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YCM Rookie Cardmaker Challenge II - Finished

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Welcome to the second Rookie Cardmaker Challenge. This went quite well the first time I did this 6 weeks ago, with guys like Rowling, HadesRuler, Admiral Stalfos, and many more coming into the contest arena. I was gonna wait a little bit longer before I started a second tournament, but there has been a surge of talented new members recently and it makes sense to do this over half term.



[spoiler=Rules of Entry]

- This contest is open to Lv1-2 members only.

- Entry fee is 10 points. These can be sent to me by pressing the points button at the bottom of this post.

- All standard YCM Rules apply in regards of spamming, trolling, etc



[spoiler=Rules of Contest]

- Make 1 card. Any card at all - Fusion, Synchro, Spell or Trap, Union, etc - we're encouraging creativity here.

- Cards must be posted normally, click on the image in the cardmaker and copy/paste the link that appears. No WC's, no attachments.

- Cards must have a lore posted. Just copy and paste the effect of the card underneath it.




- You can apply to judge this contest by PMing me. Level 3 and above members only please, and you will be repped for your help.

- Judging on creativity, balance, usefulness, pic, name, OCG, etc. Highest scoring card wins. In the event of a tie, my score decides.

- Contest will close for judging at midnight Sunday October 31st.




- 1st Place wins 50 points, 2 reps, and a Trophy Card.

- 2nd Place wins 50 points and a rep.

- 3rd Place wins 50 points.



[spoiler=The Results]

Wow this was close, a lot of cards really split the judges opinions. Scores are out of 30.

[spoiler=Top 3]

Winner - iPatch - 24pts


This scored consistently as it is original, balanced and playable. Congrats.


Runner Up - Dogfish - 23pts


Would easily be mistakable for a genuine card the way it looks, and the effect really fits with the Decks it supports.


Third Place - Mr Spaz - 22.5pts


Personally I don't think 50 turns is that achieveable for just a healing effect, but it's imaginative and looks the business, and was scored highly by WolfFan to make the top 3.


[spoiler=Full Scorecard]

Admiral Stalfos - 14pts

Too many effects but un-needed because it's a beatstick without them.


Blazing Inferno - 11.5pts

Highly overpowered and missing standard Union text. Look and learn at the other two.


DTW Rules - 11.5pts

I like the concept, but too congested with effects and poor OCG.


GladiatorBeastAleksander - 20pts

Alek's improvement since joining this site has been steady, and this is a good little card. Effect could be better worded as it's really a continuous effect, but my favourite entry.


Gorilla King/Hiro Max - 17pts

Decent idea and well made card but judges wondered if RDA really needs a Union. Picture doesn't suit the monster in this case.


Hila Nuerfa - 11.5pts

Five cards is a tall order to make Fusion, and seven different effects is WAY too many.


Lewis Atherton - 21pts

Really balanced and playable if used with the right cards. Loved the name.


Metagross - 19pts

Ser Warjackworth's highest scoring card. Well balanced with hand return effect, and it's difficult to achieve that with a nuke. Narrowly missed out again but a solid cardmaker.


MrThatUnKewl - 10pts

Takes a banned card in Sinister Serpent, and makes it even more broken.


NEXUSGrave - 9pts

Too easy to Special Summon and badly written effect.


Samuel Maughan - 16.5pts

Effect would be great on a weaker monster IMO, but on a beatstick is OPd.


Saroku - 17.5pts

Nice idea, OCG needs work.


SKizophrenIK - 20pts

Interesting, but there are better cards out there. What happens when it goes into Defence?


YGO Pwned Josh - 19pts

Easy to sub anything in place of BLS, slightly underpowered but like the concept.





Think that covers everything. Prizes will be dispensed shortly. Thank you to all who entered.


Matt Bahamut

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Sure thing Hila, the points thing is there mainly to get people use to the whole points system, as well as giving me a big visual reminder when I log on to the site to check this contest for new entries. I look forward to your entry.


Edit: Ok you're both in. Post your cards as soon as you've made them.


Will be offline for the rest of the day (rugby match followed my visiting friends) so to anyone else who enters in the next 24 hours, don't panic that you're not accepted immediately. :D

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OK here's my card.




Lore:This card cannot be selected as an attack target, except by a DARK monster.During the battle phase, when this card attacks increase this cards ATK by 1000 for every spell or trap card on the field.This card may be equipped to a Dragon type monster that has less than 7 stars.

The equipped monsters ATK is increased by 1000, and it cannot be destroyed by battle.

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Heres mine




Lore: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by removing from play 2 WIND and 2 EARTH monsters in your graveyard. Once per turn you may pay 1000 lifepoints to destroy all other face up monsters on your side of the field. For each one destroyed increase your lifepoints by 500. If you activate this effect this card cannot attack this turn.

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Guest dtwrules

uhm... black diamond duelist... did u read rules??? u have to be below level 3 to join...


nvm bout me wanting to be judge, i thought i was level three... but anyway im joining!! ^.^


[spoiler=my card]


Lore: "1 tuner Spell Caster monster + 2 non tuner Warrior monsters" This monster can not be normal summoned or set, this monster can only be summoned by tributing one tuner, and two non tuner monsters. This monster's original ATK and DEF is 800 x the number of turns it remains face-up on the field. While you control this face-up card you can Tribute 4 monster to skip your opponent's next turn. During that next turn any battle between your attacking monsters and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. During your End Phase, change this card to Defense Position. If this card is destroyed by a monster inflict 2 x Battle Damage to yourself. If this card is destroyed by a spell inflict half this monsters ATK Direct to your opponets LP. When this card is destroyed Set all Spell and Traps in your opponent's hand, Deck or Graveyard which were on the field when this card was Ritual Summoned. Also, Special Summon all monsters from your opponent's hand, Deck or Graveyard that were on the field when this card was Ritual Summoned in the same Battle Position as they were.



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What the heck, made this for a contest that I forgot I was eliminated from, might as well use it here. Sending points momentarily.





LORE: Pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all cards on the field. If your opponent controlled more cards than you, they can add the difference of cards controlled from their graveyard to their hand. Any battle damage you inflict the turn this card is activated becomes 0.



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Right, quite a lot to sort through here so bear with a lot of quotations.


OK here's my card.



Card accepted, but you may want to edit it a bit. Union is a sub-type, not a type class (like Fiend/Winged-Beast/Pyro/etc). Feel free to change it. Note to all contestants: You are free to edit your cards up until the the closing date, please edit your card in your original post instead of making a new post.


Heres mine






[spoiler=my card]


Lore: "1 tuner Spell Caster monster + 2 non tuner Warrior monsters" This monster can not be normal summoned or set, this monster can only be summoned by tributing one tuner, and two non tuner monsters. This monster's original ATK and DEF is 800 x the number of turns it remains face-up on the field. While you control this face-up card you can Tribute 4 monster to skip your opponent's next turn. During that next turn any battle between your attacking monsters and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. During your End Phase, change this card to Defense Position. When this card is destroyed Set all Spell and Traps in your opponent's hand, Deck or Graveyard which were on the field when this card was Ritual Summoned. Also, Special Summon all monsters from your opponent's hand, Deck or Graveyard that were on the field when this card was Ritual Summoned in the same Battle Position as they were.



Yep accepted. Sorry about the judging just like more experienced people I know to do this.


Sounds like a great idea. I'd like to put my name into the mix.

Should have a card for you soon.


Ok you're in, post your card as soon as you feel you've got it perfected.


I'll Join give me a few seconds to create my card do you allow holo'ing and Gold Rares?


Same as above. You can use holo's and fancy templates but you will not score extra (or less) for doing so. Also, you sent me 20 points so I've refunded 10.


i can join


You can join, just send the 10 points and post a card.


ok i was having problems with the pics but here is my card


Sarah, Magician of Fate

Card Lore: When you summon this card in any way destroy it and remove it from play. During your next Main Phase destroy one card on the field of your choosing. If it was a monster card summon this card in attack mode, It can attack 2 times in a row that turn. If it was a spell or trap card add it to your hand.


Cough, cough, attachment!!! :angry: Against the rules. Please edit your post by posting your card in the usual format of clicking on the picture in the cardmaker and copy/paste the link that appears underneath.


What the heck, made this for a contest that I forgot I was eliminated from, might as well use it here. Sending points momentarily.







Welcome back Metagross. Determined to avenge the agonising 4th place finish when I did this last time I see? :lol:


Also I have had two volunteers to judges. Ser Warjacksworth - who you does a lot of ratings in the RC sections and is very tough to please I think is fair to say, and WolfFan - who is highly rated despite his relatively small post count.


Oh and one last thing. Please refrain from cluttering the thread with conversations, this should be conducted over PM or your messageboards, as this could be considered spam. Also please do not question other people's entry, that is my job.


Think that covered everything. Will send reciepts out momentarily with any specific information. Welcome and best of luck to all.

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This card can only be Summoned in face-up Attack Position. This card gains 200 ATK for each face-up Monster Card on your opponent's side of the field. If there are no Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field, the original ATK of this card is halved.


My card's up. I don't think it'll need much editing, so that's pretty much the final draft.

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