along with Ditto. Sarcophagus and Jolta were returned to their Pokecubes. Samantha mounted Electrons back and Electron used his hooves to climb the rocky mountain, all the way up in order to reach Chimera. Sparks, on the other hand, levitated in order to tag along with Beautifly.

"Sparks, use Charge Beam! Beautifly, Aerial Ace! Electron, Stomp!"

Ragnarok then ordered his Rampardos to use Earth Power on Sazandora. Somehow, He managed to strike.

"Indeed, I defy the laws of Physics," Ragnarok smirked as Wormadam used Bug Bite on Sazandora.
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"So that's Chimera," Terry muttered, "and it seems someone else has joined the party. It looks like I may have to get involved." He leaped over the railing and dropped onto the docks before reaching for a pokéball. "Heracross, let's go," he called, a large beetle with an immense horn bursting forth in a flash of white light. "Hold for a moment," he cautioned, Heracross hovering in front of him, waiting to know what to strike. "Let's see how this unfolds. I want to see if they can handle this by themselves, and it seems as though miss Sparks has some history with the new arrival."
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Ditto distracted Chimera by continuously hurling strong punches at him. Thanks to its new Transformation, Ditto has become much stronger.

Sparks directed electrical rays at Chimera. He was sneaky enough to hit, and his next Charge Beam would be stronger. Beautifly flapped her orange wings. She flew up, and then struck like a ninja. Electron, on the other hand, galloped quickly and then jumped into the air and slammed down on Chimera with this strong hooves.

Ragnarok was still down there. He sent out an Ariados, which was totally black, except the red marking on his back. "Ariados, Spider Web on Team Pokemon..."

Ariados used Spider Web and caused everyone to be trapped. "Quick, everyone return. Its time for me to retreat!" Ragnarok dashed off, trapping everyone who was touching the ground below them.
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Ashmin noted Terry sending out Heracross, but was distracted by the faintest sound. A sound like a foot moving gently through grass. Ashmin stepped foward, and saw two blue eyes, half-hidden, stare out from a nearby bush. The owner of the eyes spoke. "You must be Ashmin." The soft voice said. Ashmin narrowed her eyes. "And you must be part of Team Disaster." She remarked. The eyes nodded. "Indeed. I am Azuki." The voice said, and the owner rose from behind the bush, not noticing Ashmin's surprised expression. "[i] WHAT! Azuki? But she doesn't look anything like her! I guess it's a different Azuki....[/i]" Ashmin thought, masking her expression before anyone noticed. Azuki chuckled slightly. "Before you ask, I am not here to battle. I am simply here to observe." She said in a reserved way. "Chimera and Jonathan are most likely just distractions sent by our leader. With them around, you people don't bother to look around to see if you're being watched." She smiled, a farway smile. "And now I know all I need to know. My information will greatly assist my task of finding your weaknesses, and the weaknesses of the legendaries." She turned to leave. "Also, you should give up and go. You will never succeed against the might of Team Disaster!" She laughed, and left, showing no sign that she'd ever been there. Ashmin pondered this, then called, "Good will always triumph over evil!" She said detirminedly.
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"Let's go! Heracross, use Aireal Ace and cut open that net," Terry called, the bettle-like pokémon bursting into action. As the net left the oddly coloured Ariodos, Heracross brought it's horn through the net at what seemed to be too fast, slicing the net apart and causing it to drop to the ground as mere tatters. [i]This is why you always have a backup,[/i] he mused. "Good job Heracross, now keep going and hit that Ariodos as well." Heracross, however, stopped, and Terry instantly noticed why.

It's target was gone, having been recalled when it's trainer decided to leave. Terry considered pursuing, but at this stage there was no point. He turned back to the rest of the team, to find Ashmin talking with someone else, that he didn't know. He headed over to her, eyes out for the return of the Team Disaster trainer, any strange antics from Chimera, or anyone else that would show up and try to ambush them, which he cursed himself for not having done earlier. [i]I must be getting out of practice. Still, I guess this mission will involve a lot of fieldwork.[/i]
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OoC: My sig previews how my Pokemon appear in the many RPs I'm in. Do note that.

"Hey look! My brother's gone! So are his Pokemon! He must be headed for..." Samantha gasped and was shocked. "OK Beautifly, Sleep Powder on Chimera, GO!" Beautifly sent powder upon Chimera, causing him to fall asleep.

"Alright, everyone return!" She returned everyone to their Pokecubes, except Electron, whom she was riding on. Electron galloped to the area where Ragnarok was, which was a very dense forest. Samantha dismounted her zebra Pokemon and sent out Jolta. "Now, sniff out Jonathan for me, please..." Jolta, with his strong scent of smell, sniffed out something. "Jolt!" Jolta shouted. "One of your kind? Female? That's too rare to be true. I smell a rat... or should I say, Eeveelution..." Jolta led the way to a Female Jolteon with a gothic-styled ribbon on her head. "This is owned by someone, obviously, but who is this person?"

Suddenly, Samantha and Jolta were both attacked by a silk string, coming from a tree. Down from it came a 'Black Widow' Ariados.

Samantha was going to scream, until Beautifly emerged from her Pokecube in order to cover Samantha's mouth. Samantha then panicked, "If he's there then-"

"I'm here," Ragnarok said, jumping down from the tree in one piece. "Now Joltrina, use Charge Beam on Beautifly..."

Beautifly was hit badly.
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Chimera batted all but Sazandora's Tri-Atack away. He yelled in pain as the attack connected, Chimera barely managed to dodge Beautifly's Sleep Powder! [i]...That strain of Beautifly must be rare, I should have a sample of it's DNA...[/i] The devious villan drooled thinking about all the experiments he could do with Beautifly's DNA! Chimera quickly fired a Hyper Beam at the strangely coloured Beautifly, hoping to knock it out of the sky...
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Beautifly used agility to dodge. Beautifly then flew up high into the sunny sky, above the forest, then fired a powerful Solarbeam, directed at Chimera, from above. Beautifly then dove down and cut the 'ropes' which sealed Jolta and Samantha.

"Oh, you forgot about ME!" Ragnarok shouted. "Joltrina, use helping hand with Chimera..." Joltrina jumped onto Chimera and joined forces.

"Jolta! You too! Use helping hand!" Beautifly then used her strong back to allow Jolta to ride on her. Beautifly kept using Agility to evade any missable attack that struck, then used an Aerial Ace to strike Joltrina while Jolta used Charge Beam on Chimera.

They were both stopped by two blue legs from Chop, Ragnarok's Dageki. Well, Aerial Ace was stopped, but hurt Chop very badly. Charge Beam worsened things for Chop, pushing him onto Chimera, electrocuting Chimera too. Joltrina simply jumped off safely.

"Don't do that next time until I tell you, Joltrina," Ragnarok told his Jolteon.
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Traugott came off the boat and saw that alot of people were coming off. Looking around, he found Ashmin and headed towards, hoping that he could finally meet her with running off. As he came nearer to her, Ashmin was shouting something about Good over evil and he just nodded his head. Now tapping her on the shoulder, he said, "Appearently we didnt get off right. My name is Traugott and here to help you with anything you need to stop 'evil' in the area." He put his hand out. "So what would you want me to do?"
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