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Sonic the Hedgehog: The Darkness Around Us [Started/Accepting]

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Username: Ketodama
Name of Character: Slaanesh
[spoiler=Bio:] Slaanesh was just an ordinary Mobian bat before the dark wave of chaos, and in it's aftermath she has become something much more. The power of chaos which consumed so many consumed her as well, and she did not try to resist it in the way that others did. Slaanesh welcomed the power that came with the loss of her will and the consuming of her mind by chaos, and the power she gained was a rather peculiar one. She gained the ability to shape shift into the form of anyone she came in direct contact with, the only difference between them being a small purple line down the back of whoever she transformed into. In addition to this, she gained the ability to temporarily become invisible, and another, much more powerful, one as well. She gained the power to transform any part of body she wished into any sort of weapon she could imagine. She either doesn't remember enough of her old life to want to return to it, or simply doesn't care to give up the power which she has gained.[/spoiler]
Weak or Strong Will: Weak Willed
[spoiler=Appearance (Dark Mobian):][IMG]http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w339/Kiokama/Interperetations%20of%20the%20Chaos%20Gods/SlaaneshtheBat.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Personality (Dark Mobian): Slaanesh is, well, an "interesting" sort of character. She's gone completely and totally insane because of the effects of chaos, but will often try and trick others, usually non Dark Mobians, that she wants to escape from what the chaos has done to her, all to get them into thinking she's on their side before driving a blade through them.
Age: 17
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Name of Character: Dante the Raccoon
Bio: Dante is a master thief, he's stolen things from everyone; Dr. Eggman, Tails, Knuckles, Jewelry Stores, hell he's even stolen a chaos emerald once! Dante's thieving skills matches that of Rouge even. He never missed his catch and always lived in secret inside major cities. He never needed any Chaos powers, all he needed was his tool set and his chain. He takes his chain everywhere as it is his main purpose of defense. But this was all after the wave hit. No one knows what Dante was like before, but he wasn't a very strong person at all. The new Dante has also gained a new chaos Power, he likes to call it Chaos Flare, it has two uses. One use is that it launches balls of chaos fire everywhere around him randomly, the other is that he can generate Chaos power around his arm to form almost anything from drills to knives to hooks! But he still prefers his chain.
Weak or Strong Will : Weak
Appearance (Dark Mobian):[img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/297/3/f/dante_the_raccoon_by_rjuujinaaittakage-d31ejvq.jpg[/img]
Personality (Dark Mobian): Outgoing, easily excitable, sides with anyone who he thinks he should, dislikes people who get to his catch before him, hates cops and heroes, a bad boy, likes to mess with people, loves a good fight, always does what he wants even if odds are against him.
Age: 17

[quote name='supersonic4ever' timestamp='1287856291' post='4729007']
Good. Accepted. BTW, I'm going to assume that's Leon the [b]Arctic[/b] Fox.
lol oops my bad XD
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