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The Sound and Fury [PG-13][Started][Not Accepting][OOC]


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Eye'm a vampire

[spoiler=Application][b]Character Name:[/b] Arimi ZeroCherry
[b]Age:[/b] 24
[spoiler=Appearance]Has two large bat-like wings on her back that she can hide or reveal at will. She also has two sharp fangs that can also hide or reveal.
[b]Personality:[/b] Arimi seems like a very nice, cheerful, and motherly type of girl who just wants to be happy. But, don't be fooled. She is actually a seductive, sadistic, backstabbing bi[b][/b]tch of a cannibal. Sure, she's an big eater and will usually try to eat anything that looks like food, but that doesn't mean people aren't in the mix. Arimi is prepared to eat someone whenever she feels like, even her own friends. She'll usually make one or two exceptions in this, but otherwise, this is basically her way of getting blood, as she [i]is[/i] a Cannibal Vampire. Arimi also isn't afraid to leave someone behind to save her own life, but there are also certain exceptions to this. Also, she [i]loves[/i] to sleep, which explains her love for pillows.

[b]Biography:[/b] Arimi was born vampire of a very odd species. They were cannibal vampires that loved to do certain things depending on what they liked when they were a baby, and her favorite thing to do was sleeping. Some of her family members believed that the more she slept, the prettier she became, which was somehow true. Also, while she was still young, her family noticed that she had the biggest appetite out of every vampire there. One day she went a little [i]too[/i] far and ate her brother, uncle, aunt, and grandfather, but, because of Razor Blades Group's Pillow Theft, no one punished her because they were far more focused on their precious sleep being taken away from them. Arimi left to go kill the son of a bi[b][/b]tch who came up with this plan, but instead, found the person who stole her own favorite pillow. However, she found him killed by the knife of Darky McDouche. She thanked him for doing the dirty work she forgot to do, eventually deciding that he was good enough [i]not[/i] to eat and befriend. Not too long afterward, she met his friend Red Mage. Who she thought was absolutely crazy for referring to this whole mess as a “RP”. The more he went on about it, the more confused she became, eventually deciding to just eat him instead. But, Arimi chose not to when she heard that he was after the same people she was, and decided to team up with Red Mage, wanting to take down these bastards for the thefts of pillows everywhere.

One day, after finding a girl with the Axe Of Perun, which was similar to Mjollnir, she quickly snatched her away and took her to Red Mage. Arimi wanted this girl on their side because she was like her. Learning her name to be Ingrid, Arimi also explained what the axe was and told her tales about it being wielded by the Slavic God Of Thunder. Of course, she bragged about her family stealing Mjollnir and Gungnir from Thor and Odin. She actually became friends with the girl instead of attempting to devour her, which was something new. Maybe she actually found someone who isn't worth eating at first sight.

Due to her incredible power within the ZeroCherry Vampire clan, they decided to entrust their most power weapons to her: Mjollnir and Gungnir. Two legendary items that they stole from the gods. Even now, they're trying to avoid a pissed Odin and Thor, and have succeeded so far. And to add onto that, Arimi was usually bored when she wasn't eating, so she studied up on books that the family had deep in the liberay. She found a book about Azure and Scarlet Infused Elements and decided to learn how to use them, which nearly earned her a spanking, but she ate the person who was going to give it to her. Also, when she found the Azure and Scarlet Infused Element book, she found several Spell Cards left by her ancestors known as the Violet Vampires. She stole them and decided to add them onto her own abilities, as well as learning how to create and re-create them.

[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Usually, when she finds someone that she really likes, she'll consider them part of her family, depending on how their relationship is like.
[b]Phobias:[/b] Arimi has several major fears. The first one was developed after a nightmare she had when she was five and that was about Talking Volcanoes. Another horrible dream she had was about walking food that began to eat [i]her[/i], which terrified her more than the first one.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Awesome

Control Over Own Gravity: Arimi has the ability to manipulate the gravity on her body at will, but cannot release all of it do the high possibility of floating out into space. However, when normally using it, she can increase the gravity on her body so her endurance will rise for a short period of time. Or, she can release some of the gravity on her body so she can move much faster. Must release some of it on her arms to use Mjolnir, because it's incredibly heavy.

Scarlet Devil Spell Cards: Can use the power of special [url=http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Remilia_Scarlet#Special_Moves]Spell Cards[/url] by eating them for certain attacks. She can make more out of blood she doesn't drink/left behind from a dead person's body. She can summon them from a different dimension with a snap of her fingers. This way, no enemy of her's could attempt to destroy them and she'll have a place to store them in.

Scarlet/Azure Infused Elements: Because she found that book about it, Arimi has the ability to use Azure colored electricity and Scarlet colored light. She can use one or the other with either weapon she's currently wielding. However, if wielding the weapon of the same color, the element will be amplified. Arimi can mix it up and use Scarlet colored electricity and Azure colored light. Creating combinations with these different colored elements can bring interesting and powerful results.

[b]Weapons:[/b] (Can only use one weapon at a time. Also, she can summon these weapons OUT OF NOWHERE)
Azure Hammer, Mjollnir – The magical hammer of Thor covered within an Azure colored aura. It obviously holds the element of lightning, but it is the color of the hammer. The more force she puts into an attack, the more electricity is produced.
Scarlet Spear, Gungnir – The divine spear wielded by Odin known as Gungnir engulfed in a Scarlet colored aura. The energy seems to cover it and present it's shape as a sword.

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Arimi has a very aggressive fighting style, [i]especially[/i] when fighting with Mjollnir. She attacks as if she's fighting in a Game, which would be to beatdown the opponent and not give them any openings until they're down/dead. With the hammer, she'll attack her enemy with lightning from the sky or out of the weapon and then tries to smash their head in with a direct assault. With Gungnir, instead of throwing it like she should be, she uses it as if it were a sword. Firing Scarlet Colored energy out of it for long-ranged combat.

[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheVamp]The Vamp[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitlew8o9d7bzvtia?from=Main.ImAHumanitarian]I'm A Humanitarian[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExtremeOmnivore]Extreme Omnivore[/url],[url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BoobsOfSteel]Boobs Of Steel[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilIsSexy]Evil Is Sexy[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NorseMythology]Norse Mythology[/url], [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OurVampiresAreDifferent]Our Vampires Are Different[/url].[/spoiler]
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287456509' post='4716910']
Does that mean that we can start now?
That's somewhat accurate. Technically yes there's nothing preventing the RP from starting. Though now I have to get started on the intro post wherein a lot of additional explaining of some things needs to be done. So we'll see if I can get the thread up tonight.
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287456863' post='4716922']
...........I so want to bonk you right now. Just what was keeping you from doing that while you were waiting or our last two entries? Ah well, I'll wait then.
And I swear I want to kick you whiners who can't wait patiently for this to start out of the RP. But that wouldn't be nice. :)

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[quote name='Andx' timestamp='1287456929' post='4716926']
And I swear I want to kick you whiners who can't wait patiently for this to start out of the RP. But that wouldn't be nice. :)

This is probably one of the reasons why I like you, Andx. xD

[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287457039' post='4716930']
I am being patient. As a matter of fact, my patience is infinite.


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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287487521' post='4717441']
Hey, it's true. However, seeing as space is curved, then the universe which is also infinite would eventually come back unto itself, and so have I.

Anyway, Like I said, I can wait, just not to long.
So infinite also ends after about three days?

[color="#0000FF"]Th4t m4k35 50 much 53n53 it hurt5.

It'5 1ik3, 3in5tin qu41ity 1ogic.

I 10v3 h0w y0u, in y0ur infinit3 p4ti3nc3, 4r3 4150 c0n5t4nt1y 45king f0r 5om3thing to 5t4rt, b3gging, 4ccusing, h3ll CRYiNG, 0v3r 50m30n3 d3ciding to t4k3 hi5 tim3 4nd 3nj0y hi5 0wn w0rk.

N0 0n3 in my r4c3 c4n 0utd0 y0u in the c0urt of 10gic, y0ur 5imp1y th3 b35t th3r3 i5.

I 4m n0w 0ffic41y 4 5h4d0wi5t.[/color]
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[quote name='Nevert' timestamp='1287495999' post='4717552']
[color="#0000FF"]Th4t m4k35 50 much 53n53 it hurt5.

It'5 1ik3, 3in5tin qu41ity 1ogic.

I 10v3 h0w y0u, in y0ur infinit3 p4ti3nc3, 4r3 4150 c0n5t4nt1y 45king f0r 5om3thing to 5t4rt, b3gging, 4ccusing, h3ll CRYiNG, 0v3r 50m30n3 d3ciding to t4k3 hi5 tim3 4nd 3nj0y hi5 0wn w0rk.

N0 0n3 in my r4c3 c4n 0utd0 y0u in the c0urt of 10gic, y0ur 5imp1y th3 b35t th3r3 i5.

I 4m n0w 0ffic41y 4 5h4d0wi5t.[/color]

Would you be so kind as to stop posting like this?
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[quote name='PikaPerson01' timestamp='1287502020' post='4717668']
Would you be so kind as to stop posting like this?

[color="#0000FF"]My humblest apologies, the oddities regarding my dialect is basically trollkinds manner of speech.

It's a bit unnerving, but I will attempt to desist with it.[/color]
[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287507208' post='4717753']
Nevert, the extreme amount of sarcasm found in your last post is not appreciated, and has, I am sure, caused at least half of the sarcasm meters around the world to break. Now hush!
[color="#0000FF"]Love you too My Lord.[/color]
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287487521' post='4717441']
Hey, it's true. However, seeing as space is curved, then the universe which is also infinite would eventually come back unto itself, and so have I.

Anyway, Like I said, I can wait, just not to long.

So your patience [i]isn't[/i] infinite, just like we thought?
Seems right.
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Actually, it's more like there is no such thing as infinite, and that infinity is a concept created by humans in an attempt to explain that which cannot be explained.

Now for something that is more on topic, I was thinking that there could be something like an item section to the app? This idea occurred to me when I realized that the vector Shoes that my character would be using is more of a support item and less of a weapon.
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1287515066' post='4718015']
Actually, it's more like there is no such thing as infinite, and that infinity is a concept created by humans in an attempt to explain that which cannot be explained.

Then what the hell were you on about before?
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All I see is Shadow complaining.

So, I'll let Scar do the honors.

[color="#0000FF"]Shut up, stop bitching and wait.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]God, if we can kill people in this RP I will risk my own life to decapitate you. Or better yet, slowly put your head in a pot of boiling wat--[/color]
Long, disturbing story short, he'll kill you. Painfully.
[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287446880' post='4716355']
@Ice: Oh, Andx WANTS that, in the RP...

I know, I know.

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