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The Sound and Fury [PG-13][Started][Not Accepting][OOC]


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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1287361216' post='4713704']

My character is a guy...



I meant that in the "your character is so f***ing awesome he makes me want to f*** him".

What's that trope again?
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Okay, so unlike Black-san's vectors, Mine are completely different, which is a bit of a surprise to me. Vector control basically means control of vectors, which in short means I can control things so long as I am touching them any way I like, since at a high level of control you can move molecules around and at an even higher level, mess with the molecular structure of something to change it. I am not going to be doing THAT until much later on in the rp though, if I do it at all. So I can cause molecules to move around at a really high rate to create enough friction to form a fireball, I can remove all atoms except for that which is needed from a given to create things like, oh say, a mini-sun? Again, that is not until much later. I can definitely create lightning though, and I can also remove all of the molecules from a given area to crate a mini blackhole and control to a certain extent what direction said Blackhole is pulling from. Really, Vector control is one of those powers where the only true limit is ones own imagination, which is why I decided to give it a go.

For Force Power, think Star Wars and that's basically it. However, my character is not affected by it since that requires powers derived from Awesome, whereas my characters powers are derived from the power of Failure. Its main function is to allow Vector Control to be used at a distance as opposed to always having to touch something in order to use Vector control on it. Don't worry though, I won't use Vector control or Force Power on characters directly.

Elemental Mastery is kind of like from the Avatar the last Airbender series, except that my character can also use ligthning, wood, dark, light, etc. (note that I refrained from elemental absorption)
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287360640' post='4713676']
Well, what I'm using is based on a Character from Soul Eater; Medusa. I just don't use snakes.

Basically, they are condensed Enrgy arrows used for assorted purposes: Defense, Speed Augmentation, Power Augmentation, Guiding, Assault, Crushing, and the like.


[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287360640' post='4713676']
Look up "Medusa Soul Eater" on Google, and click on the first link. for more detail.
No, do it for me. =)
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[b]Character Name:[/b] Cherry Valence

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Appearance:[/b] http://th08.deviantart.net/fs22/PRE/i/2007/351/8/0/Long_red_hair_by_Red_Revolver.jpg

[b]Personality:[/b] Its a Jersey thing

[b]Biography:[/b] Born in Jersey

*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Shes incredibly stupid.(so much it make a gaggle of blonds look smart)
shes has extreamly long hair.

*[b]Phobias:[/b] Spiders

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Failure

[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Fail?: She can maticulusly avoid about any attack, by triping on accident.

Oww?: She can thake a ridiculus amount of pain.

What!?: If she sees a spider she trips and smashes it.

[b]Weapons:[/b] A Switch

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Jersey Street: It's like a streight out berzerker, with no consern for her own body.

*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] N/A
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[quote name='Aqua Girl' timestamp='1287362722' post='4713803']
[b]Character Name:[/b] Cherry Valence

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Appearance:[/b] http://th08.deviantart.net/fs22/PRE/i/2007/351/8/0/Long_red_hair_by_Red_Revolver.jpg

[b]Personality:[/b] Its a Jersey thing

[b]Biography:[/b] Born in Jersey

*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Shes incredibly stupid.(so much it make a gaggle of blonds look smart)
shes has extreamly long hair.

*[b]Phobias:[/b] Spiders

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Failure

[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Fail?: She can maticulusly avoid about any attack, by triping on accident.

Oww?: She can thake a ridiculus amount of pain.

What!?: If she sees a spider she trips and smashes it.

[b]Weapons:[/b] A Switch

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Jersey Street: It's like a streight out berzerker, with no consern for her own body.

*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] N/A

Please, and I mean PLEASE tell me this is a joke... Even for a Randomness RP... this... agh...
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[quote name='Aqua Girl' timestamp='1287362722' post='4713803']
[b]Character Name:[/b] Cherry Valence

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Appearance:[/b] http://th08.deviantart.net/fs22/PRE/i/2007/351/8/0/Long_red_hair_by_Red_Revolver.jpg

[b]Personality:[/b] Its a Jersey thing

[b]Biography:[/b] Born in Jersey

*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Shes incredibly stupid.(so much it make a gaggle of blonds look smart)
shes has extreamly long hair.

*[b]Phobias:[/b] Spiders

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Failure

[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Fail?: She can maticulusly avoid about any attack, by triping on accident.

Oww?: She can thake a ridiculus amount of pain.

What!?: If she sees a spider she trips and smashes it.

[b]Weapons:[/b] A Switch

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Jersey Street: It's like a streight out berzerker, with no consern for her own body.

*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] N/A
Okay, I know the RP is supposed to be light hearted and fun but that app is complete garbage. Despite how fun this thread is supposed to be, I expect the apps to be taken somewhat seriously. Denied, and don't bother editing or trying to reapply. Oh, and kindly don't reply to this either.

@PikaPerson: Cherry is making a girl but yes as of yet you have the only girl. Though if my character rolls the right number on his dice that could change rather quickly.
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[quote name='PikaPerson01' timestamp='1287363408' post='4713841']

... Is Caddy the only female so far? <_<

I was going to use a female, but then I wanted to be a Godot knockoff.

EDIT: @Andx: Damn brah, you did exactly what I wanted to do.


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[spoiler=Application][b]Character Name:[/b] Sheogorath

[b]Age:[/b] 1872


[b]Personality:[/b] As the Daedric Prince of Madness, Sheogorath is obviously a little wrong in the head. He loves insanity, and drugs, such as Skooma. He isn’t affected by the addiction to it, but he takes it all the time anyway. He even named one of his spells after the drug, since it has similar effects as the drug does. He is a likable character, but generally only when he is Maniac, and not Demented. When Demented, he shouts more often then he talks, and is often believing someone to be plotting against him. When in the Maniac state, he is lighthearted, and enjoys taking drugs along with his dinner. He even brought along a bunch of Skooma for after dinners, and during, and before.

[b]Biography:[/b] Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness. He was once called Jyggalug, Daedric Prince of Order, but he was gathering power to quickly to their liking, so they trapped him in his current form. It used to be once at the end of every century he would return to his original form, but when he left his realm of the Shivering Isles, this stopped happening. He is constrained by laws that keep him for starting fights, or he would be in a lot of those. He can only attack if he is challenged, but that's even more limiting since he lost his major powers since he left the Shivering Isles. Now, he wanders around looking for people whose brains he can bake into a brain pie, or make into his champion. He was last seen fighting a random mortal who threw a bottle of wine at him.

*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Sheogorath has an odd way of speaking. He speaks like any insane person would, with many increases in tone, and often odd recollections. Such as...
[spoiler=Quotes][i]"I once dug a pit and filled it with clouds....or was it clowns.... it doesn't matter, it didn't slow him down. But it really began to smell! Must have been clowns. Clouds don't smell, they taste of butter. And tears.”
“... and OUT comes the intestines! And I skip rope with them!”
“Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. I suppose that can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese, true? You've run a maze like a good little rat. But no cheese for you yet. Well, maybe a little.”[/i][/spoiler]

*[b]Phobias:[/b] HE has an intense fear of order. “Order is the cause of death, not chaos," as he would say.

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Sheogorath did not come from this realm, so he has harnesses neither. Even though he could make it to where he does, he can't. He has to stay impartial to Mania (Awesome) and Dementia (Failure).
[b]Weapons:[/b] His cane and various spells.
Bliss - The target is smothered in visions of a wonderland made of gold. This heals the target of major injuries, but has no affect on minor things.
Paralysis - The target, if hit, is paralyzed for two seconds.
Skooma - The target is slowed, but gains an increase in attack and defense.
Feather - When Sheogorath casts the spell, the target is lightened by a huge amount, making it easier to carry more things, and climb.
Golden Saint Summon - As the name suggest, this spell summons a Golden Saint Guard, who will defend whoever ordered to until death.
Manic Magic - The target becomes incredibly agile and given a boost in defense.

Crucible - When Sheogorath uses this, he falls asleep, and everyone around him has nightmares.
Tortured Souls - Sheogorath takes a large amount of pain, and once it stops, all the lost energy is collected and shot at the opponent as a fireball.
New Sheoth - When this is used, Sheogorath is teleported away to his home away from places that aren’t his home. In other words, he vanishes for about five seconds, and comes back healed. He can only use this once per day.
Dark Seducer Archer - This summons a single Dark Seducer guard, who will stand back and shoot anyone whom Sheogorath commands to until death.
Madness Ore - A large pile of Madness Ore appears, and blocks escape from a large area. The ore can be moved with enough force.
Demented Force - The target is becomes nearly unable to move, but is given a huge boost in Defense and Speed to compensate.[/spoiler]

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Sheogorath has two methods of fighting, each inspired by his two sides of the Shivering Isles. The Mania side has a more lighthearted and dodging based style, with supporting spells, while the Dementia side is heavily based on bashing with the cane, and offensive spells. When he is in the Demented state of mind, he has no access to Mania spells, and vice-versa.
*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] I didn’t want to shift through and find every trope that would fit this guy. It would take too long for me.

I didn’t go into full detail about Bio and Personality. I wanted to reveal the rest of it during the RP.[/spoiler]

I... Don't know what to say.
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