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The Sound and Fury [PG-13][Started][Not Accepting][OOC]


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[quote name='Nevert' timestamp='1287427749' post='4715341']
Proto your character doesn't seem dumb enough to be F.

And he's with me, who fits noone. He cares to little.
I toke a lot from Gamzee.... does that count?

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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287369496' post='4714259']
But aren't all of these posts even before the start of an rp a good thing? I mean, it shows interest, right?

[b]And please, don't take the lords name in vain.[/b]

What if I'm atheist?

[quote name='Aqua Girl' timestamp='1287370185' post='4714304']
Fine you f***ing dick! Ich verfluche diesen Ort! Zum Scheitern verurteilt! Mein Urteil ist endgultig!


Tsk. This alone shows that you shouldn't be accepted. And not the childish outburst, no. The fact that you did this after apologizing. That proves that the apology was fake and you didn't mean it.

By the way, typing in German to insult somebody is like me blaming my dick attitude on Crab.

It doesn't work out in the end.

[quote name='PikaPerson01' timestamp='1287442852' post='4716085']
Sooo... when does this begin? =D?

When Zeo and Clair get off their lazy asses and make their apps.

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[quote name='ProtoMachineKing' timestamp='1287442048' post='4716018']
I toke a lot from Gamzee.... does that count?

Gamzee isn't a idiot though.

He simply doesn't care about understanding, it's a very profound difference which pretty much wrecks it.

Fighter wasn't a hippie as much as a kind klutz who was overly trusting.

Gamzee simply takes everything as it comes, nothing like Fighter.

While Fighter tries to be a good guy, Gamzee really tries to do nothing.
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[quote name='Aqua Girl' timestamp='1287370185' post='4714304']
Fine you f***ing dick! Ich verfluche diesen Ort! Zum Scheitern verurteilt! Mein Urteil ist endgultig!

Seeing as how I understand this without a translator you should be ashamed.

Anyway I guess Black, Andx and I will be starting the RP near each other.
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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1287450826' post='4716629']
Anyway I guess Black, Andx and I will be starting the RP near each other.
Well, once the last two apps come in, whenever that is, and when I start the RP, everyone's going to start at the same little center town that leads off to many different places. Then some groups will be made and people will go off into different situations. But of course, you, Black, and I will have to be in a group. Probably with Cherry too.
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287450965' post='4716636']
Speaking of, Aniki should be starting the rp any second now, yeees? After all, he did say that it would be started in the afternoon. Owait! It's evening for him now! Come on Anikiiii! I want to start rping!

Shadow if you acctually read the below pessage you know when it will start. Just chilax for a bit and allow the other 2 members to finish their apps. Just because we can speed through an app doesn't mean tohers can as well.

[quote name='Andx' timestamp='1287450927' post='4716634']
Well, once the last two apps come in, whenever that is, and when I start the RP, everyone's going to start at the same little center town that leads off to many different places. Then some groups will be made and people will go off into different situations. But of course, you, Black, and I will have to be in a group. Probably with Cherry too.
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287451664' post='4716672']
NO U! Aniki said that the rp would start today in the afternoon, and it has yet to start! :angry:
Did you really just say that.

Wow, just wow.

Guess what even if you flip your s*** his s*** will not be given.


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[quote name='Nevert' timestamp='1287452027' post='4716699']
Guess what even if you flip your s*** his s*** will not be given.

No, no doubts here. You can strike the probably.

[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287450965' post='4716636']
After all, he did say that it would be started in the afternoon. Owait! It's evening for him now! Come on Anikiiii! I want to start rping!
I never said afternoon did I? I'm pretty sure I just said tomorrow yesterday. Anyway as I've said a few times, I'm waiting on the apps. So whatever plan I might have had is all well and good but when the apps get in is when it can really start. So do as Hayate suggested and chill out for a bit.
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Oh Andx, probbaly best to try to keep my characters seperate.

See if you read MSPaint you'll realize it's simillar enough to what you are doing.

I have such a edge with WD you have no idea.

Luckily he really can only do something a few times. It's a very chaotic power.

But beware the double truffle shuffle trouble,


Seriosuly though, I'm going to pm you a few weapons and s*** I will use.

They are going to be pimpin.
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Character Name: Ingrid Avalon
Age: 18

Ingrid has messy, chocolate-colored hair that springs in all directions once she removes her favorite black-skull cap. She stays bundled up must of the time, even in the hot summer, wearing a dark red jacket over a plaid dress and white top. She also wears odd black and white striped leggings, covering her slender frame. She wears thick, black boots and more often then not has a cigarette hanging loosely from her mouth.

Personality: Ingrid is a tomboy, through and through. She's also very outgoing, loud, and stupid. She likes to be the leader of things, and doesn't shy away from giving her two cents on any occasion. She's arrogant in the respect that she thinks all of her ideas are correct, but she wants people to like her as she is. In doing this, she's also incredibly overbearing and will do work happily when nobody else wants to. Ingrid is a dynamic ball of excitement, you might say. Beneath her rough exterior, however, lies a fragile, more feminine self that she only reveals in absolute privacy.

Biography: Ingrid was born on her family farm. Her father and mother were of Norse descent, and they worked Ingrid hard, waking her and sunrise and keeping her out until the moon shone brightly in the sky. As a result, Ingrid grew tough physically and mentally. She eventually inherited the family axe, and mourned her mother's death in her early adolescence. One day, her father was out harvesting the special Avalon cotton that kept the family afloat, when suddenly four men in suits pulled up in a large van. Ingrid watched as her father grew red with anger, as the suited men gave him a red permit. Ingrid paled, as that was the order of eviction.

Ingrid eventually learned that the suited men were called "Razors", and they were hell bent on stealing the Avalon cotton to make fluffy pillows. However, there was nothing she could do about it. Her father and her were stuck in a one-room apartment, eating their food stamps.

Nothing she could do about it... until now.

Ingrid had secretly smuggled the family axe from her old home for defense, and she was running errands one day when her life changed. A woman, looking as if she were a vampire, suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere and grabbed her wrist, her eyes on the axe. Despite her protests, the newcomer quickly brought her to a rusty building in the middle of the city, where an old man sat. The woman introduced herself as Cherry, and Ingrid listened with fascination as she took the axe and began to tell the most extraordinary tales about it. The woman clearly was into mythology...

The man introduced himself as Red Mage, and explained their mission, to fight the Razors. Ingrid immediately agreed to join this cause, and after a hasty good-bye to her proud father, she bolted off with her new companions.

*Character Quirks: Ingrid has the awful habit of smoking. She isn't afraid to admit her addiction, and will often use her fire power to light her cigarettes. Her eyes also widen to ridiculous proportions when she gets excited.

*Phobias: Ingrid has an odd and total fear of the water and being ignored.

Harnessed Power: Awesome

Powers/Abilities: Fire Manipulation - Ingrid can manipulate and create small amounts of fire. However, even though this power sounds godly, she often messes up while using her skills, burning herself and others in the process. Ingrid also cannot feel burns, and can only produce fire when there is oxygen around. She can throw the fire small distances, but has almost no control as to where it goes.


Chain of Gleipnir - Ingrid took this from the family home before she left it forever, unknown to her father. The chain is forged of iron and binds with whatever it hits, making it almost impossible for Ingrid's enemies to escape. It's heavy, and the most unwieldy of Ingrid's weaponry.

Axe of Perun - Ingrid heavily treasures this small family axe, which she often carries around nonchalantly. She admires the perfect symmetry of the metal, and constantly toys with it. This little axe is not just for looks, it also contains some odd powers. It will heat up when Ingrid gets angry or passionate, and it will glow with electricity when Ingrid gets hyper enough, electrocuting any one that she touches.

Fighting Style: Ingrid is aggressive towards enemies, and will usually be the first one to stupidly start a fight. She rushes her opponents straight-on, and she doesn't hold back. This battle strategy, of course, has mixed consequences. She tries to trap enemies with the Chain of Gleipnir, and uses her small axe as a finishing move, as she treasures it.

*Applicable Tropes:
[spoiler=Tropes xD]
[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDitz]The Ditz[/url]
[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenkiGirl]Genki Girl[/url]
[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotBlooded]Hot Blooded[/url]
[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnAxeToGrind]An Axe To Grind[/url]
[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AxCrazy]Ax Crazy[/url]

Sorry for keeping you all waiting. ><
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