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Pokemon World - Gotta catch 'em all


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[quote name='¤ßϯ¤' timestamp='1298483778' post='5029152']
[quote name='IPhalanx' timestamp='1298484011' post='5029160']
BT why do you have that?[/quote]

THATS WHAT SHE SAID xD, no really, she said that :o

lol I made it, duh

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[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298484740' post='5029183']
I like how a lot of Gen 5 looks.

Bikutini is a cute little bastard x3

you mean Victini? =.=

[quote name='¤ßϯ¤' timestamp='1298483778' post='5029152']


its Panpan
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1298486226' post='5029233']
DL, it was never Bikutini, it was always Victini =__=
Gen 5 is mixed. Some are cool, others are stupid.
Like that bear with the ice snot.

actually it was Bikutini... how it was said.... it was like:

*Japanese person*

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It's name was ALWAYS VICTINI =_=

But, Japanese people pronounce Vs as Bs, so they pronounced it Bikutini

Also, Gen 5 does not suck.

I knew they were planning to go to 1000, but never heard of them being planned early.

BTW, there would be about 3 more Gens, not 2 or 5.

We're at 649.

I: 151
II: 100
III: 135
IV: 107
V: 156

Except for I and V, there were 100 or so. III broke that.

So, given how it has gone (And considering V seems like the Reset Gen.), we should have 3 more seasons.

2 would be 175, each, and that is way too much.

4, however, is too much, thus making 5 too much.
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about new pokemon: i just want a few things: evolutions for pokemon who still don't have them because if they don't get them they are utterly useless (smeargle, luvdisc, etc.), eeveelutions that span all types (imagine a dragon eeveelution! or a poison one!) and dual types that are so frigging unusual that everyone will want one (how about a ghost/electric with levitate? or a steel/dragon?)
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[quote name='Zetsubou Black' timestamp='1298494221' post='5029514']
Ghost Electric wLevitate exists. It's called Rotom. It sucks while it is a Ghost/Electric, though, but it can also be Flying, Fire, Water, Grass, or Ice w/Electric and Levitate.
ah, he must've slipped my mind.
well, they [i]could[/i] make a better ghost/electric
or maybe a rock/electric, eh?
oh oh oh! or a ghost/steel type, now that'd be cool
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