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Stever Irwin.


+Crocs have awsome jaws.

Awesome dude, and yeah, I would have to agree. With a bite force like that, you'd be pretty awesome in my book.


Some believe that Reptilians date back as far as the Mayans!

Alright, I'm actually thinking Reptiles atm, so enlighten everyone as to what a "Reptilian" is, unless you mean Reptile.

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Alright, I suspected that's what you meant. That ties in with what I want to talk about actually. I'm going to demonstrate your idea in media form.


Go here for a full explanation.



Lizard people invading earth...




Well, he also might be talking about the idea of Giant Alligators in the Sewers. That would tie in to this category as well.

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Oh, can I call it or what?


Anyway, don't discuss too much, because I have yet to see it.


Edit: Also, if you're interested in a good show to watch, I recommend Kolchak the Night Stalker. Make sure it's the 70s version because the new version was crap. It's only 20 episodes, each an hour long. Very good series that was cancelled way before it should've been and has been used for inspiring shows such as Supernatural and the X-Files.

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Back about 20 years ago mining company found a system of tunnels that formed in the shape of a Lizard. They found gold tablets but weren't able to recover them after the cave was flooded! Some believe the tablets told the story of Mayan Lizard people!


Now here's a quick theory question: Do you believe that these Reptilians could somehow be related to other folklore, such as (but not limited to) Quetzalcoatl, Monsters in the subways, Dragons, etc.?

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