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Request: Title Banner


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Having never done anything here in Graphic Design since around the time it started, I don't know how this place works, so bear with me.


I've recently set up a gazette, and right now, it's looking pretty dull, so, among some of the things I want to get to brighten it up (and first on my priority list), is a header to replace the text at the top of the thread (might be called a sig or a banner here).


I really don't know/care exactly what it should look like, just as long as it has the words "FrunkSpace Gazette" on it and is not too tall or wide. I also most certainly do NOT want a Yu-Gi-Oh theme, just something simple and modern-ish. Finally, make sure the words are relatively large, and don't use any overly fancy fonts (it's just a newspaper). I'll close this roughly atound this time tomorrow, and if there's more than one, the person who makes the one I like best will receive +2 reps and 1000 points.


If you need a link to the thread to help you, click here. Also, if you like/ are good at freelance Graphic Design and want to bag a few more reps, make sure you check out my "Contest of the Week".

Thank you for your attention.


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Give me some time frunk and you were never good at graphics were you.




I had no idea who you were for a moment.


Crazy-name changers!


ok here is the order. like something' date=' great. dislike something... it goes out just tell me what and if you have any render type in mind like a newspaper or reporter or anything be it a dog i can add it.


here it is-


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Thanks for the entires so far, no winner will be announced for a couple of hours.


All those who said I can't give out reps: I read that thread, it said nothing about requests, just shops. Also, I said I've never really used Graphic Design before, so bear with me. Thanks. :)

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I am the moderator of Graphic Design' date=' and I am making these rules to have the forum be spam-free and more fun for members. The most recent rule I posted was the one about not selling items for more than 1 reputation point. This is a rule that you might not like, but I don't care. 8)


You can only sell for points in your Shops now. [b']That includes requests. [/b] Reputation Points will not be used as a form of purchase in this forum.




Umm frunk it does say requests not to start a fight or anything. I put the part in bold it wasn't originaly bold but it was there i'm just puttin it in bold too see.

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Alright, whatever then, consider this as a spammy-advertisement for my contest.


Alas, I have found a winner, and it's a bit odd, because he was banned eariler today.


Darkthorne first banner will be the banner of the FrunkSpace Gazette for now until I find reason to change it.


Thank you for your entries, all.


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