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Earthbound Immortal synergy


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[b]Familiar of the Crimson Fiend[/b]
[FIRE/Fiend/Effect/Level 1]
You can remove this card from play to Special Summon 1 "Earthbound Immortal Red Nova" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.
[ATK: 100 / DEF: 0]

[b]Earthbound Immortal Red Nova[/b]
[DARK/Fiend/Effect/Level 10]
If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster from your Deck, except "Earthbound Immortal Red Nova". You cannot conduct your Battle Phase the turn you activate this effect. "Earthbound Immortal" monsters you control (except this card) gain 500 ATK for each "Earthbound Immortal" monster(s) on the field and in either player's Graveyard.
[ATK: 3500 / DEF: 3000]

[b]Zero Reverse[/b]
[Quick-Play Spell]
During this turn, if an "Earthbound Immortal" monster is destroyed (either by battle or a card effect) and is sent to your Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster with lower ATK from your hand or Deck.

[b]Seal of the Underworld[/b]
[Field Spell]
You can control more than 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster. While you control a face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster, this card cannot be destroyed by an opponent's card effect. You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to make all "Earthbound Immoral" monsters you control unaffected by the effects of your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards that target until the End Phase.

[b]Soul Offering[/b]
[Normal Trap]
Activate only by selecting 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster in your Graveyard. Select 3 monsters from your Graveyard and 2 monsters from your opponent's Graveyard and remove them from play, then Special Summon the selected "Earthbound Immortal" monster. When the selected "Earthbound Immortal" monster is removed from the field, return the removed from play monsters to the Graveyard(s)
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dude...broken! First turn activate seal of underworld, summon familier, remove for red nova, special summon some other earthbound, set zero reverse and soul, then end. opponents turn, they lightning, you zero reverse and get two more eb's! They end, you soul offering and get red nova back, normal summon earthbound linewalker and then tribute the seal to attack for ALOT of damage...but this would make eb decks so good! I like the concept, just a little op'd IMO. 8/10
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[quote name='Azra The Soulslayer' timestamp='1287251006' post='4709552']
dude...broken! First turn activate seal of underworld, summon familier, remove for red nova, special summon some other earthbound, set zero reverse and soul, then end. opponents turn, they lightning, you zero reverse and get two more eb's! They end, you soul offering and get red nova back, normal summon earthbound linewalker and then tribute the seal to attack for ALOT of damage...but this would make eb decks so good! I like the concept, just a little op'd IMO. 8/10

Nice 5 card OTK you got there. Thats so annoying that you could of just used Exodia >_>
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