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At last, here's the contest card.

It is not the most original card in the world, but heck:



This card can only be Summoned in a turn in which your opponent took Damage by the effect of a "Flamvell" monster. "Flamvell" monsters' Battle Positions cannot be changed. When your opponent takes Effect Damage, increase the ATK of this card by 300. You can reduce this card's ATK in multiples of 300 (permanently) to increase the ATK of 1 "Flamvell" monster you control by the same amount, until the End Phase. If this card inflicts Battle Damage, return this card's ATK to its original ATK. If this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon 1 "Volcanic Doomfire" from your Graveyard which was sent there from the field, ignoring the Summoning conditions.

With that, all of our team's cards are here.

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When this card is summoned succesfully, add 1 "Ritua" Ritual Spell from the Graveyard to your hand. Once per Duel, you can select 1 face-up "Ritua" Ritual Monster. If that card is destroyed by battle, you can pay 700 Life Points and tribute this card to Special Summon it from the Graveyard, ignoring summoning conditions. When this card is destroyed, add 1 "Ritua" Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand.




When this card is summoned succesfully, add 1 "Ritua" Ritual Spell from the Graveyard to your hand. Once per Duel, you can select 1 face-up "Ritua" Ritual Monster. If that card is destroyed by battle, you can pay 700 Life Points and tribute this card to Special Summon it from the Graveyard, ignoring summoning conditions. When this card is destroyed, add 1 "Ritua" Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand.[/b]

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Here my card for GROUP D!!!

the lore is inside the Spoiler


[spoiler=Vairon Tri-Lateral]

293373r.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card card cannot be destroy by battle and you take no Battle Damage involving this card. As long as this card remains face-up in Attack Position on the field, each time a "Vairon" monster you control destroy 1 of your opponent's monster, you can add 1 random "Vairon" monster from your Deck or your Graveyard to your hand.


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This has got to be one of the worst cards I have ever created (with the most unoriginal effect), but...


[spoiler=Its effect is supposed to fit the name and picture...]





This card can only be Ritual Summoned with a "Ritua" Ritual Spell Card. Once per turn, you can discard a "Ritua" monster to pick up the top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck and return those cards to the top of the Deck in any order. When 3 "Ritua" monsters have been sent to the Graveyard this way, you can look at the top four cards of your opponent's Deck and select one of them. Add the selected card to your Hand. Return the remaining cards to the Deck in any order. During each of your End Phases, remove from play 2 WATER monster in your Deck. If you cannot, destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, except by its own effect, you can remove from play a "Ritua" monster in your Graveyard to shuffle this card into your Deck.





Hope it's okay... -_-

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[spoiler=Entry]211482.jpg[spoiler=Lore]1 "Ice Barrier" Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner WATER monsters.

When a Card effect forces you to discard card(s) from you hand place Ice Barrier Counters on this card equal to the amount of cards you discarded (Max.12). By removing Ice Barrier Counters activate 1 of the following effects:

2: Special Summon a Level 4 or Lower "Ice Barrier" monster from your Hand or Graveyard.

4:This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If this card attacks while in Defense Position, apply the ATK of this card for damage calculation. This effect ends at the end of the turn.

6:Discard Cards equal to the amount of monsters on your field give 1 other monster you control this effect: When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.

8: Deal 300 Points of Damage to your opponent equal to the amount of "Ice Barrier" monsters you control.



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Guest dtwrules

My entery sorry it took so long!218546u.jpgPlease still accepst this!

ok i would consider this a form of plagerism... and how is a pic of a female venom, with nudity, considered an x-saber? no offense just asking...

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If you ask me, the increasing values should be reversed. You should be given higher merit for taking the time to Normal Summon this useless thing.

umm why it is harder to speical summon it so that deserves the higher boost and normal summon is easyer but I see were you are coming from


ok i would consider this a form of plagerism... and how is a pic of a female venom, with nudity, considered an x-saber? no offense just asking...

what is plagerism and this is the best I could find on short notice for an X saber on such short notice cause my inernet only works on this site so I didn't have such good cards sorry about the pic

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My entry :lol:






This card only be Special Summon when there are 3 or more "Ice Barrier" Monsters on your field. This card's ATK and DEF will be increase by 1000 for each "Ice Barrier" Monster on your field. While this card is remaining on the field, any Spell or Trap Card that target "Ice Barrier" Monster will be negate and destroy. When this card destoy your opponent's Monster, you can place 3 Ice Barrier-Counters on this card (max.3). When your opponent's Monster attack any "Ice Barrier" on your field, you can remove 1 Ice Barrier-Counter on this card to negate that attack and Battle Phrase end.


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[spoiler=my card]245354k.jpg


When this card is Summoned, you can select 1 "Vairon" monster you control, while this card is face-up on the field, if the selected monster would be destroyed, you can destroy 1 Equip Spell equipped to it instead. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon1 Level 4 or lower "Vairon" monster from you Deck and add 1 Equip Spell from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.


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