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The Acronym Challenge [Grand Prize = 3 reps]

Maghion Syaoran Light

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So I throw out a couple letters and you try to create a sentence or phrase or whatever out of it. Players vote on the best sentence/phrase/whatever and the first player to reach 5 wins gets 3 reps. The game will continue as long as players continues to play and rack up 5 points for reps but all other reps after the first will be just 1

To sign up, post here. Limit five players

1. When I update with a acronym, players have 48 hours to private message me their acronyms.
2. When all acronyms are messaged or 48 hours has passed (whichever is first), I will post the acronyms here (You will not know who submitted each acronym)
3. Players will then reply here to vote by replying with the number that is associated with their acronym of their choice.
4. after 24 hours of voting, the player with the highest votes gets a point and we continue with the same pattern.

1. No profanity or vulgar words
2. Vote for yourself and you will loose a vote
3. After the first challenge, there will be no limits on numbers of players and you will be free to sign up!

1. Commander Tim

game has not started yet

[spoiler=submitted Acronym]
game has not started yet
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