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Yu-Gi-Oh: Signers of the Stars [Started/Accepting Here/OOC/Co-Hosted by evilfusion]

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Username: King Mew
RP Name: Meko Masterson
Gender: [color="#2E8B57"]M[/color]
Bio: Meko was 21 when he was spared from death, He was starting fights in a club, When he pick a fight with a guy twice his size and got sent through a window and begin to bleed out. He’s had the Mark of the Snake since Hezekiah (His Earthbound Immortal) found him, He also has very strong connection to he’s cards and has never given up on them.
Personality: a loud mouth at times, Do not cross his path (His motto is once an enemy always an Enemy.) He acts like a five year old every once and awhile. strong willed and never gives up on the chance to start or get into a fight.
Appearance: [IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/2rrp013.jpg[/IMG]
Faction: Dark Signer
Mark: Snake
Deck Type: D.D.

I have my app done. and the reason I want to make my own card is because I dont like the real ones all to much. So I could really use some help making to card effect right.
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You reworded some of your app, but didn't add any CONTENT. He's 21, but acts like a 5 year old. Could you at least specify how a five year old acts to give me a better picture of his behavior? What will happen if you cross his path (which doesn't mean what you think it means. Don't cross his path actually means you don't ever want to meet him, not that you oppose him)? If this a reason doing so is a bad idea?

Is there a reason he acts the way he does? Does he have some sort of background reasons for picking fights with people? I mean, he ended up dying because of this behavior, I'd like to know why he does that. Is he a reckless person, who acts on impulse? Does he take offense easily?
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heres the new app:
Username: King Mew
RP Name: Meko Masterson
Gender: [color="#2E8B57"]M[/color]
Bio: Meko was 21 when he was spared from death, He was starting fights in a club, When he pick a fight with a guy twice his size and got sent through a window and begin to bleed out. He gets into fights all the time because of his abusive childhood and not having a real father figure. He’s had the Mark of the Snake since Hezekiah (His Earthbound Immortal) found him, He also has very strong connection to he’s cards and has never given up on them.
Personality: a loud mouth at times, His motto is once an enemy always an Enemy. He acts like a five year old every once and awhile (when he gets board he is easialy distracted or he lets his emotions get the best of him when people start arguments with him). He's strong willed and never gives up on the chance to start or get into a fight. He is easilly angered and gets mad at little things.
Appearance: [IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/2rrp013.jpg[/IMG]
Faction: Dark Signer
Mark: Snake
Deck Type: D.D.

and my EBI was fine the way i posted it the first time?
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I have the card and 4 effect you can pick witch one I'll use.
effect 1: There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the Field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target.Once per turn if this card destroys an opponents monster by battle it can attack once more in the same turn. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the destroyed Monsters level x100. Remove From Play the destroyed monster.

effect 2: There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the Field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target.Once per turn if this card destroys an opponents monster by battle it can attack once more in the same turn. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the destroyed Monsters level x100.

effect 3: There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the Field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This can attack your opponent derictly or Once per turn by discarding one card from your hand this card can destroy an opponents monster by battle and attack once more in the same turn.

effect 4 normal effect for an EBI: There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the Field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. this card can attack your opponent derictly.
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Well, the first two effects overlook that the direct attack is inclusive to all the Immortals, so it can't really fit with the others unless it too can attack directly.

Effect 3 seems okay, having a cost to the second attack, and only being allowed it if you give up the guaranteed direct attack.

Effect 4 has no effect exclusive to itself and so would also be permitted.
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For right now, I'd advise lying low and just watching for an opportunity. Trying to interact with characters at first opportunity will lead to character congestion. I strongly advise avoiding Signer characters, for it's too soon to approach them. My character Lily (the "leader" of the Dark Signers) is probably one of the best options for you to approach, but as she's in the middle of a duel with another Dark Signer character, showing up now threatens to be overly convenient and almost intrusive to the scene. The alternative is to have your character do what he'd normally do, but that might leave you a bit trapped as to where to progress.
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Okay, if you insist.

Hmm...except she won't respond to the second attack and will take the damage. Plus, your King of the Abyss has that effect to check the top card of her deck before she draws it, and decide if it goes to the top or bottom. Before I can even do her turn post, you'd need to confirm the card and decide.

So here's what your post should do:

- Have Hate Buster go through.
- Have your monster destroy Stygian.
- Set any cards you plan to.
- Declare the End of your turn.
- Announce Diabolus' effect.

Lily's top card will be Solidarity.

- Decide if it stays where it is or goes to the bottom of the deck.
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I used to feel that way, but... Getting an @$$ whopping from Stardust Dragon sure can make someone thunk differently. That, and the fact that I had a very strange moment the same day, which was also my very first tournament:

Me, my friend who lives next door, and my friend who lives in Arizona all went to a tournament that day. We all lost miserably, and we all got a Duelist Genesis as our participation pack. We all pulled Ultra Rare Stardust Dragons.
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I was going by the anime effect. It reduces EXACTLY equal to the damage I would have taken, and then I can transfer the reductions to another monster, as opposed to the actually slight better version. It loses 700 for each, because of the Black Feather Counters, and then it lowers the ATK of every monster (not just one), and also inflicts damage.
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