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DARK BRIBE. How would you rate it and do you think its a good card.

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Dark Bribe

Type: Counter Trap Card

Effect: Negate the activation and effect of an opponent's Spell or Trap Card, and destroy it. Your opponent draws one card.


Even though your opponent draws one card, this card is very useful. You can negate the effect of a Spell or Trap card with, basically no real cost to you like discarding one card or giving up life points or destroying one of your own cards.


No cost to you for activating a Trap that negates the effect of Spells and Traps. 10/10.

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MST > Bribe > Seven tools


more like


MST > Solemn > Bribe > *random cards* > Seven tools




i dont like solemn unless its far into the duel

Solemn and bribe i think are pretty equel for what u get in return


Solemn = more chooses but at a greater cost (sometimes)

Bribe = less chooses but with a weaker cost

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