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"I'm gonna go kick some ass!" ... "W-wait he's not black is he?" "No" "Okay! I'm gonna go kick some ass!" HEY!

Alex Hardy

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I love you.

TRUST me. Loving Anime in the Clubs and Organizations section will get you far.

Now, tell me your favourite Anime's~



Well, there is:


Bleach (Typical one, I know)

One Piece


and Hajime No Ippo - New Challenger. There are more but I can't think of them all on the spot!~ Thank's for your kind welcome.

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Hey new guy, we hope you have a good time here, and we'll all get along if you follow these rules http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/213935-the-rules-of-ycm/


Remember, if sombody makes a spammy post, dont say "Spam" or "Reported" or somthing like that, just report it, and you wont make very many people angry, and try really hard to not be sucked into being a troll by members calling you one, thats how pichu and Ianwatters went down.


Anyway, If you EVER need ANYTHING here, just contact me, I can help you anytime I'm on

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Guest ♪miura♪



Well, there is:


Bleach (Typical one, I know)

One Piece


and Hajime No Ippo - New Challenger. There are more but I can't think of them all on the spot!~ Thank's for your kind welcome.

you're already awesome here :)

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Welcome to the misterious world of YCM!

When you need help,read the rules and ask famous members (Don't ask me FTW!)

Don't try to do cards with pics without background. Or else i will BUUUUURN! D: Nah,that is fine =D But always when you are 1-2 Star member.

Sometimes i flyyy to the General forum... All meant with making friends are on clubs. Just a tip ;3

Enjoy your stay in the misterious world of YCM!

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Ignore anything Mr Spaz tells you to do.

Fix'd ;) [i'm in a trap lol]


Welcome to the forums my man. Make sure to read all topics that are stuck because most likely they will help you become a better member than you already are. Make sure not to choose YCM over your real life or you will end up a hermit, living within your attic, shunned from your family who abandoned you, and are accused of being the ghost on the 2nd floor.

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