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New Type contest DONE, PLEASE LOCK


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YGO needs a new type. Fiend, Warrior, Beast... We have tried on them. So now, I will make the Type Contest!

Rules: All YCM ruels apply.

The posted card must have an Fake type.

Only members with 2 or more Level Stars allowed.


This voting will begin on friday. The contest are over and the winner is declared on next monday. So post cards now.



1. 1 rep and 20 Points

2. 1 rep and 10 Points

3. 1 rep


Make cards now!

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It's harder than you think to come up with a feasible type, and in the end, I came up with this:


[spoiler=Cryo Ruler]



When this card inflicts battle damage, at the End Phase you can Special Summon one Lv 4 or lower Ice monster from your hand in face-up Attack or Defence position.






Besides, I don't quite like how Ice-related cards end up in Aqua.

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Posted · Hidden by Newfie Kuriboh Shark, October 19, 2010 - im tired of people commenting on it
Hidden by Newfie Kuriboh Shark, October 19, 2010 - im tired of people commenting on it

i wouldnt know bud, but i made this card a while back, i havnt been on for almost a year, so if you have seen it before then i dont know where, possibly here

i wasnt wondering i knew where i saw it before.

somebody posted a card in my contest with the same pic!


I'm in here's mine



this card dosent make any sense (no offense)

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this card dosent make any sense (no offense)


Your card does make even less sense... at least DarkAce's is readable :blink:


Anyways, sounds like a fun idea, I'll join :)




Once per turn, if your opponent controls more monsters than you, while you control at least 1 monster, you can reveal this card in your hand to inflict 800 damage to your opponent. You cannot Normal Summon the turn this effect is activated. During your opponent's End Phase, if you control no monsters, Special Summon this card from your hand. This card can attack your opponent directly while you control another face-up Marksman-Type monster.

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I automatically assume you let me join, for no apparent reason.

Here I post my card, the Type is called Apparition. All Apparition-Type monsters are Synchros; which require a specific Type of Tuner, and Zombies as non-Tuners. All Apparition-Types focus in "Possessing" monsters on the field, for various purposes. How "Possessing" works is explained in the card.

[spoiler=The Card]



1 Insect-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters

This card can be Synchro Summoned by removing the Synchro Material Monsters in your Graveyard from play, and paying 1000 Life Points. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card attacks an Attack Position monster but does not destroy it, you can equip this card to the selected monster. Treat the selected monster as "Possessed". (a "Possessed" monster cannot attack, change its battle position or be removed from the field.)

I hope you like it.

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Guest dtwrules


lore: This card can not be normal summoned or set, this card can only be speial summoned when you opponent destroys a monster on your side of the field. Negate all Damage and place this card above the card that was supposed to be destroyed. This card is to be considered that monster with 1/2 ATK and DEF. When this card is destroyed take it off the monster below it and the original monster is still in play.



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I had a lot of fun designing a card for this contest. I thought i'd use the Alchemist Type due to the fact that Alchemists mix things together. So Fusion Support!


You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing a Level 6 or higher Fusion monster in your Extra Deck from play. This cards Attribute is also treated as the removed Fusion monster. Once per Turn you can remove cards in your Graveyard from play equal to the number of Fusion monster requirements on a Fusion monster card in your Extra Deck to Special Summon the Fusion monster from your Extra Deck to your field in face-up Attack Position. The original ATK & DEF of the Special Summoned monster is 0 until your next Standby Phase.

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Yay my entry :lol:


[spoiler=My entry ;) ]




This card cannot be Normal Summon or Set. This card can only be Special Summon by tributing 3 LIGHT Monsters on your field to the Graveyard. While this card is remaining on the field, all the LIGHT Monster will increase their ATK and DEF by 1000 points. When this card destroy your opponent's Monster, you can discard 3 cards to place 3 Holy-Counters on this card (max.3). By removing 1 Holy-Counter, you can negate 1 effect of your opponent's Spell or Trap card or Effect Monster.


That's all :D

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The voting will start in some hours!



Wait VOTING? Isn't it that the contest holder chooses the winner?


Votings a bad idea (unless its done by people outside the contest). Everyone will either vote for themselves or try and bribe others.

Still a chance of bribery if people outside the contest vote as well though.

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Add a rule: the contestants cant vote. I Will contact some members outside of the contest. They judge.


Sended voting invitations. If they havent voted until monday, I declare the winner. No more contestants now.


Sound's pretty fair. Damn, I'm pretty anxious about it though, hope they get their verdict's sooner rather than later.

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I was contacted to vote.


This is a very difficult contest for me. I've narrowed it down to J-Max and Spoon.

I really like the fact of Spoon's card:

This card can attack your opponent directly while you control another face-up Marksman-Type monster.

Showing the card to inflict damage is a nice touch. ;D

As for J-Max's card, it seems awesome until this:

The original ATK & DEF of the Special Summoned monster is 0 until your next Standby Phase.

It is a drawback, but I don't think it should be reduced to 0, maybe 1/2 the original ATK & DEF?


Though both are outstanding, my vote is for Spoon. Sorry J-Max.

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