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Raptor's Prehistoric Club


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[color="#006400"][b][center]Woohoo! Club is back up and running![/center][/b][/color][center][color="#008000"][b]Thanks [/b][b]you for visiting and if you're a returning member, thanks for remembering me. :) Here, we can all have intelligent discussions about new happenings in the field of paleontology and even other sciences. (When nothing new happens XD). There is just a very simple form to fill out.[/color]

Favorite Prehistoric Animal:
*Any names or nick-names you'd like to be reffered to:
*Any specialties in science:[/color]

[color="#9ACD32"]And if any of you happen to be good at making tags, I could use some for adverising the club. Also, if nothing interesting is being discussed about science in general, we could talk about anything else.[/center][/color][/b]

[b][color="#808000"][center]Also, you can ask me to put your code from Dragcave.net to put up in the section below. I'll click them daily and other members can see and click some of them so you don't have to take chances in your sig.[spoiler=Dragon Day Care]Řå¶ţøŗ §łąšħ: [url=http://dragcave.net/view/AOr1][img]http://dragcave.net/image/AOr1.gif[/img][/url][/spoiler][/center][/color][/b]*Optional

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[quote name='Řå¶ţøŗ §łąšħ' timestamp='1287241395' post='4709223']
Thank you for joining King! I have a long history of loving velociraptors! Maybe one or two more members before we start a topic meh tinks.
No problem.

And am I the only one who thinks that riding a raptor would be effing awesome? Not only can you travel fast but you can rip the heads of bad drivers or people who try to mug you.
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Okay here it is.

[spoiler=Prologue]It had been 20 years since John Hammond created Jurassic Park, a remote island filled with Dinosaurs that had been recreated through advanced technology. Before it was opened for regular people to tour the park, John Hammond allowed a select few to get a small glimpse of these creatures before anyone else. However a severe thunderstorm arose which shut down the parks electric fences which held the dinosaurs in captivity. Soon the carnivores that were once prisoners were then free and began hunting down the visitors. A few of the visitors were eaten, the rest only just barely made it off the island alive. What remained of these dinosaurs? Are they still on the island? Have they all died out? These questions will remain unanswered until now.[/spoiler]

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on it, before posting the actual thread :3
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