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The Seal of Orichachos Contest!


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Well the effect on the wiki is

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except with "Orichalcos Shunoros". When this card is Special Summoned, send all cards from your hand to the Graveyard and reduce your Life Points to 0. You cannot lose the Duel. This card cannot declare an attack unless you send the top 10 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.


Which is the exact same effect oh and btw



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Check the title. ROUND 2 has started.


@Hila Nuerfa: You have a good point there. GrandRaine's rating goes down. Now it's all up to the Japanese lettered guy to post the lore of his card. (Creativity - 5)


@GrandRaine: The effect is the same, just with different OCG. Hila Nuerfa is really wanting those points.

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I activate the Trap card "Jedi Mind Trick" You don't need a creative effect. This IS a better card then Hila's. These are not the droids you are looking for.

I activate the counter trap, "Clear Mind" I need creative effect. This card is NOT better than Hila's. These are the droids I'm looking for.

~{W00T! 700 post anniversary!}~

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Son of a biscuit, I did it again... Sorry guys. Note to self: don't enter a contest when you're busy with something else lol. Anyway, here's the effect:


This card is not destroyed by battle. Battle Damage you take from a battle involving a Normal Monster you control becomes 0. During your End Phase, if you control no monsters, you can remove from play 1 Level 4 Normal Monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Orichalcos Shunoros" from your hand, ignoring the Summoning conditions.


Not really that "creative" I guess, I just worked in Normal Monster support for synergy with Shunoros as usual, but whatever...

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OCG: 9/10 This card cannot be destroyed by battle.

Pic: 5/5 That pic = Pure origional

Creativity: 17/20 Actually pretty good!

Reality: 10/10 He's real.

Overall: 41/45

Grade: A- Very good!


The ratings are complete. GrandRaine, you're out. Sorry. You did good, but Hila has very good eyesight. It comes down to the last round. To add a twist, you need to grade the other person's OCG. If you miss an error, you get a point off. Good luck!

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hey I never said that...THERE ARE DARKER THINGS THEN DEMONS...I think your taking my words a little out of context...I AM THE SHADOWS I AM EVERYWHERE...you know I think you should think a little bit before posting...MAY THE BLACK ANGELS TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB

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