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This card is not destroyed by battle. If this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by your opponent's monster, inflict damage equal to the ATK of the attacking monster to your opponent. All Battle Damage to this card's controller that they take from a battle involving this card becomes 0. During your End Phase, this card is destroyed, unless you Tribute 1 monster you control. If this card is destroyed by an effect other than its own, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.


OK, now this card is useless. I thought a Yubel deck would own.


It's just as pointless as E-Heroes.

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This card is not destroyed by battle. If this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by your opponent's monster' date=' inflict damage equal to the ATK of the attacking monster to your opponent.[/u'] All Battle Damage to this card's controller that they take from a battle involving this card becomes 0. During your End Phase, this card is destroyed, unless you Tribute 1 monster you control. If this card is destroyed by an effect other than its own, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.


OK, now this card is useless. I thought a Yubel deck would own.


It's just as pointless as E-Heroes.


U said it right as

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once again, were all forgetting old cards that help us stay atop the game. All ya gotta do is keep offering monsters as a tribute to keep it alive. That means use goats or what ever. Your opponent will try and stop you, so it will attack the goats, thats when we use shift, or taunt, or staunch defender. OR simply put, use cards like generation shift and assult on ghq. That forces the destruction of the monster. Destroy yubel with either of those cardfs, and wala! 2nd form. (if you sue assult on ghq, than you get to peel 2 cards off top ur opponents deck. Just better hope it aint penguin knight or zombies! ^_^)

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This card is not destroyed by battle. If this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by your opponent's monster' date=' inflict damage equal to the ATK of the attacking monster to your opponent.[/u'] All Battle Damage to this card's controller that they take from a battle involving this card becomes 0. During your End Phase, this card is destroyed, unless you Tribute 1 monster you control. If this card is destroyed by an effect other than its own, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.


OK, now this card is useless. I thought a Yubel deck would own.


It's just as pointless as E-Heroes.


Staunch Defender, perhaps? If opponent has a bunch of monsters with high ATK, they're burned.

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Yeah' date=' [b']but who uses any old cards anymore? Star keeps telling me Yubel decks rock, I always say, BULL****.


*sigh*, And I was right for all this time, too. Poor deluded Star.


Well, lets see. Mirror force, call of the haunted, premature burial, sangan, torrential tribute, nimble monmanga, gravekeepers spy, Blue eyes white dragon, the creator, dmoc, don zaloog, spirit reaper, dark dust spirit, pyrimid turtle, ufo turtle, mystic tomato, giant rat, exiled force, lilly, d.d. warrior lady, exiled force, ... shal i continue? Hell even Zaborg is ancient sanctuary.

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Yeah' date=' plus, nobody uses BEWD anymore, nobody uses those crappy DDS/zombie stuff anymore, in fact, who even runs zombie decks?


Seriously, there are a lot better cards out there to deck instead of crappy BEWD's. Seriously, people.





Zombie Decks are quite good... if you have Il Blud...

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Yeah' date=' plus, nobody uses BEWD anymore, nobody uses those crappy DDS/zombie stuff anymore, in fact, who even runs zombie decks?


Seriously, there are a lot better cards out there to deck instead of crappy BEWD's. Seriously, people.



look up any Trade-In deck. They all have some of the same monsters in common. The creator, sacred pheonix, dmoc, and at least 1 BEWD. Heck, even the demise trad in / normal deck uses bewd. Its not a dead card yet, just not tier 1.

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