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The Kawaii Club! Home to all things Kawaii~ :3


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[center]Welcome to the best club on the internet. The Kawaii Club.
Home to all things Cute and Adorable~
If you don't know what Kawaii means, [s]then get out.[/s] then I'll tell you.
[b]"lovability", "cuteness" or "adorableness"[/b] is what Wikipedia states Kawaii to be.

[spoiler=Rules][b]All YCM rules apply[/b]
Yes, as usual all YCM rules apply. This includes the C&O section rules. [i]If I didn't have this, the mods would chew my ass off.[/i]

[b]Try to keep on-topic[/b]
If you go off-topic every now and then it's fine, but if you keep going off-topic constantly, you will get a warning. [i]I'll most likely go off topic constantly, but shhhh. Don't tell the mods that.[/i]

[b]No Pornographic Links/Images[/b]
Considering this club is about things Kawaii, some people might post some images and I don't want them to be Pornographic. [i]But if you want to PM me, go ahead! :[b][/b]D

[b]No Spamming or Flaming[/b]
If you do this, I will personally rape you then keep you as my sex slave forever. Mainly because this club doesn't need any Spamming/Flaming. [i]I won't Flame or Spam... Pfft... What are you talking about? *shifty eyes*[/i]

[b]You will only be accepted if you have good grammar![/b]
Seriously, I don't want anyone in my club going, "lol dats funy wats da topc gys" I would much rather it be, "Bahaha, that's hilarious. *insert rest of post about topic here*" [i] i wnt evar talk liek dis to ma frenz in da klub. no wai.[/i][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Application Form]Username:
Do you like all things Kawaii?:
Are you prepared to follow all of the rules?:
Would you like a cookie?:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Members][b]Leaders of Kawaii[/b]

[b]Captains of Kawaii[/b]

[b]Legends of Kawaii[/b]

[b]Members of Kawaii[/b]


Now, have fun and get your post on~[/center]
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