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Realistic Card Spam



It frustrates me to see comments in the R.C and other sections that are simple one words or a mere rating.
Often I've reported such "Cool card 8/10", "i like the pic", "overpowered" - but I saw nothing change.

Even though the rules specifically say you must write a comment and descriptive reason for your rate/ judgement, would it still be appropiiate to give the spammer a negative reputation point, as surely then they would realise.

[u]I might get some quotes:[/u]
[quote name='moppmoppmopp' timestamp='1286882526' post='4698717']
Exept me. 9/10
[/quote][quote name='Jazin Kay' timestamp='1286877415' post='4698659']
I like how Aphrodite has APHRODITE plastered in huge letters right on the image.Lol.
[/quote][quote name='Kingsters' timestamp='1286816522' post='4696507']
Good card but all Arcana Forces monsters has equal ATK and DEF.
[/quote][quote name='Demonx07' timestamp='1286816617' post='4696512']
nice arcana force card
[/quote][quote name='crazykid1227' timestamp='1285798074' post='4667167']
i think these things are just like the harpie ladies they have three girls one boy but still pretty cool
[/quote][quote name='doomimp9000' timestamp='1286849305' post='4698156']
what is the the 3 moon
[/quote][quote name='BROOKLAN RAGE!' timestamp='1285559398' post='4660154']
8/10 likin the synchro
[/quote][quote name='dxfan9990' timestamp='1286857441' post='4698446']
Nice effect, very creative.

If you comment, say "I think the card's effect is original and new because..." "I think the card is overpowered because...".
There are those who make really good comments and rates, Anbu-of-Sand, Spoon...
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[quote name='LiAM' timestamp='1286894840' post='4698878']
That is a bonus, but if all you get is spam comments, is there much point in the comments?
The only other point I can think of is motivation. Even if that one comment that says something like "Great cards 10000/10" may be spam, it can somewhat motivate you into continuing on said set or to continue making cards if you are having any doubt on your time here on YCM.
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That is true. It could be short but I prefer a lengthy in-detail comment like you. anbu is the perfect example as he gives very good comment. But there's really not much things you could do about it. I mean if you put up a thread saying it is advised you give good comments, not spam, no-one's going to read it unfortunately.
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I am rather disappointed in this, seeing one of my goals on YCM is to make sure members will start giving great detail in their reviews on cards by seeing the way I give detail on cards when reviewing them as well, but sadly, out of all the members on YCM in the Realistic Cards forum, only around, I'd say about 10-20 actually do give the proper Comments n Criticism that is suppose to be given.

Another problem is, I feel like I'm not doing my goal no good since I haven't given CnC on a card in weeks.
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[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1286899655' post='4698992']
That is true. It could be short but I prefer a lengthy in-detail comment like you. anbu is the perfect example as he gives very good comment. But there's really not much things you could do about it. I mean if you put up a thread saying it is advised you give good comments, not spam, no-one's going to read it unfortunately.
Only other way to prevent this in my opinion, is to put that the "Comments must be detailed" in big, bold, underlined letters. But even then, there are those people who just ignore and just want that +1 post, which severely annoys me I might add.
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[quote name='♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥' timestamp='1286987976' post='4701748']
[center][color="#9932CC"][b]Should be brought to Josh privately. Or at the least, into the C&S subforum.[/b][/color][/center]
O_o This is in the questions and help Forum? That's just absurd. I could've sworn this was already in the CnS Forum.
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