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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1288223704' post='4743410']
To me, the only thing missing from the old one is comments with reps.
And the value of points, they mean nothing to me now.
And for some reason, it's harder to keep track of post count (don't ask why, I've just noticed I keep missing it whenever I get X000 posts or whatever).

I agree, but having reps for certain posts is stupid.
Points never meant anything.
As much as I haven't noticed it, I agree with your statement now that I've read it. I'm probably going to miss my 20k, just because it's apparently harder to see your post count. I don't know why, but eh.

I liked MyBB better, but this one does have some cool options. But I can't post : and D without making a stupid smiley.



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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1288224488' post='4743461']
I agree, but having reps for certain posts is stupid.
Points never meant anything.
As much as I haven't noticed it, I agree with your statement now that I've read it. I'm probably going to miss my 20k, just because it's apparently harder to see your post count. I don't know why, but eh.

I liked MyBB better, but this one does have some cool options. But I can't post : and D without making a stupid smiley.




... :[b][/b]D

IPB is pretty cool. I can't help but wonder why MyBB kept crashing, though. ><

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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1288224681' post='4743475']

... :D

IPB is pretty cool. I can't help but wonder why MyBB kept crashing, though. ><


Oh yeah, well now that I've replied, it turned into a smiley. So I have (un)magic powers.



I don't really know why MyBB kept crashing either, but I really liked the layout a lot better. Oh, and editing threads in ipb is a pain in the ass.

I cannot use the bold tag trick, though. I set my forum preference to a Word-styled text box, so if I hit Ctrl+B my text [b]turns bold[/b]. That way I don't have to use bold tags. So doing [code]: [b] [/b] D[/code] won't work for me.

oh yah im 1000th post give me cokies

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[quote name='Dark Link 401' timestamp='1288219487' post='4743080']
Anbu, I don't know if it's a fact, but I heard it's agaisnt the rules to post quote-only posts o.o
I think it is, but IMO that's stupid. If some one said something you were going to say their is no difference in just quoting it or copy/pasting it.

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1288220743' post='4743203']
So I got one question: Does inactivity eventually revoke your Modship or is it permanent (aside from doing stupid things)? Because there are a lot of Mods that haven't been on in a LONG time.
If a mod needs to leave for personal reasons I think they would loss the mod status, but when they return I assume they would get it back.

And yea, we already talked about needing the mod team list being cleaned up.

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1288223132' post='4743382']
So guys, how many like the new YCM better than the old one? Or vice-versa?
Old one is much better. Side from the mod tools sucking I liked the way most of the other things worked on the forum. Also it might just be me, but editing posts is slow and I need to click the edit button twice.

And since you were talking about smilies I think you can just turn them off when your doing a full post. :D. If you quote me (fyi I don't like that system too) it should become the face.
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[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1288232903' post='4743901']
No offence to King, but it really doesn't need a Mod. Just have Marble or Yin or someone do it.
None taken.

But lately all I've seen Marble do about that section is post the thread about welcoming members.

And I thought Yin is only active around the Showcase section?
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[quote name='King.' timestamp='1288234437' post='4743943']
None taken.

But lately all I've seen Marble do about that section is post the thread about welcoming members.

And I thought Yin is only active around the Showcase section?

Yin does everything? She's in showcase, C&S, General, and I think Anime.
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