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Ravens [Almost Complete]

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[spoiler=cards]|Gust, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|3||1200|1400|When this card is Special Summoned, Special summon 2 "Raven Tokens". You can tribute 3 Raven Tokens you control to destroy 2 cards on the Field. If you destroyed a monster your opponent controls, inflict 1000 damage to your Life Points.|

|Crow, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|4||1500|1000|You can remove this card from play until the End Phase to Special Summon 2 "Raven Tokens" or 1 Level-3 or lower "Raven" monster.|

|Hurricane, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|1||100|1500|FLIP: Special Summon 1 "Raven Token"|

|Storm, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|3||1700|0|Once per turn, you can switch this card's ATK and DEF to Special Summon 3 "Raven Tokens". The monsters Summoned by this Effect cannot be used to Summon a Level-7 or higher "Raven" Fusion Monster and are destroyed at the End Phase.|

|Turbulence, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|6||2000|1450|As long as this card remains face-up on the Field, "Raven Tokens" you control cannot be destroyed by Battle. Once per turn, you can Add 2 "Raven" cards from your Deck to the Hand to Special Summon 1 "Raven Token".|

|Tornado, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|2||600|200|Tribute this card and destroy card's on the Field equal to the amount of "Raven Tokens" on the Field. Inflict damage to your Life Points equal to the number of card's destroyed by this effect x300.|

|Cloud, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|8||3000|2100|You can Special Summon this card by Tributing 4 "Raven Tokens" you control. When this card is Summoned, activate 1 of the following effects: -Draw 2 cards. Special Summon 2 "Raven Tokens". -Discard 2 cards and Special Summon 3 "Raven Tokens".|

|Dew, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|3||1050|1300|Each time a "Raven" monster is destroyed by Battle, Special Summon 1 "Raven Token". When you control 2 or more "Raven Tokens" destroy this card.|

|Current, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|4||1600|100|If you control no "Raven" monsters, and your opponent controls a Level-2 or higer monster, Special Summon this card and 1 "Raven Token". Once per turn, tribute 1 "Raven Token" and Special Summon 2 "Raven Tokens".|

|Vapor, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Wind|2||1100|0|During each of your End Phases, if this is the only card you control, Draw 1 card.|

|Raven Token|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Token/Effect|Wind|1|0|0|When this card is Summoned, increase your Life Points by 100. When this card is removed from the Field, decrease your Life Points by 300.|

|Murder of Ravens|x|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell|||||Pay 1000 Life Points. Special Summon 2 "Raven Tokens" and 1 Level-2 or lower "Raven" monster from your Deck.|

|Shifted Wind|x|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||When a "Raven monster, or "Raven Token" you control is selected as an attack target, flip it to face-down defense position and negate the Attack.|

|Raven Morph|x|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell|||||Send cards you control to the Graveyard listed as Fusion Material for a "Raven" Fusion Monster and Special Summon it. This Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon|

|Raven Eye|x|xxxx|Pay 500 Life Points and destroy 1 "Raven" monster you control. Look at the Top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck and place 1 of them in your opponents hand and 1 on the bottom of their Deck.|

|Cry of the Raven|x|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||As long as this card remains on the Field, negate the effect of a "Raven Token" and instead, you gain 300 Life Points when its Summoned and inflict 100 damage to your Life Points when it's destroyed.|

|Ravenomic Powers|x|xxxx|Trap Card|Trap|||||Activate only when your opponent declares an attack. Tribute 2 "Raven Tokens" you control and destroy the attacking monster.|

|Advance, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect|Wind|8||3000|2100|3 "Raven Tokens" + 1 or more Winged Beast-type monsters. This card cannot attack unless you control 3 "Raven Tokens". Once per turn, discard 2 cards from your Deck and tribute 3 "Raven Tokens" and destroy 4 cards on the Field. Then 500 damage to your Life Points and Skip your next Battle Phase and your opponent can Summon 1 Level-5 or lower monster from their Deck.|

|Wave, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect|Wind|5||0|2100|2 "Raven Tokens" + 1 or more Winged Beast-type monsters. This card is treated as a "Raven Token" while face-up on the Field. Wehn this card is destroyed, remove it from play and Special Summon 1 Level-3 or lower monster from your Graveyard used as Fusion Material for this card.|

|Whirlwind, The Raven|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect|Wind|9||3500|2800|3 "Raven Tokens" + 2 Winged Beast-type monsters. Each time a "Raven" monster is destroyed by Battle, increase your Life points by 400. Once per turn, destroy 1 attack position monster on the Field. Then switch this card to defense position. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, remove this card from play and switch the target to 1 monster your opponent controls. If you can't, pay 1000 Life Points.|

|Blizzard, The Ravem|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect|Wind|7||2200|2100|1 "Raven Token" + 1 or more Winged Beast-type monsters. Increase this card's ATK by 100 for each "Raven Token" you control. You can tribute this card and Special Summon 1 Level-6 or lower "Raven" monster from your Deck in face-down defense position. It cannot be Flip Summoned until the End Phase. During your opponents Battle Phase, remove this and 1 face-down monster you control from play to end the battle Phase and Special Summon 1 "Raven Token" and 1 "Raven" monster from your Graveyard with 1500 or less DEF from your Graveyard.|[/spoiler]
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[quote name='0-Chill' timestamp='1287017516' post='4703326']
I see you got most of the Raven names from BW. Perhaps you can make an archtype specific fusion card to complete the ravens?
I was gonna add one later, once i got a rate for them, but your the only one who would even comment. I thought about a few more S/Ts for now

And i kinda got the name idea from BW but from Nature and stuff like that
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