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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1288132021' post='4740001']
Um...sadly no. 5 days ago is when we asked for a YD section mod and Seph was the pick by the mods. So, it was more so that thread that got things down.
FD, he said he needed suggestions in PM. For the sections we outlined. ?Unfortunately, YD was already done. We ALSO reccomended: General, RP, CC, and Contests

@Smesh: K
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[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1288132183' post='4740015']
I don't think Dark really wants the position.

Or does he? Memory fail.

@Anbu Thanks. If I am promoted, I have lots of ideas.

Monthly stuck contests, new aspects for contests, the 1 on 1 section becoming more active, etc.
To be honest, the only thing I would want more for Contests are contests like, I don't remember the word for it, but I believe a member, sadly I forgot the members name, had a contest theme about you were a test subject and you had to get through all these courses / missions to succeed and win. It was rather creative, and only if I remembered the name of the contest at the least. I remember though the title for it went somewhere on the lines of "[b]Greetings [Insert Test Subject's Name Here][/b]" Sadly, that is all I remember.

--Edit-- Found the Thread. It was made by the member of [b]Spoon.[/b] [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/221783-welcome-insert-test-subject-name-here-please-lock/"]Link to Thread[/url]
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Y'all post too fast, and I know I told CC (or someone) earlier that clubs die down, but this one just isn't.

[quote name='Dark Link 401' timestamp='1288052652' post='4737308']
YCMaker came on
Smesh had a excitegasm
Smesh calmed down
Everyone tried contacting YCMaker
YCMaker left
Black admitted he platonically loved Ice

That's about it.

Thanks for the update.

[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1288052822' post='4737321']
Well, basically all that happened was we got some more members, decided to try to contact YCMaker today while he was on, but he didn't respond, we are attempting to get Falling Pizza to help us and we are also trying to get Flame Dragon to help as well. Also, you've been made a co-host here along with Tainted Black, which means you can accept or deny people from joining. Congrats.

This is really simplified, but I think it will fill you in.

Cool, co-host ftw.

[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1288052846' post='4737323']
And I promoted Dark and Black to co-owners.

Cool, co-owner ftw.

[quote name='JoshIcy' timestamp='1288054148' post='4737445']
We have parties, post fun games. HTML enabled too so we can code games right onto the board, and you were wondering where that off lag comes from ;)...
Nah, tbh we don't really discuss much there ._. it's a boring place. Almost to the point of annoying.

I've been to the mod forum before, and I can concur with Icy's description.

[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1288055460' post='4737574']
Crab is 99. Duh.

[s]And I'm a teenager. Only 14[/s] I'm 17.

ofc Crab is 99.

And I'm 16. And a senior in high school. Don't ask how that happened.

[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1288055907' post='4737612']


13 b****.

I'm the intelligent god Black was referring too.


[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1288056665' post='4737696']
...New Jersey?

They have a Six Flags.

[quote name='Coyote Starrk' timestamp='1288056734' post='4737700']
No. New jersey is lie.

Moron, [i]South Dakota[/i] is a lie.

[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1288058388' post='4737886']
If we DO need another General Mod, I'd say Dark or SaTuRnPaLaDiN. They seem the best for that sort of thing. Still, Marble seems fine.

Marble can single-handedly manage General, but maybe not the subsections. C&O is particularly horrendous.

Congrats to Smesh for the nomination.

[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1288132183' post='4740015']
I don't think Dark really wants the position.

Or does he? Memory fail.

@Anbu Thanks. If I am promoted, I have lots of ideas.

Monthly stuck contests, new aspects for contests, the 1 on 1 section becoming more active, etc.

I wouldn't mind, as long as I am not running any forum by myself. <___<

It is your choice if you guys want to nominate me for General, but I feel General itself is fine. It's just everything else that is crappy, namely here and Games. D:

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Another thing I would do is rewrite the Contests Rules.

The 150 post thing is misguided a lot.

[quote name='+Kokonoe' timestamp='1288132958' post='4740062']
Who exactly is the new CC mod?

Hasn't happened yet, and we're not sure if it will. But CC was the one nominated.
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[quote name='Ĉatman' timestamp='1288133592' post='4740110']
Really guys? 400+ posts in under a day? :3

What's going on now? I hear C.C and Smesh are candidates for modship?
Yes they are. I'm not entirely sure, but I'm guessing that there were a few others candidates for other parts of the Forum as well.
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