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Professor Layton VS Ace Attourney


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[quote name='TAG' timestamp='1287626075' post='4722054']
Yes, but that doesn't mean that he as making an accusation without evidence, now does it?

Still, Layton seems like a dick.

[quote name='PikaPerson01' timestamp='1287672288' post='4722839']
If anything else, it might be a ridiculous gambit on Layton's part to see Phoenix's law defending skills. Or, perhaps Layton was merely being screwed with by the Story Teller's magic book.

Probably. That magic book is going to be the one of the main reasons why they get into conflict a lot.
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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1287713797' post='4724840']
Still, Layton seems like a dick.

Probably. That magic book is going to be the one of the main reasons why they get into conflict a lot.

[quote name='Storyteller']
And then he gave the Phoenix fellow a wedgie. This made him very upset, so the Phoenix fellow got back at him by replacing his hat with men's underwear, recently worn by a fellow aroused by a picture of a fair lady showing her ankles.
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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1287717017' post='4724958']
If [s]Fanfic Writer[/s] Storyteller can affect Phoenix and Layton, isn't defeating him impossible unless he wants them to? O.o

Maybe it won't effect them because they're from a different universe/dimension or whatever?
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[quote name='TAG' timestamp='1287805351' post='4727630']
Unless he wrote them INTO the dimension?

That's possible too.

But why the hell would he write the 2 people that can stop him into his dimension?

Unless somebody took the book and wrote it, not the Storyteller himself.
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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1287846530' post='4728538']
That's possible too.

But why the hell would he write the 2 people that can stop him into his dimension?

Unless somebody took the book and wrote it, not the Storyteller himself.

Well, that depends on whether it's the Storyteller who can write people into the dimension, or merely the book itself.
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