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1 on 1 forteller Vs. BlindMonkey


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This is the first 1 on 1 I have ever started, so I'll say it simple:

-All YCM Rules apply.

-Anyone can join.

-Opponent chooses the requirements.

-First to 3 votes wins.

-Winner gets 1+ Rep.

-If no one reaches 3 votes by October 30th, then whoever has the most votes win. If it's a tie, then the next vote will decide the winner.

-Votes must have a valid reason. Must

include OCG fixes if any.

Requirement: Quick Synchro Summoning Supporting Monster

[spoiler=My Card]



This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

● Once per turn, while you control a Continuous Spell Card, you can pay Life Points equal to the Level of a Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck x600 to Special Summon it.

[spoiler=Opponent's Card]



This card cannot be Normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Clockwork Destruction". . During your standby phase reduce this cards level by 1.If this card declares an attack reduce its level by 1. Pay 1000 Life points to have this card become a turner until the end phase. You can discard monster(s) from your hand to reduce this cards level by the an amount equal to the level of the discarded monster(s) once this cards level becomes 0 destroy it.


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i'll pm you the card so you can post it soon as i start making it lol


NVM the whole pm thing lol here is my entry.... hope is good enough.



This card cannot be Normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Clockwork Destruction". . During your standby phase reduce this cards level by 1.If this card declares an attack reduce its level by 1. Pay 1000 Life points to have this card become a turner until the end phase. You can discard monster(s) from your hand to reduce this cards level by the an amount equal to the level of the discarded monster(s) once this cards level becomes 0 destroy it.

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