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Yu-Gi-Oh: Signers of the Stars [Started/Accepting Here/OOC/Co-Hosted by evilfusion]

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The two terms confuse me a lot, too. Godmodding is being invincible. Powerplaying is controlling the other characters. I tend to invert the usage, though.

So Merciful, try to keep an eye on what you do to someone else's character. If it were my character, I'd probably be pretty annoyed, even if the actions are relatively minor.
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Up to you. Didn't you want him soul-sucked or whatever?

[spoiler=tournament status]
[u]0 losses[/u]

Lily (D-Signer. evilfusion)
Leuneth (D-Signer, LRZ)
Nikki (D-Signer, Zextra)
Zero (Signer, Trimage)
Kai (Neutral, Bluster Soldier)
Zeta (D-Signer, Merciful)

[u]1 loss[/u]

Strata (Signer, LRZ)
Katsuya (Neutral, 14Henderson)
Rori (Neutral/D-Signer Ally?, King Mew)
Seriph (Neutral, GrandRaine)
Kirin (Signer, Zextra)


Akurai ([s]Signer[/s], SSD)- Replaced
Dante (Neutral, GrandRaine)


Gabriel (Yliaster agent, jenofresh) vs Katsuya (neutral,14Henderson)

Meko (D-Signer, King Mew) vs Rin (D-Signer, Time Psyduck) Seriously? Huh, I didn't even notice that.

#91 (Signer Ally/Neutral, TheFinalFan) vs Kai (Neutral, Bluster Solider)

[u]Hasn't dueled[/u]

Name escapes me (Signer, The Big Chill)
Justin (Signer, evilfusion)
Maldito (D-Signer, MrThatUnKewl)
(Not participating) Xavier Padora(Signer Ally/Neutral, TheFinalFan)
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Divine vs Carly doesn't count? Rudger vs Rex doesn't count? That's the only time Dark Signers ever officially "won".

-Kiryu defeated Yusei, but the duel was interrupted before an official loss occurred.
-Misty defeated Aki (who had 2800 LP and no f/ds when Ccarayhua was Summoned), but the duel was cancelled
-Carly defeated Divine, who...somehow survived.
-Rudger defeated Rex. This was obviously fatal, as Rex was reborn as a Dark Signer, even stating he would die and wish to survive, so that he could be a Dark Signer.
-Rudger had a clear advantage against Yusei before switching to Rally, who proceeded to lose on purpose. Yusei had an unknown facedown.
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It was always strongly suggested the loser of a shadow duel died, if not becoming absorbed by the Immortal, such as Rally, since he returned when Uru was defeated. Divine's survival never made sense, since he was defeated within a geoglyph by an Immortal. Rex was the only other duelist beaten by a Dark Signer and he died but was reborn.
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How in the hell did Divine survive a fall from the top of a 30-story building designed with intricately sharp railings?

Don't even try to tell me that Psychic duelists can survive using their powers.
Next thing you know, he'll come back from the dead.

Bloody hell, he probably could surive being eaten by a giant lizard made out of rocks. Probably very sharp rocks.
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Actually, more like "Hooray, that b**** is dead! Oh s***, now Aki is pissed!" 20 episodes later... "S***, Divine isn't really dead, he just got a costume change! Oh, double s***, now Aki has gone completely mindless! Oh well. I'll just let Yusei use his skillz to solve everything." Two seconds later. "Finally, now I never have to listen to that f***er rant on about Arcadia ever again!"
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