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I come back here with the idea of a 1 on 1 of 3 rounds (like the title says).


As this is a multi-round 1 on 1, the prize will be 3 Reps and 50 points.



-All YCM rules apply.

-Only a 3 stars or higher member can challenge me.


Cards Requirements:

-It must have a lore.

-No joke cards.

-My opponent will choose card critereas for Round 1.

-For Round 2, i will choose the card critereas.


To Win:

-First to 3 votes wins the Round.

-Best 2 out of 3 wins the contest.



You must give a valid reason to vote, you cannot vote based on the picture, name, etc.



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Guest dtwrules

im only a level two but i think i can prove my self!!


Requirements- A level four spellcaster with a random effect using a die


Lore: The ATK and DEF of this monster is random. When this card is summoned, be it via special or normal, rool two dice. The number of the first die x 200 is this monster's ATK. The second die's number x 300 is this monsters DEF.

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You're making 2 different cards that are opposites in regards to type, attribute, effect etc. They don't actually have to effect each other, just be opposite of each other.



1 monster's a warrior, the other's a zombie

1 monster destroys cards, the other revives


Just some basic ideas that I had when making the requirements.

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Here we go!


[spoiler=Sunlight Serenity]



LORE: Your opponent cannot declare another Fairy-Type monster as an attack target. Once per turn, you can tribute 1 face-up monster you control to increase your Life Points by half the original monster's orignal DEF.



[spoiler=Moonlight Memories]



LORE: While you control another Fiend-Type monster, this card cannot be selected as an attack target. Once per turn, you can tribute 1 face-up monster you control to inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the monster's original ATK.



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