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The Seal of Orichachos Contest!


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K then I'll take another shot


[spoiler=Orichalcos Magnanimous]

LORE: You can Special Summon this card if there are no other Monsters on your side of the field. This card gains 500 ATK for each Normal Monster on the field. This card loses 500 ATK for each Effect Monster on the field (excluding this card).


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Heres mine :) BTW: I had to use the mirror knight token picture for this card. Sorry, it's because all Mirror Knight Calling Pics are of the card itself so yeh well hope u like


Oh heres the link for the real Mirror Knight Calling: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mirror_Knight_Calling




This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Orichalcos Mirror". When this card is Ritual Summoned you can Special Summon 4 "Mirror Knight Tokens" (Warrior-Type/DARK/Level 1 /0 ATK/0 DEF) and place 1 "Shield Counter" and 1 "Sword Counter" on each. If the tokens were to be destroyed by battle you can remove 1 "Shield Counter" instead. The tokens can only declare an attack if they have a "Sword Counter" on them. When they declare battle increase their ATK by the targeted monsters ATK +500. After the damage step remove the "Sword Counter". Increase this cards ATK by 1000 for every Mirror Knight Token on the field. When this card is destroyed by battle add 1 "Orichalcos" card from your deck to your hand. You must then shuffle your deck. If this card were to be destroyed by battle you can tribute a "Mirror Knight Token" to keep this card on the field.

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At least that Japanese lettering guy isn't complaining. Oh, wait. He's out... I think... Nope, dtwrules is out.


@Hila Nuerfa:

OCG: 910/10 Good OCG!

Pic: 3/5 I could barely see the actuall monster. Your excuses will not help.

Creativity: 18/20 Very nice, twisted effect. Other contestants, this is your example.

Reality: 10/10 You got Yu-Gi-Oh! wikia to prove it!

Overall: 40/45

Grade: A- Very good score!

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Dam you and your stupid pic rules :angry:


[spoiler=Divine Serpent]

LORE: This card can not be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Orichalcos Shunoros." When this card is Special Summoned discard your hand, this card gain infinite ATK and DEF, and reduce your Life Points to 0. You can not lose the duel as long as this card remains on the field. When this card attacks send the top 10 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard.



For when you come to your senses


[spoiler=Divine Serpent]

LORE: same


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