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New Adventure Quest ( Battleon ) Cards!


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Nice cards, and nice idea. The pictures aren't that great, and the cards aren't just a bit overpowered; some of them are really overpowered.


You do realize that your Artix Von Krieger The Paladin Lord, even though it's level 12, only requires two tributes to Tribute Summon? 5150 ATK for a 2-Tribute monster is waaaay too much.


For your effort, I give you 6/10.

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Guest JoshIcy

the J card is just from a profile link...

so is the second one...

3rd is from the log in page....

and 4th is from the real Artix' profile pic, he has the abyssal staff on....


really... do you play this game much? you can get better pics than that easy... unless you dont have a guardianship...... ooh and if you need enemies, use the forum encyclopedia....

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