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Pokemon-Desert Island-PLEASE LOCK


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[quote name='-:=Brandon=:-' timestamp='1287167857' post='4707161']
Ooc:Since evolution cannot be undone, i will allow it, but now NO evolutions till page 5 at least...

"Well eithor way, I still want an ally, weather i lose or not!" charmander grunted with bite marks in his shoulder. "And i dont want to ally with a coward who has to hide behind his sandstorm to beat me!"
Sand was getting in the cut on his shoulder, stinging.
"So, eithor you gain yourself an ally and put that sandstorm down, or you gain an enemy!" Charmander taunted, then he jumped in the direction larvitar went, swiping with a steel claw.

Ooc:I haz plan, so dont take the sandstorm away :lol:

Larvitar gets hit with the steel claws and falls back. But he immediately recovers and jumps onto the charmander's arm and up the sand storm sending him spiraling into the overpowered vibrava. " HAAAAA! Bite!" Tyson roars as he chops onto the vibrava's wing. " I'll show you that you vs. Aero isn't quite fair!" He mumbles through his clenched teeth. He moves the sandstorm to the general area of where he and the vibrava are standing. now he can see charmander standing where the sandstorm used to be. he lets go and dive bombs into charmander rolling to the side exhausted and hurt from the impact.

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Ooc:lol, lot happened there in a short space XD surprised your head didnt explode, mine did.

"Argh!" Charmander fell down and grunted, *spark* [i]What the?[/i] A spark generated, from charmanders mouth, he tried replicating it. A little flame emerged from his mouth. He had learnt ember, the basic fire move.
"hahaha!" Charmander laughed, "Your in trouble now, i warned you to take the sandstorm down! You do know, that fire plus sand..."
Charmander shot a flame at larvitar.
"Equals glass!" Charmander watched as bits of glass fell down to the ground, he hoped it was strong enough to possibly trap the larvitar. [i]If my plan is correct, it will trap the larvitar...But i fear that i would need flamethrower for that...[/i] But would it be enough?
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Buzz Tried to Dodge the slash However It hit his Left Wing. "Aww come on I'm left-winged no fair!" [i]Hmm Wait Harden Forces the user to stiffen all his/her muscles to gain defense...Since he has used Harden at least two times this could be an advantage in my favor I had better bluff him out...or Decrese his maneuverability even more with paralysis![/i] "Now Aero! For my Counter-Attack! DragonBreath! A Blue stream then erupted out of Buzz's mouth and toward Aero.
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Aero Tried to dodge the attack. "Man, that stinks!" he smirked. He flew circles around the blast and headed for Buzz. "Faint Attack!" he shouted as he was about to hit Buzz. But right in Buzz's face, Aero disappeared. "OOhhhhhh, where am i. I could be over there. Or over here!" he said with his best imitation of what a ghost pokemon sounds like.
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"Please do not try to imitate a ghost-type might as well call yourself a drifloon the so called cutest ghost ever!" [i]Faint Attack Never Misses it's target however who said I was the target...[/i] "I got one thing to say to you Mr Now you see it now you don't...SUPERSONIC! Ha the frequency of supersonic penetrates walls who's to say it can't affect you?"
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"God he's right!" he said. Aero gripped his head. The pain of the vibrations was excrutiating. "I gotta...I gotta fight it..." he said with a dizzy tone. He started to feel light headed. He shook it off and started to focus all of his energy into both claws. "Hmm....I've been practicing a couple of moves...." he said with a chuckle. "This last moveset i have was from when i left my pack. Im gonna go all out on you...." Aero showed his new-found power by shooting off a force towards everyone. "Now eat my X-Scissor!" he said as he charged the Vibrava with his new attacks.
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The ground slightly rumbled , the ground below began to break up as sand filled the air. It looked as if a Dugtrio was underneath the ground but it was to big for that, a strong sandstorm traveled behind the pokemon traviling under the ground. The pace of the underground pokemon picked up aswell as the sandstorm behind it. The pokemon underground had stoped in its place, when the pokemon stoped the sandstorm stoped. Two large red ords poked out from the sand. "[color="#00FF00"] What do we have here [/color]" The underground pokemon watched from a distance as four pokemon battled it out. " [color="#00FF00"]They seem to be putting there all into it [/color]"
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[i]Time for a psych-out![/i] Buzz surprisingly jumped right into the incoming X-Scissor! However not unprepared. "This Is It the on Clash to Decide It all! Who Shall rise out as victorious you or me?"
OOC: Sonic_Zach™ No offense but I'm a bit tired of battling I wanna explore with a new villain I may create so how about we cast a vote on the OOC as to who wins our battle waddya say?
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[quote name='-:=Brandon=:-' timestamp='1287240945' post='4709203']
Ooc:lol, lot happened there in a short space XD surprised your head didnt explode, mine did.

"Argh!" Charmander fell down and grunted, *spark* [i]What the?[/i] A spark generated, from charmanders mouth, he tried replicating it. A little flame emerged from his mouth. He had learnt ember, the basic fire move.
"hahaha!" Charmander laughed, "Your in trouble now, i warned you to take the sandstorm down! You do know, that fire plus sand..."
Charmander shot a flame at larvitar.
"Equals glass!" Charmander watched as bits of glass fell down to the ground, he hoped it was strong enough to possibly trap the larvitar. [i]If my plan is correct, it will trap the larvitar...But i fear that i would need flamethrower for that...[/i] But would it be enough?

OOC:intense heating is needed to make glass. I mean intense. Ember would do nothing whatsoever in order to make glass you need like flamethrower.

Deep inside larvitar knew he standed no chance against this charmander with the newly learned ember. He whipped up a sandstorm and tried to find the inner most power within himself. "SCKREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed shrilly as he let out a newly learned screech attack! Charmander was forced to cover his ears and larvitar caught him off guard "Crunch!" larvitar yelled as he bit ferociously onto charmander's back. He jumped back into the sandstorm. He didn't think he could do this much longer.
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[quote name='-:=Brandon=:-' timestamp='1287330206' post='4712170']
Ooc: Ahem...."Charmander was forced to cover his ears"... From now on, im introducing warnings....if you have a warning, ill say "name-WARNING-reason:(reason)...So, why was MY character forced to cover his ears when i didnt say he did?

I quit. I'm tired of you not being a good host having overpowered pokemon and having you percieve half the things we say are god modding!!!!! GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDENS!
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Ooc:Its good to have you back commander....lets carry on our battle....NOTE FOR EVERYONE: I am still doing warnings, 1 warning, then,*insert baseball music*, yooourrrr ouut!

"arghh!!" Charmander was forced to cover his ears due to the screech, [i]What? He didnt have it before![/i]. Charmander knelt down to the ground because of the force of the screech, "I hate that move!"
Charmander crawled backwards into the sandstorm, yes it hurt him, but still. It made him hidden.
"I can't hear, yes, you have the advantage!" Charmander saw a shadow, like larvitars in the storm, he approched it secretly, grabbing a handfull of sand from the ground. "But, I'd rather be death than blind!"
Then, charmander jumped in front of larvitar, and threw sand. Hoping for it to hit larvitar in the face and temporarily blind him.

Ooc:Again, charmanders just trying to blind larvitar, he may not have, has he commander? you decide....XD
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The mysterious pokemon which hid underground watched with instrest as the battle between the charmander and larvitar raged on. " I must say I tought that charmander wouldent be able to hold his own aginst that larvitar but I guess I was wrong." The mysterious pokemon moved closer, the ground began to rumble as the pokemon drew closer. " That charmander seems really strong, but I dont remember seeing him here before, as for that larvitar he's a resourceful one planing out his moves before he strikes. Both of them will one day elove into strong pokemon." The mysterious pokemon's tail poked out of the sand the tail sparkled in the light showing that the tail belonged to a shiny pokemon. The tail was long, green and blue, and held three spikes which sorta looked like leaves dancing in the wind. " I know I shouldent do this, but I am qite curious to see how well the two can work as a team when facing the same foe." The pokemon takes a deep breath. " After all I cant protect this desert forever, someday I will have to pass that duty onto the youth of this world. Well lets see how the two handels a light attack. Lets try a Twister attack"

The long tail sticking out of the sand begins to twirls, as soon as the tail moves a strong gust picks up. The winds become alot more violent forming into a twister, once the twister is formed it picks up the sand from the ground causing a large twister/sandstorm. " Here it comes boys, enjoy" The pokemon flicks her tails towards both charmander and larvitar. The intense twister moves slowly towards both pokemon.
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[quote name='-:=Brandon=:-' timestamp='1287501611' post='4717661']
Ooc:Its good to have you back commander....lets carry on our battle....NOTE FOR EVERYONE: I am still doing warnings, 1 warning, then,*insert baseball music*, yooourrrr ouut!

"arghh!!" Charmander was forced to cover his ears due to the screech, [i]What? He didnt have it before![/i]. Charmander knelt down to the ground because of the force of the screech, "I hate that move!"
Charmander crawled backwards into the sandstorm, yes it hurt him, but still. It made him hidden.
"I can't hear, yes, you have the advantage!" Charmander saw a shadow, like larvitars in the storm, he approched it secretly, grabbing a handfull of sand from the ground. "But, I'd rather be death than blind!"
Then, charmander jumped in front of larvitar, and threw sand. Hoping for it to hit larvitar in the face and temporarily blind him.

Ooc:Again, charmanders just trying to blind larvitar, he may not have, has he commander? you decide....XD

Larvitar is hit in the face and stumbles back. Fortunately for him a strange twister like attack hit charmander in the face (Twilight soul's attack) "GRRRRR" he gritted his teeth as he wiped the final sand particles out of his eyes. " I didn't use twister? But then... who did?" We'll soon find out thought larvitar as he took away the sandstorm to see none other than the great desert spirit herself. her brilliant aura was cascading down her body. She gave of a magnificant radiance. "I've only heard about it in stories...... I guess the gods are on my side then! Bite!" he screamed as he chomped down hard on charmander.
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Charmander was[size="1"] *apparently*[/size] hit in the face by a small twister, then in his blindness larvitar bit him on the shoulder. [i]What shot that twister at me?![/i]...
"Wait what?!" Charmander wheezed as larvitar bit his shoulder, "The, desert spirit?! Hey I thought the spirit didnt side with people!"
Charmander growled as larvitar held his bite.
"GRRR!" Charmander used ember and shot a flame at larvitar, making him back off a few steps, then he ran towards the desert spirit. Just in front of where the tail has stuck out.

"Hey desert spirit!" He challenged, not caring weather larvitar attacked him from behind, "I thought you didnt take sides!"
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The desert spirit emerged from the sand releasing a majestic roar, her scales shined with a bright glow. It was clear that she was some what special, her scales was a different color than that of a normal flygon. When the Charmander spoke she remained silent, the desert spirit had a faint smile across her face. { Hmmm he sure is a brave one. How cute he's standing up to me I wounder how he would respond to a taunt} she tought. The desert began flaping her mighty wings hoping the winds from her flaping would knock over the Charmander and the agressive larvitar. { I pains me to do this to the two of them, but I must find someone within this desert with guts and a kind heart to take my place as protector. I dont know why but I really that these two rivals can become the new protectors of the desert.} she tought. The desert spirit continued to flap her wings while she remained on the ground. Sand flew high into the air as the strong winds headed towards the two. " Grawwwwww" she roared with anger in her voice.
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Charmander stood in awe as the great pokemon emerged from the sands, flapping her mighty wings.
"Arghhhh!" Charmander growled as the spirit flapped her wings, the wind was greatly strong, "Thats it!"
Charmander punched his arms into the sand, like anchors. The wings pushed against him, but he knelt strong, then, he crawled slowly towards the desert spirit.
"Aha!" Charmander laughed, he was within range. "Take this!"
Then charmnder released an ember at the desert spirit.
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[quote name='-:=Brandon=:-' timestamp='1287684191' post='4723173']
Charmander stood in awe as the great pokemon emerged from the sands, flapping her mighty wings.
"Arghhhh!" Charmander growled as the spirit flapped her wings, the wind was greatly strong, "Thats it!"
Charmander punched his arms into the sand, like anchors. The wings pushed against him, but he knelt strong, then, he crawled slowly towards the desert spirit.
"Aha!" Charmander laughed, he was within range. "Take this!"
Then charmnder released an ember at the desert spirit.

larvitar ran and bit charmander as he was attacking the the desert spirit. He jumped back and assumed a fighting stance knowing with the desert spirit's help he could easily overcome this charmander. "So you can think you can take down god.. but you can't." We'll beat you no matter what!
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"ARRGHGHHHH!!!!" Charmander roared as larvitar bit him, "I'll take you both on!"
Charmander jumped at larvitar, slicing with his steel claw, then he bit larvitars tail.
"This fight has gone too long, time, for me to end it!" Charmander said, he released an ember, that shot directly at larvitar. Charmander then knelt down on one knee, one fist to the ground,
"Because, I like to be the one to end things!" Charmander suddenly, even to his surprise, pointed his head up, shooting a massive ember into the sky, he was also glowing white at the same time.

"Im evolving?!" Charmander laughed, "Hahahaha!!"
For one whole minuite then charmander waited, but nothing...
"What?!" charmander didnt evolve.... "Grrr....Hey desert spirit! I bet you stopped my evolution!!"
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