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The Sound and Fury [PG-13][Started][Not Accepting][OOC]


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[b]Character Name:[/b] Darky McDouche
[b]Age:[/b] 19
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Changes: Black eyes, No Priest Staff, No lolCactuar
[b]Personality:[/b] Snarky and hateful, Darky truly lives for himself, and himself alone... except for a woman. He is quite the womanizer, and usually makes overly sexual innuendos, some blatant. While he is so... "affectionate" towards those of the female species, he is a very rude and demeaning person to others. If they grind his nerves too much, which is any at all over anything, he will attempt to stab them for their infidelity. He is the divine being who will kill all. BOW DOWN, INFIDELS. Oh, right, huge ego on this guy, too. And he loves to kill all things that are not him, or an attractive female.
[b]Biography:[/b] As a young child, Darky wished to be a priest, and to learn their magics, as to become a Magnificent Bastard. He worked towards it through all of his life, and actually did quite well with getting there, hitchless. Eventually, he became a priest, and knew most of the magic he could learn, including the spell Feather Fall, which caused him to have convulsions in fear. Ignoring that, he became the head of the local church, and gave sermons, weekly... but, he was soon excommunicated after the 300th report of stabbing, or attempting to stab, someone in the head... in a month. Not a 31 day month, but a [b]30[/b] day month. the monster. Anyways, upon his kicking out, he was chased out of town [s]definitely did NOT burn the priests who fired him to a crisp[/s], and ran into Game Master. After he explained what happened, GM trusted him for some unknown reason, and actually TRUSTED Darky. Darky even attempted to kill him there, failing in doing so. Ever since, he has stuck with his bufoon, as he calls him. Honestly? He could care less if they get the pillows back, as he wants to destroy all soft things, outside of women, ASAP. What, you thought he was goign to help? PFFT, no! He's just in it for the hopeful carnage.
*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Douchey, evil, backstabbing son of a gun. Did I mention Omnicidal and Egotistical?
*[b]Phobias:[/b] Idiots (AKA everyone else; more of a HATE), Female Rejection, Imps, and Feathers falling.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Awesome
Vectors, like Medusa from Soul Eater, but snakeless.
Teleportation within a small area (No Clairvoyance included)
Black Magic (You know where from ;D)
[s]Clairvoyance (What? I said Teleportation did not include it!)[/s]
[s]Lack of care, empathy, sympathy, etc.[/s] What do you mean that's not a power?
[b]Weapons:[/b] A knife, which is never really seen in battle... only being used to cause unsuspecting people, and/or allies, harm.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Assorted: Either attacks with teleportation and vectors to cause quick, up close damage, or uses spells to protect himself while others impale themselves on the enemies razors. He is often seen throwing his partner in the way of attacks, saying that he'll survive for the weak Darky, yet hopes the partner will die.
*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChronicBackstabbingDisorder]Literal and Figurative Chronic Backstabbing Disorder[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicSociopath]Heroic? Sociopath[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AmusingInjuries]Amusing Injuries... TO OTHERS[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Jerkass]Jerkass[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadpanSnarker]Deadpan Snarker[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OmnicidalManiac]Omnicidal Maniac[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LeaningOnTheFourthWall]Leaning on the Fourth Wall[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnlySaneMan]Only sane Man (Or so he believes)[/url], and many more.
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Black is accepted.

EDIT: My app is now up in the first post. My character is purely meant to be the GM in character form. Expect a lot of fun happenings because of him. You'll get what I mean if you read his powers.
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[b]Character Name:[/b] Theodore "Ted" Colbat
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Appearance:[/b] As a result of utilizing his Failure on himself, Ted's skin is a dull gray. He has two large orange horns protruding from both sides of his head, resembling a bull's. He wears a gray jacket over a black shirt with the infinity symbol in the center. He also wears a pair of what his partner calls "dumb pointy anime shades" which are red in color. On his right arm is a highly advanced mechanical object created by the Alternians, it resembles a glove, and Ted has no idea what it does but assumes it makes biscuits.

[b]Personality:[/b] Ted is obsessed with things he deems "cool" and will use them no matter how ineffective they may be. He has no idea on how Alchemy works or the functions of most technology, he just dismisses them as "miracles". He doesn't really care about the pillow-stealers, but follows Marsuuves around merely because he has nothing better to do.
[b]Biography:[/b] Ted hails from Alternia Island like Mars, where he lived as a ignorant brother of a famous Alchemist. Ted really didn't do much on Alternia besides play a game known as Fiduspawn, a game in which you steal eggs and stuff them into Pillows and wait for them to hatch. Usually Ted has to collect said eggs from Monster Nests. One day he saw a "flighty broad" take a pillow with one of his Monster Eggs in it. After hearing Mars was gonna go out to kill the Cutters who stole said pillow, Ted decided to join him on his quest to get back his Egg.

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] [color="#8B0000"]Failure[/color]
[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Alchemy - Mostly makes useless stuff with it, but occasionally makes decent things out of it.

Grist Transformitization - He knows how to convert Harnessed Powers into Grist, only works if the Harnesser is freshly deceased.

Telephaty - Can read minds, though only that of simple beings such as animals, the way he collected the Eggs for his Fiduspawn.

[b]Weapons:[/b] Nothing, but will change when he and his partner collects more Grist.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Fights with whatever he has on his hands.
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[quote name='Andx' timestamp='1287334374' post='4712282']
Proto is accepted. Sounds like you and Nex will be having some fun as a team.
My character was pretty much made to abuse the Alchemic abilities for stupid stuff.

The only real reason Marv will put up with him is that he's the only one that can create Grist.

Also, we've created a Grist system, I'll PM it to you if you want.
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[quote name='ProtoMachineKing' timestamp='1287334864' post='4712296']
Also, we've created a Grist system, I'll PM it to you if you want.
Please do. Include Nex in the PM as well in case he feels like adding any input/explanation.
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[quote name='ProtoMachineKing' timestamp='1287336783' post='4712376']
And yes, the Grist System is overly complicated.
After reading the PM, it sounds fun. Just be sure to give me an idea of what sort of weapons/upgrades you intend to make before you actually do so and I doubt I'll have any issues with the system.
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Well that honestly depends on the setting...

Is this supposed to take place in modern times?

And where do we start?

We'll pretty much be combining weapons with whatever the hell we find lying around.


...You're gonna see a lot of [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwesomeButImpractical"]Awesome but Impractical[/url] weaponry from me.
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[quote name='ProtoMachineKing' timestamp='1287337353' post='4712412']
Well that honestly depends on the setting...

Is this supposed to take place in modern times?

[b]You know I haven't really thought of that. I'll have to address it in the opening post.[/b]

And where do we start?

[b]Now that I was planning to address in the opening post. Essentially it'll be a town all the heros gather at that is sort of in the middle of the land and can lead to many different places depending on where you go from it.[/b]

We'll pretty much be combining weapons with whatever the hell we find lying around.


[b]Now how am I supposed to have my villains surive swordchucks? lol[/b]

...You're gonna see a lot of [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwesomeButImpractical"]Awesome but Impractical[/url] weaponry from me.

[b]I like the idea of awesome but impractical.[/b]
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Well that sort of depends if we happen to have a large amount of lcuk.

I mean we gotta, find enough Grist for it, find nunchucks, find two swords, have enough time to alchemise them, and figure out how to use them without taking our own heads off.

If its modern times we have more options.
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[quote name='6-Shot Finale' timestamp='1287340487' post='4712583']
Yayz! I iz acceped! Heres some cake. *Punches everybody who's about to say it's a lie.*

Hey Proto! Can you combine pizza cutters and dynamite. Who's up for blowing up Greenland? ;)
I have absolutely no idea what that would create...

But It's possible.

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[spoiler=App 1]Character Name: Landon D. Magnificent (D. for Dubious)
Age: 19
[spoiler=Appearance:]Landon stands at 5'09" and weighs in at 121 lbs. Landon is incredibly handsome looking in appearance, usually making the opposite sex (and sometimes the same sex) faint when they witness his gorgeous disposition. Landon has long, blonde hair that seems to shine in the sunlight and is in perfect condition, due to him using only the best products for his hair. The most distinguished thing about him is probably two strands of hair sticking up from both sides of his head. The strands that are standing up are in the appearance of lightning bolts, something that girls (and cats) fine to be rather attractive. Along with his shiny bluish green eyes, a smile that lights up the night, and perfectly soft and clear, light skin, Landon dominates at being ridiculously handsome. Landon's attire consists of a red overcoat (the kind like what British officers wear in the past) decorated with gold buttons and other unique things, a silk cravat, a silk, long-sleeved shirt, brown, diamond encrusted belt, red trousers, and royal brown boots.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]An overly flamboyant and graceful young man, Landon in all cases composes himself with care and etiquette. Landon is overly protective of his hair and looks, and takes offense to anybody who would ruin those two features of his that he so proudly has. Landon also takes offense to those who has ever call or attempted to call him ugly or any form of the word. Landon has a light British accent that accompanies his self-described "sexy" voice. Landon could be silly at times usually shown through physical situations, like comically tripping or betting electrocuted. Situations that physically injure him in some way seems to be rather frequent in dangerous settings. Landon has a unique ability to seduce the opposite sex using his array of plain good looks, though sometimes he will fail at this when he's not concentrated.Landon, at times, can be rather rude and insulting, especially to people he refers to as "idiots". He usually insults their character and then compliments himself afterwards, making Landon a jerk at times. Landon, however does have good intentions and can be very nice. Landon rarely becomes serious, but when he does, he usually has a calm yet confident smirk on his face.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]Born into a family of unimaginable wealth, Landon never really had a difficult life growing up. He was born to two incredibly good looking people who so happens to own a large corporation that manufactures things like beds, blankets, pillows.... Growing up, Landon would spend most of his childhood days learning from the best teachers and professors money could buy, though he wasn't the type to enjoy learning and would often be rather rebellious. Though as he aged, his personality has also matured. He rarely made any friends, but seems to be quite popular amongst girls during his teenage years. He saw his good looks as a gift and protected it with his life. Soon, Landon, in some weird turn of events, began to gain powers through awesomeness. He kept his powers in check and trained everyday to try and gain absolute control of his powers, this backfired.... Later on, when his parent's family business was ruined by the Razor Blades organization, Landon swore to take revenge on the Razor Blades and get his family's pillows back, and hopefully catch a few beauty sleeps along the way.[/spoiler]
Character Quirks: N/A
Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness
Harnessed Power: [color="#FFA500"]Awesome[/color]
[spoiler=Powers/Abilities:]Spark Driver - This power allows Landon to manipulate and create lightning in all sorts of forms. THis could include lightning bolts, lightning spears, a wave of lightning, ect. However, it seems Landon cannot use this power in cold temperature.

Feline Invasion - This power allows Landon to summon cats with small angel wings that he can launch at the enemy(s) in large numbers. The cats can vary in appearance from fur color to even size. Landon usually summons a giant wave of cats to launch at the enemy(s). When the cats get to the enemy(s), they will usually scratch or bite them then disappeared into a cloud of white smoke.

Cupid's Bow and Arrows - As the name suggests, Landon can form a pink and white colored-bow along with pink arrows with heart-shaped tips. When he hits an enemy with one of his seemingly unlimited arrows, the person who is hit will become infatuated with Landon for a period of time, usually around 3-5 minutes. The arrows can be dodged, blocked, and destroyed as well.[/spoiler]
Weapons: Doesn't carry any weapons, but does carry a portable hand mirror.
[spoiler=Fighting Style:]Landon usually detests having to fight and rather let someone else do the fighting for him while Landon stands back and critisize the person fighting for him. However, when Landon does fight, he usually goes for the bow and arrows to make the opponent become infatuated with him then Landon runs away. If that approach fails, Landon has no choice but to use his cats to distract the enemy then run away. If that too fails, then Landon will just have to confront the enemy head on.[/spoiler]
Applicable Tropes: N/A[/spoiler]

[spoiler=App 2]Character Name: Flint Ardoris
Age: 19
[spoiler=Appearance:]Flint is a young man with a height of 5'08" and a weight of 135 lbs. Flint has a fairly muscular physique without appearing bulky. Flint's most prominent features includes his pale, reddish pink spiky hair, his jade green eyes, and fair skin. Attire-wise, Flint wears a red open-chest waistcoat with gold trimmings without any other shirt underneath revealing his bare torso, white trousers that reaches down just a little bit over his knees under a red robe-like garment, a brown buckle belt with a large pouch attached to the belt on the left side of Flint's waist, orange-colored sandals, red wristbands, and an orange scarf around his neck with the imprint of a dragon on the scarf.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]Flint is a free-spirited young man with a lot of energy to spare. Flint can also be a little irrational sometimes, and down right stubborn of some things like how to fight against an enemy, however, he is shown to be a rather friendly and loyal individual. He's also pretty reckless when it comes to fighting and doesn't seem to like to think during a fight. He usually just charges into a fight without thinking, a characteristic that usually gets him into trouble as well as others with him. Flint is a pretty straightfoward and modest person, a trait that can help and hurt him. His straightfowardness can also lead Flint to be downright oblivious about things. Flint is also constantly trying to prove his strength to others in a rather competitive spirit. Most of all, he is very loyal and protective of his friends, and his special pillow that he carries around with him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]Born into a small village, Flint led a pretty simple and hardworking life growing up. Flint was born into a family that owns a small patch of land in which they used for growing crops and raising livestock. As a child, Flint would always go into the field to visit his family's cows. Flint seems to enjoy their company, and their milk as it helps get a good night's rest. Flint's father had died when Flint was a very young age. The only thing Flint had to remember his father by was a small pillow. Flint, til this day, still carries the pillow around with him. Growing up, Flint was trained by a famous master to know how to fight, so Flint is a rather accomplished fighter. Flint moved to the city, and that is when he was caught up in between this whole Razor Blades mess. Earlier in his life, Flint had gained his powers through intense training and by drinking a glass of golden milk from a golden cow. Flint is now stuck on what to do with his life.[/spoiler]
Character Quirks: Suffers from seasickness and airsickness.
Aviophobia- Fear of flying
Hypsiphobia- Fear of height
Harnessed Power: [color="#FF0000"]Awesome[/color]
[spoiler=Powers/Abilities:]Igniter Fighter - Flint can manipulate, create, and transform any parts of his body into fire or magma to attack the enemy(s). The ultimate weakness of this is water of course. When a body part of Flint is transformed into fire or magma and water is thrown onto that bodypart, the fire will be extinguished turning that bodypart back to normal. Flint won't be able to transform that bodyprt unless he is dry.

Super-Human Strength - Self explanatory[/spoiler]
Weapons: A whistle that can summon cows, called Cow Caller
[spoiler=Fighting Style:]Flint usually lets his fists (and other bodyparts) do the talking for him. He usually transforms his fists into fire and attack the enemy with rather strong, but predictable attacks. Although he doesn't like to think in battle, Flint can come up with clever ways to attack the enemy(s). Flint also uses his abilities in unique ways and he gives these techniques names. Flint will sometimes use his Cow Caller to summon a stampede of cows and an ox to charge at the enemy(s) with him riding on the oxand leading the charge. He calls this his Raging Cow Bomb.[/spoiler]
Applicable Tropes: N/A[/spoiler]
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[b]Character Name:[/b] Major Wintock

[b]Age:[/b] 33

[b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler=He is most definitely NOT Captain Falcon, for sure.][img]http://ui28.gamespot.com/2011/captainfalconsecret_4.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

[b]Personality:[/b] Heroic! Brave, fool hardy, and stupid. But kind! And idiotic. Will become smart when placed under extreme pressure of needles. Typically Worthless.

[b]Biography:[/b][Spoiler=I iz put spoiler, cuz I can.] He has lived a relatively normal life for the past 23 years....for a Nintendo Fanboy. He has spent those years of his life playing Nintendo Games, cosplaying, and doing everything Nintendo. One day, he was going to a convention. When he arrived, everyone said he had the best Captain Falcon outfit they have ever seen. EVER. But he was shocked. He was really going as Mario! He tried to explain, but they weren't convinced. He tried to take it off, since he has hated CF ever since SSB, but failed. Suddenly, totally, not random circumstances told him to try to get the pillows back from evil, and help the band. Of heroes. Not BTR. NO. Not them.[/spoiler]

*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] He will try to speak in a Deep voice most of the time, but will speak in his true tone, super high-pitched, when alone. Enjoys Mario Energy Drink.

*[b]Phobias:[/b] Captain Falcon. He just HATES that guy. Also, has a deep fear of Microsoft and everything related to it.

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] YOU [color="#FF0000"]FAIL[/color] IT!

[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Sparrow Kick. NOT related to Falcon PAWNCH.

[b]Weapons:[/b] Wrist-Watch LAZOR beam. Fires a super omega special cool LAZOR beam of not life. Back-Fires 86.4% of the time. Also, Plastic Purple Chinese Dragon. It spits fire.....made of plastic.

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Did somebody say, Zerg Rush?

*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] I dun get it.

So...how is it?
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[b]Character Name:[/b] Candace "Caddy" Faulkner

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Appearance:[/b] Blonde hair, green eyes, small in stature. She is typically seen wearing a red sweater, reaching just a little past her mid section, black legging, some poor looking leather shoes sometimes, and an impractical suit of armor.

[b]Personality:[/b] Typically snarky and arrogant, though well meaning, she believes herself to be the most bravest, loyalest, etc-est knight who has ever roamed the world. She's remarkably short sighted and probably a rather bit insane.

[b]Biography:[/b] Candace was born, like most girls her age, 16 years ago. Unlike most girls her age however, she was born a homeless, orphaned street urchin in the bustling metropolis of Neo Compton City. Life was tough on the streets, and with no chance of a formal education, she did her best to teach herself, but the one biggest hurdle to overcome was the obvious lack of ability to read.

So, she took a liking to picture books. Even an illiterate dullard like her could pic up on things like pictures. Her favourite book was The Awesome Knight Fights The Evil Dragon And Saves The Princess. That was presumably not the actual title of the book, however it was her own unofficial title.

After years of living on the streets, one snowy Christmas morning she had decided her plan. She would become like the characters in her book! Not the princess, and not the dragon either, but the brave and loyal knight! She snuck into the Compton Museum of Rational Art and stole a priceless suit of armor.

It was only after she had stolen her beloved costume that she realized she had never quite met a dragon, or ever came across a princess. She figures she'd find other adventures, but she's still rather well know throughout the homeless circuit as That Girl Who Stole A Suit Of Armor That One Time.

*[b]Character Quirks:[/b]
- A pechant for stealing things. Particularly useless things.
- Dislikes those that compliment her on her looks. Perfers to be complimented for her heroic acts.

*[b]Phobias:[/b] Bugs

[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Failure

- Super Sexiness: Unbeknownst to her (or perhaps, very knownst to her and she merely refuses to use it due to pride) by removing the suit of armor and playing up the charm a little, she can [i]very[/i] easily persuade almost any man (and even certain women) into giving her just about anything. She mostly doesn't use this power, however.

[b]Weapons:[/b] A crude, rectangular sword with no point. Used primarily for slashing. Unfortunately, she has no skill with it. Secondly, she carries a rather large shield, which is surprisingly lighter then you'd expect. It is implied the shield is of poor quality and provides no real defense.

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] She typically runs headfirst into battles, and never surrenders due to chivalry or something. However, she has no battle experience. So like yeah.

*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b]

[spoiler=loltropes][url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AuthorAvatar]Author Avatar[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies]Blatant Lies[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Cloudcuckoolander]Cloud Cuckoolander[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DangerouslyGenreSavvy]Dangerously Genre Savvy[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeliberatelyCuteChild]Deliberately Cute Child[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenTheGirlsWantHer]Even the Girls Want Her[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KleptomaniacHero]Kleptomaniac Hero[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveableRogue]Loveable Rogue[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObfuscatingStupidity]Obfuscating Stupidity[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PetitePride]Petite Pride[/url]

[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RummageSaleReject]Rummage Sale Reject[/url][/spoiler]
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287333258' post='4712240']
[b]Character Name:[/b] Darky McDouche
[b]Age:[/b] 19
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Changes: Black eyes, No Priest Staff, No lolCactuar
[b]Personality:[/b] Snarky and hateful, Darky truly lives for himself, and himself alone... except for a woman. He is quite the womanizer, and usually makes overly sexual innuendos, some blatant. While he is so... "affectionate" towards those of the female species, he is a very rude and demeaning person to others. If they grind his nerves too much, which is any at all over anything, he will attempt to stab them for their infidelity. He is the divine being who will kill all. BOW DOWN, INFIDELS. Oh, right, huge ego on this guy, too. And he loves to kill all things that are not him, or an attractive female.
[b]Biography:[/b] As a young child, Darky wished to be a priest, and to learn their magics, as to become a Magnificent Bastard. He worked towards it through all of his life, and actually did quite well with getting there, hitchless. Eventually, he became a priest, and knew most of the magic he could learn, including the spell Feather Fall, which caused him to have convulsions in fear. Ignoring that, he became the head of the local church, and gave sermons, weekly... but, he was soon excommunicated after the 300th report of stabbing, or attempting to stab, someone in the head... in a month. Not a 31 day month, but a [b]30[/b] day month. the monster. Anyways, upon his kicking out, he was chased out of town [s]definitely did NOT burn the priests who fired him to a crisp[/s], and ran into Game Master. After he explained what happened, GM trusted him for some unknown reason, and actually TRUSTED Darky. Darky even attempted to kill him there, failing in doing so. Ever since, he has stuck with his bufoon, as he calls him. Honestly? He could care less if they get the pillows back, as he wants to destroy all soft things, outside of women, ASAP. What, you thought he was goign to help? PFFT, no! He's just in it for the hopeful carnage.
*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Douchey, evil, backstabbing son of a gun. Did I mention Omnicidal and Egotistical?
*[b]Phobias:[/b] Idiots (AKA everyone else; more of a HATE), Female Rejection, Imps, and Feathers falling.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Awesome
Vectors, like Medusa from Soul Eater, but snakeless.
Teleportation within a small area (No Clairvoyance included)
Black Magic (You know where from ;D)
[s]Clairvoyance (What? I said Teleportation did not include it!)[/s]
[s]Lack of care, empathy, sympathy, etc.[/s] What do you mean that's not a power?
[b]Weapons:[/b] A knife, which is never really seen in battle... only being used to cause unsuspecting people, and/or allies, harm.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Assorted: Either attacks with teleportation and vectors to cause quick, up close damage, or uses spells to protect himself while others impale themselves on the enemies razors. He is often seen throwing his partner in the way of attacks, saying that he'll survive for the weak Darky, yet hopes the partner will die.
*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChronicBackstabbingDisorder]Literal and Figurative Chronic Backstabbing Disorder[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicSociopath]Heroic? Sociopath[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AmusingInjuries]Amusing Injuries... TO OTHERS[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Jerkass]Jerkass[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadpanSnarker]Deadpan Snarker[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OmnicidalManiac]Omnicidal Maniac[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LeaningOnTheFourthWall]Leaning on the Fourth Wall[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnlySaneMan]Only sane Man (Or so he believes)[/url], and many more.
[color="#0000FF"]1rn +0 r34d.

814ck nn4gi( 4nd \/3(+0r p0vv3r5, un13ss u53d 3%(1u5i|?1y 8y up0n 0n3531\/3 i5 4 F4I1UR3.

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[quote name='Nevert' timestamp='1287352158' post='4713156']
[color="#0000FF"]1rn +0 r34d.

814ck nn4gi( 4nd \/3(+0r p0vv3r5, un13ss u53d 3%(1u5i|?1y 8y up0n 0n3531\/3 i5 4 F4I1UR3.

Translation, please? I only understand a small bit.
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At this rate I'm going to have more characters in this thing than I can handle. With the four new characters here, Cherry's and Dane's to come and now Shadow..... whatever I'll make it work. Anyway, moving on to the apps.

@Supra: I have to say that of the characters I've gotten you've probably put the most work into appearance and all that but at the same time your characters were the least entertaining to read through. But then I like the idea of having two relative straight men to contrast the relative insanity that will be going on. Both accepted for now. Still a little iffy but you put some good work into the apps.

@Mako: I'm really not sure what to say to your app except that I don't like it. Not accepted. Unfortunately I'm not too sure how to go about telling you what to improve.

@PikaPerson: Your character sounds really fun and that was just from going through the tropes you selected before actually reading the rest of the app. After reading it got better. Accepted.
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