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The Sound and Fury [PG-13][Started][Not Accepting][OOC]


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Current Update: Posting is on again for everyone. Just be sure to not rush into posting again. After making a post wait for the next post to come in. Then wait a few minutes after that if you can help it.

IC Thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/225954-the-sound-and-fury-pg-13not-acceptingic/

[i]"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing."[/i]
-From Macbeth, by William Shakespeare.

Well, that sets the stage for an interesting experiment I have here. The single purpose of this RP is to be completely over-the-top in every single thing that goes on through the entire plot. If I don't make everyone go "lolwut?" by the time this ends/dies then the experiment has failed. If we all have fun and don't know what's going to happen next most of the time, then I believe it will have succeeded.

In some stories, the world is often full of conflicting forces. Good vs. Evil or the very similar Light vs. Darkness. Well in this one those opposing forces are Awesome and Failure. Nothing particularly special to either name, that's simply what they are. Awesome and Failure are constantly in conflict. Mostly because it's kind of impossible to channel both at the same time. People have tried but it never went over well. Nothing bad, just a few nuclear winters and accidental mass extinctions.

But the world got over those few horrible incidents. It's pretty tough like that. Turns out the world can channel both forces so recovering from the horrible effects of mixing the two is a little easier for the planet than most people.

It's a funny thing the balance between these forces. It turns out that it all comes from the planet itself. Awesome and Failure are taken in by people depending on what they do. Taking in such powers results in truly frightening combatants. Or sometimes a rather awesome debate, it really depends on what the person does by channeling that power.

And for that matter, it seems some people don't know how to let everyone just have fun with the amazing powers available to them. Some people just have to be obsessed with enslaving the human race, destroying the world, and other such insane things. Well fortunately some heros conveniently destroyed them a few decades ago. No, now all we have are the people who wish to establish monopolies over seemingly simple things.

At the moment two major groups exist. One is the Razor Blades. As their name might imply their only goal is to use their powers to take control of all pillows in the land so that people must come to them to have a comfortable night's sleep. The other group... isn't really a group. It's a bunch of you people. You guys all have powers, whether through using Failure or Awesome. And you're more or less friends. So form your five man band of heros, and your sixth ranger if you wish, and go save the pillows. What? Have you tried going a few nights without a good night's sleep? Its not pleasant. These freaks could really control the world if they succeed. Let's not see that happen shall we?
[spoiler=RP info, not plot exactly. Still important.]
So I hope you can tell but this is going to be rather random, off the walls, and over the top if I can possibly help it. This may seem a bit confusing so I'll break down some important info.

First off you're going to be part of the heros who fight the horrible Razor Blades who are attempting to take all pillows from everyone in the world. As this might suggest, you've got quite the group to go up against.

Well all is not lost. In this RP each character can channel one of two forces to gain rather interesting abilities. Awesome and Failure. Each one has their own groups of abilities and no one person can use both.

So how does one know if a power belongs to Awesome or Failure? Well the general idea is that if a power affects you personally, it's generally the power of Awesome. If it tries to affect others, it's usually Failure. If you're having problems determining where your powers lie, PM me and we'll sort it out.

Now when you're selecting powers, be aware that any power you could care to come up with could be helpful. You will not know what to expect from any given situation if I do my job right. For all you know a major villain may lose a fight if you simply ask him to leave. Likewise a group of no-name soldiers could kick your butts harder than the leader of the evil group. Anything. Expect many strategies to fail in hilarious manners.

Oh, just so you know, it's fine to have your friends get caught up in your attacks. In fact it generally helps. Sure they'll be angry for a bit but when your fight with each other spawned by attacking each other defeats your opponent, you'll be so happy whenever you realize that you've beaten the person you set out to beat.

You might appreciate a link to this site (you'll see why in the app): http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage

One final message to you all in this section. Please remember that over-the-top does not equal overpowered.
[spoiler=Application with Guidelines.]
* = fortehlulz/optional

[b]Character Name:[/b] [i](Very simple. Feel free to make joke names but if they're lame I'll make you change it.)[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i](Please don't make me explain this.)[/i]
[b]Appearance:[/b] [i](Two choices: Use a picture and describe height, weight, and discrepancies between the pic and what you want, or make a very good description of your character. If you don't think you're up to making a good description, please go with a pic.)[/i]
[b]Personality:[/b] [i](Simple enough. Don't try to kill yourself over this. I'd like to see your character's personality in the RP, not just here. But this helps give a general direction for you to follow. Feel free to make use of tropes here. You can use generic personality types but if you do I want it incredibly overdone.)[/i]
[b]Biography:[/b] [i](Be it ridiculous, serious, generic or whatever, give me a good bio. As with personality, feel free to use as many tropes as you like.)[/i]
*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] [i](Optional. If you didn't mention them in the personality, list some quirks here. Every character should be incredibly ridiculous. So be as random and inventive as you want.)[/i]
*[b]Phobias:[/b] [i](Also optional. Phobias are irrational fears. So here that means these should be impossibly irrational. Be aware that if you list phobias I will make them come into play regardless of how ridiculous they seem. Otherwise there wouldn't be a point.)[/i]
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] [i](Awesome or Failure. Your choice. Regardless, you aren't a villain. Not all Awesome users are good, not all Failure users are evil.)[/i]
[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [i](These are your powers obtained by being able to harness Awesome or Failure. You get 2-3 so choose carefully and describe in detail. Remember, you don't have to and shouldn't feel you have to make your character super powerful. Any power that isn't god-modding that you could care to come up with could be more useful than you can ever know. The power to win an argument, though it would technically be god-modding to just win an argument, might be better than super speed for example. Oh, and if you don't want powers, that will work too.)[/i]
[b]Weapons:[/b] [i](You can use anything you care to as a weapon. Of course the more ridiculous the weapon the better description I'll need. For example, if you made a good enough description, your main weapon could be a paper bag. Whatever you do you get two weapons, you can have one or none if you like.)[/i]
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] [i](Well, you've got some powers and some weapons. Tell me how you go about fights if you get into them. If your powers aren't for fights you might as well mention how you intend to use them if you don't do it in the powers section. If you chose not to use weapons/powers/or both just tell me how you might go about your rare fights or overall what you intend your character to do in this RP.)[/i]
*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] [i](This is purely for fun but oh how much fun it should be. List however many tropes you think apply, or will apply at some point, to your character. Don't tell me where in the app it comes from or whatever you may plan in the RP to make the trope apply, I want to have fun looking for them in your app and what you do.)[/i]
[spoiler=App in code.]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
*[b]Character Quirks:[/b]
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b]
[b]Fighting Style:[/b]
*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b]
1.) [b]No god-modding/power-playing/meta-gaming.[/b] No being overpowered, controlling other characters, or using outside knowledge to your advantage. You have something you think might be close to being one of these three, talk to me in the OOC thread and we'll work it out.

2.) [b]No short-posting.[/b] As per forum rules I expect a good 4+ lines out for each post. If I see you short posting I'll give you reminders to edit your posts and continue to lengthen.

3.) [b]No arguing.[/b] By this I mean keep bickering out of the ooc thread. If you really have a serious problem with someone/something PM me about it and I'll handle it. But I want both the IC and OOC threads to be enjoyable for everyone all the time.

4.) [b]Apps are on a three strike system.[/b] Essentially, if I have to get you to make major edits to your app more than two times, you're out of the RP. Unfortunately, I can't trust people who have problems with apps to RP properly. Now if you're struggling with the app, PM me about it. I'll be willing to help you. But if you just post a bad app without saying anything I'm just going to assume you're an idiot, lol.

5.) [b]No complaining about what I do in the IC.[/b] And by this I mean if something completely random happens that ruins something you were thinking about doing or perhaps you don't like, don't complain about it. Now if I ignored your character or something to that nature please do raise that to my attention. I just don't want whining over the randomness of events as that's the whole point of the RP.

6.) [b]Comedy is encouraged.[/b] Please try to be funny IC so long as it doesn't result in lame puns/jokes. I want to see your own unique comedy style. And if someone else tries to be funny but you don't lol with them, go ahead and ignore or friendly mock them IC.

7.) [b]Randomness is encouraged.[/b] You may feel there are certain things you have to do in an RP. Maybe stay true to your personality all the time or something like that. Feel free to shake things up. Random bursts of things your personality section of your app says you wouldn't do can happen. People's personalities aren't so simple as to be reduced to a small paragraph. Likewise feel free to change the mood of events on a whim. Like say you want to make things serious/emotional, if you want to make it funny/comical in the next post go ahead and do so. Spontaneity is good.

8.) [b]When I say enough is enough, please respond.[/b] I realize things could get out of hand with all the randomness. If I want to sort of bring things back together and keep things a little more under-wraps, please don't ignore my attempts. When I say things are getting out of hand, work with me.

9.) [b]I want to avoid punishments.[/b] I don't really want to be laying out specific punishments for rule infringements as that would detract from the fun of the RP. So just follow the rules. I will punish people who start breaking rules with regularity but I'd rather not do it.

10.) [b]Miscellaneous.[/b] Well this rule doesn't seem to have too much of a point. By the way, I'll recognize that people read through the rules if they happen to make the word they select for harnessed power a color other than black. Just saying.

Oh, and any other rule of the YCM Role Playing forum I failed to mention is still in effect. So don't break them.
[spoiler=My App]
[b]Character Name:[/b] Duane Renard (demands to be called Red Mage, GM, or Game Master)
[b]Age:[/b] His d-20 rolled a 19, so he's 19 for this RP.
He's forgotten to roll for his height and weight so until he does he's the basic six foot tall, 200 pounds heavy. The pic may look somewhat feminine but whatever. HE'S A MAN!!
[b]Personality:[/b] He's a know-it-all but also very obsessive. He believes the world to be a giant role play where he is the GM and as such tends to demand respect from everyone. His powers don't help his belief that he's a GM. He can get very depressed or angry when someone doubts his abilities as the GM and will often try to punish those who doubt him. He's very proud of just how versatile he can be. He can also get very caught up in certain things to the point where he seems like an idiot.
Whenever Duane attempts to tell someone his backstory, he rolls his dice. And each time he gets a different backstory. So he's really not aware of his real past. Of course since I'm making him I know about his past.

He was born to family who really like fantasies, games, and other such things. From a young age he came to love them too. So much so that he quickly believed that life was simply a game as well. Though he didn't always believe himself to be the game master of life. That came when he first learned how to harness the powers of Awesome. Then came the Razor Blades. They stole all of the pillows in the land.

From that point on, Duane knew he was to right the wrongs of the world. And of course, being the GM of the world, that would require gathering a band of heros to take on an epic journey through the land to defeat the evil group. The first person he encountered was Darky McDouche who he instantly liked and determined he was to be his best friend. He was completely oblivious to Darky's complete contempt for him and pretty much everyone around him, believing him to the paragon of virtue the game world needs to be saved.

After Darky he's gathered many other heros and will now lead them out to defeat the Razor Blades. Of course, to be a good GM he'll have to challenge them a bit along the way. A quest isn't any fun if it's easy.
*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] As mentioned, he believes himself to be the GM of the whole world. Whenever he sees high quality weapons he tends to really geek out to the point where all of his intelligence seems to disappear. He also tends to lose his common sense at the worst of times.
*[b]Phobias:[/b] His one major fear is the idea of not being the GM of the world which is why any challenges to the idea result in very energetic responses. Also he's afraid that one day a pack of wolves will ambush him and his friends in a desert and steal his dice from him.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] [color=#FF0000]Awesome[/color] (though sometimes you wouldn't guess)
[b]-Narration:[/b] He can speak of events going on that maybe he's not there for and other such things. It moves the RP along time wise and all that. The only problem is the others hear him when he narrates and wonder what the heck he's doing and then marvel at how fast time can pass when he starts talking.
[b]-Fourth Wall Breaking:[/b] Just as it sounds. Duane is aware he's in a RP on YCM and he will make regular comments about it, to the confusion of the others.
[b]-Reality-Bending Dice:[/b] Being true to his belief of being a GM, the rolls of Duane's dice affect what goes on in reality. Be careful if he accidentally drops a die or two because before you know it you could be surrounded by monsters or something entirely different. Anything can happen as long as the dice allow it. This is the only way Duane can cast Red Magic too. When he gets hurt he has to roll the dice to determine damage, if he forgets nothing happens.
[b]Weapons:[/b] Despite needing his dice to cast magic, Duane carries a staff, believing it to be the source of his magical powers. Now on its own it doesn't do much but if he rolls the dice right he could decapitate you with it.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] He doesn't tend to fight much, believing the GM should stay out of battle if at all possible so as to not turn things too much in the heros' favor. When he does fight he claims he's going to do something and then rolls the dice to see if it will happen. From there luck takes over.
*[b]Applicable Tropes:[/b] Will add later as I think of and look for them.
[spoiler=Accepted Characters]
[i](Username)[/i]...................... [b]Character Name[/b].........[location of app]

[i](Andx)[/i]............................ [b]Duane Renard[/b].......... [app in first post]
[i](Nevert)[/i].... [b]Marsuvees Red[/b] and [b]Witty Detective[/b]..... [1st app on page 2, 2nd on page 10]
[i](6-shot Finale)[/i]................. [b]Kangaroo Jack[/b].......... [app on page 2]
[i](Ice)[/i]............................... [b]Fenix Ice[/b]................. [app on page 2]
[i](Tainted Black)[/i]................ [b]Darky McDouche[/b]....... [app on page 2]
[i](ProtoMachineKing)[/i].......... [b]Theodore Colbat[/b]....... [app on page 2]
[s][i](~Supra~)[/i]....... [b]Flint Ardoris[/b] and [b]Landon Magnificent[/b] [apps on page 3][/s] (May not be able to participate)
[i](PikaPerson01)[/i]............... [b]Candace Faulkner[/b].... [app on page 3]
[i](Hayate Masaru)[/i]............... [b]Hayate Zoldyck[/b].......... [app on page 4]
[i](TheCreator94)[/i]................. [b]Willaims Slightly[/b]........ [app on page 5]
[i](Shadow Zero)[/i]................. [b]Ryu Sho Kahn[/b]......... [app on page 5]
[i](Saint Dane)[/i].................... [b]Sheogorath[/b]............. [app on page 7]
[i](Clair)[/i]............................. [b]Ingrid Avalon[/b]........... [app on page 12]
[i](~Cherry)[/i]........................ [b]Arimi ZeroCherry[/b]........ [app on page 12]
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[quote name='~Supra~' timestamp='1287274376' post='4710743']
I'll reserve two spots plz, and also can you make a sample app or at least tell me what to put for tropes. I mean I understand what it is, but I just need to have an idea of how to put it.
Not sure how I feel on the two character thing but if you're up for it you're free to do so. Just know that I won't be accepting villain characters.

As for the sample, I suppose I should try to get something up. I'll see what I can do. As for the tropes, don't worry about it if it gives you trouble. It's only for the people who know way too much about the TV tropes website and wish to reference it.
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ANDX just when I was debating if I should take some time away from YCM to write the One Piece FF and maybe rap my mind around some good Rp ideas to offer to you guy's, you go and make the Ultimate Random, Enjoyable, Awesomeness RP I've seen to date.

All I have to say is did you not expect me to make a reservation? Anyways as I have been quite bored recently I should have the app to you very soon possibly even tonight!!!
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[quote name='Sero The Demon Hero' timestamp='1287276426' post='4710829']
Is it ok if i can take a reservation? The application itself will be a bit challenging for the naked eye itself.
Reservation acknowledged and accepted.

A note to all future reservers: It's great and all that you say you're going to make a character but I'd rather see the character than your claim that you're going to make it. So if I don't respond to your request for a reservation don't freak out. I'll notice it and expect an app from you.
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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1287281111' post='4711032']


[b](Unless you're a dick and won't let me do that.)[/b]
Hell no I'm not gonna prevent you from doing this! Ridiculously awesome ideas are welcome and encouraged here.

Oh, reservation accepted, lol.
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[b]Character Name:[/b] MArsuvees Red
[b]Age:[/b] 25
[b]Appearance:[/b] Wears a teeshirt with all the the Zodiac symbols on it. Also has red pants. Wears a pair of glasses with one broken red lense and one broken blue lense. Has grey skin and a single red horn admist dark black hair.
[b]Personality:[/b] Emotinally detached, Marv is curious about emotions and tries to understand them. He can be somewhat arrogant on occasion but is quick to apologize for it. Marv has few preferences, being 0kay with allot of things. He carries a shipping book that a friend gave him at all times.
[b]Biography:[/b] Marv comes from Alternia Island, where the land is totally awesome cause dude, it;s Marv's. Marv is the princess of the island, sick joke among the royalty really, but hey, he'll kill them later. Anyway Alternia focused on a process called Alchemy which allowed items to be fused (but not really fused because the orignal items where still there) by using up grists, a special substance that exists within Alternia. Anyway, Marv planned to destroy all non Alternians but changed his mind later and is just going to kill the Cutters.

Thank him later.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Failure
[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Telekinisis. CAn be used to fling items, as well as increase his own power by moving himself psychically. USe of Failure upon yourself like this is caused Troll style, it has long term consenquences, as shown by the horn and grey skin.

Alchemy: While not a power, he has access to it. It's mostly useless crap but items will progressivly improve in time.
[b]Weapons:[/b] Changes throughout the game as he gets more grist. Right now he has nothing though. That way you can regulate what sweet loot he gets
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Marv loves being strong and basically simply punches the crap out of everything with super strangth.
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I just realized the Trope was optional. *Facepalm.*

Hey nobody made a big deal about my return. *Sob.*

So...how's this? I tried to have fun while making it. :D <----God, I hate that smiley. <_<

[b]Character Name:[/b] Kangaroo Jack (Though seems to be completely unrelated to anything about him)
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://hynavian.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/tokyomajingakuenkenpuchou-04.jpg[/img]

About 6'2" tall and weighs 155 pounds. How, I got all these details nobody shall ever know. MWAHAHAHA!!!!
[b]Personality:[/b] Seems to have constantly fluxuating personalities...maybe he's just on his period or something. Guys have those, right?
[b]Biography:[/b] Kangaroo Jack was born in the capital of awesomeness in the country of awesome. a.k.a.he was born in Chicago. Damn, that place is awesome. But unfortunately he grew up in the state of fail. In other words, Wisconsin. Because of the epicness of where he was born he is still awesome. Growing up he somehow ended up looking like Tatsuma Hiyuu from Tokyo Majinn but maybe because he's awesome and Tatsuma's even awesomer. He swears revenge at those that he calls, 'those emo named bastards' for stealing his favorite pillow. He has made it his life goal to get his pillow back and stopping those emo named bastards....and maybe blowing up Greenland while he's at it. Damn Greenland. You and your sheep.
*[b]Phobias:[/b] Ovens, they just plain freak him out. Damn mechanical witches.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Awesome (Baby, I win when I fail)
1) Can create up to 11 clones that are really really friendly...and possibly mentally retarded (warning: might try dry humping your leg).
2) Can make his clones blow up whenever he wants
[b]Weapons:[/b] Dual Pizza cutters...mmmmm...pizza
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Usually just creates clones that blow up. Otherwise no real fighting style but he does know the Super Special OMG Awesome One-Hit K.O. Ultra Mega T-Rex Insert Other Awesome Words and Things here Attack (a.k.a. he can pimplslap you foo)

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[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][b]Character Name:[/b] Fenix Ice
[b]Age:[/b] 18
[b]Appearance:[/b] Fenix Ice is around 5 foot 10, and weighs about 155 pounds. He usually wears a a blue jacket with 3 black lines going through it horizontally. He wears matching blue jeans and sneakers. Under the jacket is a black shirt with the Greek letter for Delta on the front of it. Ice usually has an iPod with him, but he only uses it when he's bored.
[b]Personality:[/b] Ice is...unique. He has MPD, so he'll be alternating from his normal, sarcastic self to a major dick to a smart sane person to a person obsessed with justice and so on. [spoiler=His personalities are as follows (which I will color code in the RP, if Andx doesn't mind.)][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Black = Normal. Sarcastic but kind. [/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][color="#0000FF"]Blue = Dick. Really sarcastic. He usually always has a snide comment. Unless he likes you, you're in for hell.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#FFA500"]Yellow = Sadistic. Usually wants to stab you or something generic.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#FF0000"]Red = Sane/Smart. Considered sane, at least in Ice's world. Pretty smart. Probably the smartest out of the personalities.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#483D8B"]Purple = Power Mad. Is possibly the strongest, or one of the strongest personalities. Usually gets mad with power.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#00BFFF"]Light Blue = Stupid. Completely oblivious and doesn't know what the hell is going on.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#8B0000"]Brown = "Super Hero." He thinks he's a hero called "Captain Justice" and pulls off a lot of crappy puns. It's really complicated.[/color][/spoiler][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][b]Biography:[/b] Ice apparently comes from Logecia. He was a defense attorney there, and was very well known, seeing as defense attorneys that deal with murder cases are very high up in rank. Logecias inhabitants are apparently really intelligent. So intelligent that they can use their Logic as a weapon. I know, totally awesome. Ice, because he has 6 other personalities, has the logic of 7 people in Logecia. Well, maybe 6.3.
*[b]Character Quirks:[/b] Along with his glorious personalities, he has this habit of getting into a logic debate with somebody. It usually consists of him listening to somebody in a conversation. If what that person said was awkward, he cross-examines them. Followed by pressing them. Then he presents evidence while shouting "OBJECTION!". Of course, he has yet to lose a case.
*[b]Phobias:[/b] People with the same debating abilities as him. And Zebras. He haaaaaaaaaates Zebras.
[b]Harnessed Power:[/b] Awesome.
[b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Along with his awesome logic skills, which he will use to confuse enemies, he can actually manifest logic. Like, if he points out a contradiction in somebodies statement, that person will get injured. If he convicts the person of [insert crime here] they'll take severe damage. Although, this does take time. He also has the ability to lock/force somebody into a debate/cross-examination, so the person can't just say no.
[b]Weapons:[/b] His mind. Each personality also has 1 weapon.[spoiler=Weapons.][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Ice = Sword.[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][color="#0000FF"]Scar = Katana[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][color="#0000FF"].[/color][color="#FFA500"]Dahlia = Spear.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#FF0000"]Firon = Stafff (casts basic fire magic really. He can edit it though because of his SUPAR INTELLIGENCE.)[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#483D8B"]Tempus = Scythe.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#00BFFF"]Sapphire = Dagger.[/color][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [color="#A0522D"]CAPTAIN JUSTICE = Claws on fists.[/color][/spoiler][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][b]Fighting Style:[/b] Varies between personalities.
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