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.:=Brandon=:.'s sprite gallery!


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My Sprite gallery....All the sprite i use to splice are from [url="http://www.dragonflycave.com/hgssspritegen.aspx"]>>>HERE<<<[/url]..I hopes you like...More to come....[b]Comments and Criticism welcomed![/b]
If anyone has any request splices for me to do i will try my best :lol:
[u]And for me, what i may think of them:[/u]
Due to the fact i cant post that much emoticons, i will use words...
I think this is a bad splice--BAD
I think i could improve it--MEH
I think it good-- GOOD

[spoiler=Splices 1-10]

1.Charillops MEH --Marill(Base and colour scheme), Kabutops(legs), Charmander(Fire on tail)...

2.Cloykunster MEH --Kakuna(Base and colour scheme), Crobat(Wings), Cloyster(Used tip of horn for the spike at bottom)...

3.Stantmeleair(Stant-Me-Lee-air) GOOD --Dragonair(Base), Charmeleon(Flame on tail and colour scheme), Stantler(Horns and colour of the beads on the tail/neck)...

4.Polhoot MEH --Poliwhirl(base and colour), Hoothoot(the item in left hand), Unknown!(the item in right hand), also i decided to give it a belly patch like hoothoot has..To be honest I dont think its that good...

5.Pikatret MEH --Pikachu(base), Sentret(Colour scheme, tail, ears)..I think the ears look wierd =/....

6.Sentrechu1 MEH --Sentret(base, colour scheme), Pikachu(Ears, tail)..I decided to colour this 2 times...

Sentretchu2 MEH --Sentret(Base), Pikachu(Colour scheme, ears, tail)...Only thing different than sentretchu1 is that this one has pikachu's colour scheme...

7.Herasir GOOD --Heracross(Base), Pinsir(Colour scheme, arms, legs, eyes, horns.)...Too much Pinsir perhaps?

8.Pincross GOOD --Pinsir(Base), Heracross(Colour scheme, arms, legs, eyes.)...Again, too much heracross?

9.Kakuncross MEH --Kakuna(Base), Heracross(Colour scheme, horn, anttenae things)...I think he looks kinda cool?

10.Venodosix BAD --Gyarados(head and tail fin), steelix(tail, colour scheme), venomoth(headpiece)...I think i screwed up on this one, i think the headpiece looks good on it, but nothing else, I was recolouring it, but i gave up on the boarders...Possibly my worst so far?
[spoiler=Splices 11-14]11.Cubomander MEH --Charmander(base, colour scheme), Cubone(skull, bone)...I dont think there was any point in making this, might as well have been a cubone?

Cubomander2 MEH --Charmander(Base, colour scheme), Charizard(Skull), Cubone(bone)...I just used a charizard skull and scratched the cracks in the skull. Another version of cubomander, I'd appreciate what you think is best, the first or second...

13.Geobat MEH --Geodude(Base, colour scheme), Crobat(Wings, eye colour)...A rock-flying type pokemon? Wierd eh?

Geobat2 MEH --Geodude(Base, colour scheme), Crobat(Wings, eye colour, ears)...Wasn't sure what one was best...
1. Shonidactyl-
Spent the 4-5 days making a pokemon sprite of a pteradactyl dinosaur, but I decided to make it a flying "ichthyosaur" pokemon. The only part I didn't scratch completely was a bit of the head and the begining of the wing and beginning of the tail, those I got from the Aerodactyl pokemon.
This pokemon I have made, I call it "Shonidactyl" since the biggest ichthyosaur is called "Shonisaur" but this sprite is also a flying pokemon hence the "dactyl" at the end, it is the rival pokemon of Aerodactyl. It lives in the sea but often flies over land to find Aerodactyl to fight, therefore its side fins also serve as wings. I'm really proud how it came out, I would've gave it legs but I decided to change it. Here it is... --GOOD

2. Cubone(Ghost Form)-
I decided to start doing sprites that are "ghost forms". The reason for this is that I think all pokemon should have ghost forms(or G.F. for short) instead of transforming into ghastly, ghastly should be like a curropted ghost form. So my first is a Cubone ghost form. What I do is change the colour so it is darker and duller, so it kinda blends with the ghost aura I put around them. Here it is... --GOOD

3. Geodude(G.F.)-
This is my next ghost form, a geodude. Again I changed the colour to be more dull and blend in with its ghosty aura. I also changed the colour of the eyes. Here it is... --MEH

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Yeah, thats what i thught when making them, for the Charillops i really liked the tail, for the cloykunster i liked the wings cause i thought they kinda matched the bug scheme of kakuna. And some pokemon i have been using are basic cause im not that good a splicer... But i will take that into consideration when making my next splice..
Oh and i just made a new splice..

If i say what my favourite is, its my newest one, stantmeleair..
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