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One Piece-Journey to the final island

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10 years ago the straw hat pirates disbanded with the Death of 4 of there crew members, Luffy, Robin, Zoro. Now the world has once again entered the great pirate era and pirates from all over the world has once again set sail for the legendary island at the end of the grand line. All of the Shishibaki, other than the Pacifista, have been replaced by powerful pirates and more marines have increased in power and rank to maintain the power balance.
The only question not answered is which side are you on, and how strong are you? Fill out the app and lets find out.[/spoiler]
1.)No god modding
2.)No power playing.
2.)4 lines per post
3.)All YCM rules apply
4.)one week of no posting means your out. If you pm me with a good reason, I'll make an exception
5.)If yo have a custom Cursed Fruit, then please give in good detail what it does.
6.)You can have up to 4 characters as long as you can control them. If I think you cannot then I will request you get rid of one of them.
7.)Romances are allowed, keep it pg-13. Anything more than that should be done off screen and never more than hinted at.
8.) No more than one captain per person.
9.)No admirals.
10.) Shishibaki are allowed to have pirate crews, however only the captain will be considered a warlord and have his bounty frozen.
11.) Rumble ball will be available to anybody who uses a Zoan type devil fruit.
No more than 6 crews total. this means marines and pirates combined.
[spoiler=Ship App (Pirate captains or Vice Admiral of the ship only)]
Figurehead: (Optional)
Captain of the ship: (If marine, then the vice admiral)
Pirate flag:
Short description:
[spoiler=pirate app]
Appearance: [Pictures prefered]
Weapon: [Devil fruit goes here/Optional]
Biography: [3+ lines]
Position on crew:
[spoiler=Shishibaki App (Shishibaki=7 Warlords of the sea)]
Weapon: [Devil fruit goes here/Optional]
Ex Bounty: [What was your bounty before you became a Shishibaki]
Bio: [3+ lines]
[spoiler=Marine App]
Weapon: Optional
Military Rank: (If you want a list of the Ranks, Just ask / Admirals or fleet admirals will be NPC's and won't show up for a while)
Bio: [3+ lines]

[spoiler=My applications ---I don't wanna be a captain, so I'll wait till i get a few before decided when crew my characters will go in)]
Name: Daichi
Age: 20
[spoiler=Appearance: ][IMG]http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s125/viserlord/anime2520boy5B15D.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapon: ](This will also be in the Bio.)
Gives him the ability to transform in to any animal who's DNA he can acquire through touch, even another devil fruit eater. After transforming Daichi can sometimes lose control to the animals will power. but at the same time transforming in to a water based creature nullifies the effect of the sea water, (but not sea stone).
when transforming in to another devil fruit used Daichi will also gain the use of the persons devil fruit. However this has 2 drawbacks.
1-The weakness from water is greatly enhanced.
2-Staying in this form will damage his body do to having two separate devil fruit's at one time.

Daichi has also recreated the Rumble ball which, to his surprise, has a powerful effect with his hand made devil fruit.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography: ]Ever sense Daichi was a child he has been fascinated by two things, Animals and pirates. When he was only 5 years old Daichi began training to be a doctor for animals, this became helpful because he was also able to use a large amount of this skill on humans. When he was only 7 years old Daichi found out about the Zoan type devil fruits and decided he wanted to eat one, however this quickly turned in to something ells entirely. Daichi began studying Zoan type devil fruits in order to do what nobody had ever done before, create his own devil fruit powers. When he was 15 years old Daichi successfully created the 'Morph Morph Fruit' which gives him the ability to transform in to any animal who's DNA he can acquire through touch, even another devil fruit user. Of course after eating it he found a few ups and down to this fruit power, after transforming Daichi can sometimes lose control to the animals will power if his is not strong enough. But at the same time transforming in to a water based creature nullifies the effect of the sea water, (but not sea stone).[/spoiler]
Position on crew: Doctor
Name: Arashi
Age: 20
[spoiler=Appearance: ][img]http://images.yugiohcardmaker.net/113096/235620229.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapon: ]
Arashi wields a 5 foot staff with a round piece at the top which resembles the son. Although the staff can be used as a weapon by itself, the bottom part in a sheath which conceals the blade to a sword. Although it looks like a fairly Weak sword it is actually one of the Saijō Ō Wazamono Grade Swords, or 12 supreme grade swords, making it one of the 12 most powerful swords in the world. The weapon has been given the name Ryujin, meaning Dragon.

[spoiler=Biography: ]Arashi was raised by a priest on the island that he was born. He was well known for having a strong sense of justice, this led to him joining the marines with one of his best friends in an attempt to rid the world of the the pirates. However not long after joining the marines his best friend was killed by his ranking officer for refusing to kill a defenseless pirate, less than a week later he met a group of pirates, when he encountered them he found that nothing they did went against his belief of the word wrong. This led to him become a pirate with the belief that they had more justice that the marines.[/spoiler]
Position on crew: Monk/priest.
Name: Riki
Age: 23
[spoiler=Appearance: ][IMG]http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s125/viserlord/bleach%20App%20pictures/anime151-2.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Weapon: none
[spoiler=Biography: ] When Riki was 15 years old he met and befriended Black leg Sanji who had opened his own restaurant. After a large amount of begging and pleading he convinced Sanji to teach him how to cook. In addition to learning how to cook, Riki also learned Sanji's righting style and, more by force than anything ells, his unwillingness to kick a female even if he dies. During his time with Sanji he learned all about the All Blue and decided that he wanted to see it for himself. He joined a pirate crew the first chance he got and headed out to sea.[/spoiler]
Position on crew: Cook
Name: Saya
Age: 22
[spoiler=Appearance: ][img]http://images.yugiohcardmaker.net/113096/216850691.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapon: Mizu Mizu fruit/pouch of water on her back(apx 2 gallons)/ 2 swords.]

Note: Read Bio so you don't get confused about the sword descriptions.
[spoiler=Gladius(big big fruit)] Gladius originally belonged to a very large pirate, after her parents where killed Saya found and took the sword from the pirate. This sword has been given the powers of the big big fruit allowing it to become any size. In it's original form this sword is almost 6 feet long, because of this Saya uses it's devil fruit powers to keep it as the shape of a small 3 foot sword.
[spoiler=Raitou (Lion Lion fruit)] Raitou was one of the first of her parents devil fruit swords that Saya was able to retrieve from the pirates. Raitou has the devil fruit power of the Lion Lion fruit, allowing it to transform in to a Lion and a lion/sword hybrid. This sword is mostly in its lion form and its main use is that of a pet.
[spoiler=Biography: ]Saya's parents where legendary blacksmiths who where capable of forging powerfull swords, they where so good that, 20 years ago, they forged one of the Saijō Ō Wazamono Grade Swords, or 12 supreme grade swords, which was given the name Ryujin. The one thing that was even more known that there sword crafting skills was that they where one of the few people in the world who where able to place devil fruits in to weapons. They sold the weapons they created for large amounts of money to pirates, marines, and anybody ells who where willing to pay for there skills. When she was eight years old Saya was wandering around her parents workplace and, without even knowing what it was, ate one of the devil fruits that was supposed to go in to a weapon. The fruit she ate was called the Water Water fruit, a Loiga type fruit that gave her the properties of water. Less than two years ago her parents where killed by some of the customers who were trying to figure out how to give weapons devil fruit powers. When Saya was 15 years old here parents began teaching her everything they knew and when she was 19 she had the skill to craft swords almost as strong as her parents. After finding her parents dead, Saya searched out to retrieve all of the weapons that they had empowered with devil fruits, she did this because she belied the killers where one of the customers. In the time that has passed Saya has been able to recover two of the weapons, Raitou and Gladius. [/spoiler]
Position on crew: Blacksmith
Which crew do you belong to?:

Name: Constant Storm
Appearance: small only about 10 meters long and only 1 floor however it is incredibly fast, it has no cannons.
Figurehead: A skull with a sword penetrating the top of its skull the sword is very long
Captain of the ship: Osiris Hellsting
Pirate flag: The same as the figure head except there are 3 skulls
Short description: A reasonably small ship can only really fit 3 members
[spoiler=Name: Osiris Hellsting ( ~Soulciety~)]
Age: 20
[spoiler=Appearance: ]He wears tight black leather pants and black shoes, he also wears a maroon tight singlet that descends longer at the back, over this he wears a vanilla poncho like clothing that wraps around his neck it descends to cover his left arm and his right shoulder it also descends to the back of his caffs, but only covers the top of his chest. His hair is brown with strains going down his face, hit also spikes at the back. he has brown eyes and has a robotic left arm that is covered by the poncho.[/spoiler]
He possesses a 2m long katana blade, although he has eaten devil fruit he is an incredibly skilled sword master, he wields his blade with both fury and grace, it is 2m long and 10 cm thick and very light but solid.

PIRI PIRI Fruit-This fruit turns his left arm into a borderline impenetrable robotic arm the arm is used for both attacking and blocking, a defining feature of the arm is it's ability to extend only in length it can extend.[/spoiler]
Position on Crew: Captain
Crew: HellSting
Bio: Osiris grew up in the grand line, from an early age his 10 person village lived in the grand line, they would hunt the pirates that came out it thus calling themselves the Hell sting Bounters. Osiris was brought into the clan at age 10 and was the 10th member of it. He grew up there with his sensei who was very old but wise and strong, he taught him all he knew of wielding weapons, he later passed on and left his sword to Osiris, Osiris ate his devil fruit after he heard of it and its power, he traveled the world and at age 15 found it.
[spoiler=Name: Kai Trial( ~Soulciety~)]
Age: 25
except with long black hair and a small scar over his eye

[spoiler=Weapon: ]
he wields 2 dual sided katana blades that are incredibly thick, they are both 1.5 meters long each and are often used as boomerangs. The hilt is black and the blade color is black/dark red.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography: ]He was the 9th member in the pirate bounty hunters clan in the grand line, it was said that he had been recruited at age 15, he did not get along with Osiris and often fought with him to prove who was stronger, when their latest fight was a tie a new found respect was ensured from both sides as the 3 day long fight ended, they both are now part of a pirate hunter crew, the captain was decided over one final fight that lasted a week and although won by Osiris was wrote in history.[/spoiler]
Position on crew: 1st mate
Crew: HellSting[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Name: Nero Shade (~Soulciety~)]
Age: 23
He has one quite long black scimitar like piarte blade, the blade is said to be cursed in that when it cuts someone the user will also be cut but only a small cut, the user doesn't bleed from the cuts and is used to help the user deal with pain[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography: ]When Osiris and Kai intended to make a pirate hunting crew they only wanted max 5 people to join, their first to recruit was a notorious pirate hunter said to have slain pirates of over 100,000,000 beri bounties. When first hearing this the two went to the pirate hunter and after much convincing recruited him. He has been said to have been given those blades by a dark sorcerer pirate who was once cursed with them, however the pirates heart wasn't stronmg enough to possess them unlike Neros.[/spoiler]
Position on crew: 2nd mate
Crew: HellSting

[spoiler=Name: Crystal "Ice Queen" Thorn]

Age: 21

[spoiler=Appearance:] [IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2882oll.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

Weapon: [i]Hie Hie no mi[/i] - Freeze Freeze Fruit/sword

[spoiler=Biography:] Crystal came from a very peaceful, and well liked family. They lived on Fusha Island, in a typical modern day(for that time anyway) house. Crystal, had two brothers in which she was the middle child. One day, when Crystal was 7, group of pirates came and raided the town. They searched every house stealing anything of value the townsfolk had, and they even took the lives of those that didn't cooperate. hen they got to Crystal's house everyone was there....Except for Crystal. Now, Crystal was always a very curious child and she had heard stories of pirates so she wanted to see a real pirate ship up close.

So she snuck on board, somehow not getting caught, and made it to a fairly large room. Unknown to her it was the captain's quarters. At the back of the room, bext to the bed, was a large wooden chest. Once again her curiosity got the best of her and she went over to the chest, which wasn't locked, and opened it to see a strange looking blue fruit. It wasn't one that she was familiar with, but it didn't look that bad. After taking the first bite, it didn't taste bad at all so she ate the whole thing. Seconds later the captain came in, and boy was he livid. He was going to kill her for eating the Fobbidden fruit he planned on selling, but decided that killing her now that she had the abilities granted by the Freeze Freeze Fruit would be a waste.

So the captain, who's name was Vaghun, knocked her out and took her with him. It took her almost 6 months to deal with the fact that she may never see her family again. Surprisingly after she had delt with that, is was shown that she was a natural born leader. Crystal became something of a shadow to the captain who in actuality wasn't that bad of a man....For a pirate anyway. As the years passed by, she trained with her powers and was taught how to fight with swords, two at max. She was pretty well liked by the crew and often did the cooking for everyone.

When she reached the age of 17, they stopped at a town to restock. That night another pirate ship pulled into docks and attack her ship killing all those on board. Luckily for her she had decided to sleep at the town's inn. Once she found out what happened she got the destroyed ship fixed, and raised up a new Jolly Roger. From all her years on sea, she knew how to navigate and work the ship. Although she did her best to stay away from storms. She quickly got a crew together, and their first destination was her home town. Once Crystal got there she was told that her family had died on the day she went missing. She hadn't been back there since that day.[/spoiler]

Position on crew: Captain

Crew: Black Rose[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Name: Toni Mitsugi]

Age: 21

[spoiler=Appearance:] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/acqydv.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

Weapon: She uses a weapon called a Tetsugen. It's a wire plated glove on her right hand, it wraps up all the way to base of her elbow, with a kunai attached to the end of the wire. She is also good at hand-to-hand combat, and of course stealth/disguises.

[spoiler=Biography:] Toni lived in an orphanage for as lng as she can remember. She didn't make any friends there and was considered a tom boy by most. At an early age she taught herself how to fight. Not only that but she realized that she had a nack for fighting, and for stealth. Tori could break into anything, and she would never get caught. Of course people suspected her but there was never any evidence.

When she was 13 her skills were acknowledged by a pirate crew, which she readily joined seeing as there wasn't anything for her at her home. When there she was picked on because she was only a kid, and she often got beat up by the others on the crew. She never tried to stop them thought, and only saw it as a way for her to get stronger and tougher. Tori chose the Tetsugen as her weapon thinking that it was the best weapon for her.

At the age of 16 she became the scout for the crew, and was able to beat every one on the ship save for the captain, and the first mate. However, at 19 years of age she left that pirate crew and joined the Anomaly Pirates.[/spoiler]

Position on crew: Scout, and sometimes dubs as the Navigator


[spoiler=Hotaru987]Name: Sana Tayaboshi

Age: 20

[spoiler=Appearance:] [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/2edr0q9.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

Weapon: [i]Goro Goro no mi[/i] - Shock Shock Fruit

[spoiler=Biography:] Sana was raised in the high society. She had everything she could possibly want: Money, clothes, toys, and anything else you could possibly think of. Her future was already set for her by her parents. By the time Sana was 10 years old she had aready had a fiance picked out for her. At first she thought nothing of it, and of course she wouldn't, she was only 10 at the time. However, as she grew older she came to dispise her life.

Sana hated her parents for her life. They didn't let her do anything at all, and at times they would lock her in her room for days until she agreed to do everything like they had planned. Everything was too perfect, too planned out and her every move seemed dictated by her parents. She couldn't take it anymore.

So one day when she was 18 she ran away from her home. She didn't care what happned to her, she just had to get away. As soon as she left the grounds the alarms went off and the guards started chasing her. She should've known they would've had more guards, because she had tried to run before. Sana bolted off refusing to look back, and eventually lost them. However, right afterwards a group of thugs cornered her and was going to rob her, and probably do more to her.

The next bit was a mystery to her, but the next thing she saw was a bright light, that two of the four guys were severly burnt. Almost as if they got hit by lightening. Sana was suddenly very tired and she couldn't stand anymore and fainted. When she awoke she was in a room she didn't recognized, and in the room with her was a guy that looked older than her. He said his name was Dan Von Devile. She knew then that he must've saved her from a horrible fate. She asked him what he was doing here and he told her he was a pirate. She instantly asked him if she could come, lieing and said she hadn't anywhre else to go.

Sana knew probably didn't believe it because of how expensive her clothes looked but she didn't care. She told him that she could be the cook for his crew if he didn't have one, or even a navigator since she was taught how by one of her many teachers. In the end he allowed her to join. Ever since that day she has had a crush on her captain but tries to keep it professional when she can.

It was on his pirate ship that she had found out about her powers. Unknown to her, when she was younger she had eaten the Shock Shock Fruit but she doesn't ever remember doing so.


Position on crew: Cook, sometimes the Navigator

[spoiler= Name: Vincent Dolongi]

Age: 24

[spoiler=Appearance:] [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/mtqr81.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

Weapon: He is an expert martial artist, and has had some traning with almost every weapon imaginible. He wears special gloves that is extremely durable, an has metal plates on the back, and on the knuckle part.

[spoiler=Biography:] Vincent grew up in a Dojo with his grandfather, who taught him the way of fighting from a very early age. His parents had both died before he turned one, so he doesn't remember them at all. He was very anti-social, but not because he chose too. It was because of his secluded life at the dojo. He only saw the other students that were in the class, who were all twice maybe three times his age at the least. So holding a conversation with a man who's ego is as big as the world was a no-go.

Instead Vincent honed his fighting abilities, and trained with every weapon he could possibly get his hands on. One he turned 19 he was a very accomplished martial artist, and his grandfather told him it was time for him to leave and experience the world. With one last final farewell Vincent left the Dojo, and started his own journey.

However, when he was exposed to everything at once he had painfully found out that compared to some of these people he was still weak, and had a lot more too learn. He had to get stronger, even more powerful than he was now. In the end he joined the (Allesk) Crew, and is one of the strongest on the ship. He still continues to train at least twice a day so he can always be ready for anything.[/spoiler]

Position on crew: First Mate


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sweet, I'm thinking of having a small ship only fit for 3 though, iwas either gonna make the characetrs or other can join although it will be a pirate hunter ship hope that is okay

Name: Osiris Hellsting (Pirate Bounty Hunter)
Age: 20
Appearance: He wears tight black leather pants and black shoes, he also wears a maroon tight singlet that descends longer at the back, over this he wears a vanilla poncho liike clothing that wraps around his neck it descends to cover his left arm and his right shoulder it also descends to the back of his calfs, but only covers the top of his chest. His hair is brown with strains going down his face, hit also spikes at the back. he has brown eyes and has a robotic left arm that is covered by the poncho.

Bio: Osiris grew up in the grand line, from an early age his 10 person village lived in the grand line, they would hunt th epirates that came ot it thus calling themselves the Hell sting Bounters. osiris was brought into the clan at age 10 and was the 10th member of it. He grew up there with his sensei who was very old but wise and strong, he taught him all he knew of wielding weapons, he later passed on and left his sword to Osiris, Osiris ate his devil fruit after he heard of it and its power, he travelled the world and at age 15 found it.

Devil Fruit:

This fruit turns his left arm into a borderline impenetrable robotic arm the arm is used for both attacking and blocking, a defining feature of the arm is it's ability to extend only in length it can extend.


He possesses a 2m long katana blade, although he has eaten devil fruit he is an incredibly skilled sword master, he wields his blade with both fury and grace, it is 2m long and 10 cm thick and very light but solid.

Position on Crew: Captain

Captain of the ship: Osiris Hellsting

Ship app:
Name: Constant Storm
Appearance: small only about 10 metres long and only 1 floor however it is incredibly fast, it has no cannons.
Figurehead: A skull with a sword penetrating the top of its skull the sword is very long
Captain of the ship: Osiris Hellsting
Pirate flag: The same as the figure head except there are 3 skulls
Short description:
A reasonably small ship can only really fit 3 members
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oh i must have forgot no problem

2nd app for my crew:

Name: Kai Trial
Age: 25

except with long black hair and a small scar over his eye[/spoiler]

he wields 2 dual sided katana blades taht are incredibly thick, they are both 1.5 metres long each and are often used as boomerangs. The hilt is black and the blade colour is black/dark red.

Biography: He was the 9th member in the pirate bounty hunters clan in the grand line, it was said that he had been recruite at age 15, he did not get along with osiris and often fought with him to prove who was stronger, when their latest fight was a tie a new found respect was ensured from both sides as the 3 day long fight ended, they both are now part of a pirate hunter crew, the captain was decided over one final fight that lasted a week and although won by Osiris was wrote in history.
Position on crew: 1st mate
Crew: HellSting

Another For crew:

Name: Nero Shade
Age: 23

He has one quite long black scimitar like piarte blade, the blade is said to be cursed in that when it cuts someone the user will also be cut but only a small cut, the user doesn't bleed from the cuts and is used to help the user deal with pain
Biography: When Osiris and Kai intended to make a pirate hunting crew they only wanted max 5 people to join, their first to recruit was a notorious pirate hunter said to have slain pirates of over 100,000,000 beri bounties. When first hearing this the two went to the pirate hunter and after much convincing recruited him. He has been said to have been given those blades by a dark sorcerer pirate who was once cursed with them, however the pirates heart wasn't stronmg enough to possess them unlike Neros.

Position on crew: 2nd mate
Crew: HellSting
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