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Wanted: 1 Banner of Chaos Dragon for my sig. Think it's about time I got a fancy art piece :)




Image: Reasonable banner size, would maybe work better if it only showed Chaos Dragon from the breastplate up (leave to artist's discretion). Chaos Dragon to be positioned towards the right of the banner. And the whole image to be darker than this one, as pitch black background as possible with faded/shadowey/greyish Dragon, the purple ring, and text. Don't think there's that much to do on it really just a minor fiddle nothing fancy.


Text: Just 'Matt Bahamut' in the very top left. Font: No exact type preference but something just big, blocky straightforward letters, not a fancy scrawl, can be all caps or bolded if you think it looks better. But similar faint dark shadowy colour in the same vein as Dragon.


Holo: None


Price: Obviously I don't know a lot about this stuff, but will pay points for a quality image that's to spec.


Thanks in advance.


Matt Bahamut

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