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A Pokemon Black and White RP!!! [started / always accepting]


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Username: Serenity
RP Name: Balthier Nunsmanet
Age: 39
Hometown:Yannappa Forest
Appearance: 5' 9" and weighs 209 lbs. Wears a shirt that says: From the smallest seed comes the mightyest tree. he wears light brown Cargo pants. He also wears glasses and short, greenish-blonde hair due to being around spores all the time
Biography: From any early age, it seems that Nature was Balthier's closet friend, so much that he rather be outside then be with normal kids. Now if any body talks to him, (that is if you can find him in the forest, he will tell that The world around us does talk to us, we need to listen.
Personality: Very open minded and Respectful all living things. hates unnataeral deathes.
Trainer Type: Elite 4
Gym Leader/Elite 4: # 1
Starter Pokemon:
Wormadan (ground)
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Username: NotBot
RP Name: Jak Spikester
Age: 24
Hometown: Floaroma Town
Appearance: Black hair with black sideburns. He wears a purple and black top with camo trousers. He has blue eyes and is tall.
Biography: He was born in the sinnoh region and was put into an orphanage at the age of 11. He moved out at 17 then he started to collect fire type pokemon. When he was 21 the old owner of gym number 3, told Jak to inherit the gym when he died. A week later the old man died so Jak became a gym leader and has only ever given out 8 badges from when he inherited the gym 3 years ago.
Personality: He is serious and when he is in trouble he stays calm. He rarely gets angry but when he loses he gets so annoyed.
Trainer Type: Gym Leader (Fire)
Gym Leader/Elite 4: #3
Starter Pokemon:
Quilava (lvl. 41)
Hihidaruma (lvl. 38)
Baokkie (lvl. 12)
Enbouh (lvl. 37)
Kuitaran (lvl. 19)
Arcanine (lvl. 52) (first)

Username: NotBot
RP Name: Kallum Robertson
Age: 29
Hometown: Trakma City
Appearance: He has ginger hair and always wears blue and orange.
Biography: He was a really rich child but when he was a teenager, he had a change of heart and gave away all his money except some to have some food. At 21 he got into the Elite 4 and from then on he has just got better and better.
Personality: He is a kind, happy person. If one of his opponants become ill he will battle them again when they are better.
Trainer Type: Elite 4 (Rock)
Gym Leader/Elite 4: #2
Starter Pokemon:
Gantoru (lvl. 69)
Golem (lvl. 78)
Archeos (lvl.74)
Tyranitar (Shiny) (lvl. 81) (first)
Armaldo (lvl. 64)
Rampardos (lvl. 71)
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[quote name='DeathSDelano' timestamp='1287268246' post='4710386']
Alright that means we can get the other E4 m Gym leaders later
lol i just did a look through the accept apps i thought BDD was E4 but he really is the 3rd gym leader XD

So the Gyms are:
#1 : Grass
#2 : ?
#3 : Dark
#4 : Fighting
# 5 ?
#: 6 ?
#7 : Flying
# 8 Ghost

# 1 - 3 : ?
# 4 Eletric

Champion(Me) Various
You cannot have Legendary pokemon on your Team so change Reshiram to another pokemon and also Dark Type is being used as a Gym so you may have to change that.
Also the 3rd Gym is taken by the Dark Gym
Also there are no Levels on this (or i don't think so)

Gonna have to get sheld's word on that
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Username: NotBot
RP Name: Jak Spikester
Age: 24
Hometown: Floaroma Town
Appearance: Black hair with black sideburns. He wears a purple and black top with camo trousers. He has blue eyes and is tall.
Biography: He was born in the sinnoh region and was put into an orphanage at the age of 11. He moved out at 17 then he started to collect fire type pokemon. When he was 21 the old owner of gym number 3, told Jak to inherit the gym when he died. A week later the old man died so Jak became a gym leader and has only ever given out 8 badges from when he inherited the gym 3 years ago.
Personality: He is serious and when he is in trouble he stays calm. He rarely gets angry but when he loses he gets so annoyed.
Trainer Type: Gym Leader (Fire)
Gym Leader/Elite 4: #3
Starter Pokemon:
[b]Quilava[/b] (lvl. 41)
Hihidaruma (lvl. 38)
Baokkie (lvl. 12)
Enbouh (lvl. 37)
Kuitaran (lvl. 19)
Arcanine (lvl. 52) (first)

Username: NotBot
RP Name: Kallum Robertson
Age: [b]29[/b]Hometown: Trakma City
Appearance: He has ginger hair and always wears blue and orange.
Biography: He was a really rich child but when he was a teenager, he had a change of heart and gave away all his money except some to have some food. At [b]21[/b] he got into the Elite 4 and from then on he has just got better and better.
Personality: He is a kind, happy person. If one of his opponants become ill he will battle them again when they are better.
Trainer Type: Elite 4 [b](Rock)[/b]
Gym Leader/Elite 4: #2
Starter Pokemon:
[b]Gantoru[/b] (lvl. 69)
[b]Golem[/b] (lvl. 78)
[b]Archeos[/b] (lvl.74)
[b]Tyranitar[/b] (Shiny) (lvl. 81) (first)
[b]Armaldo[/b] (lvl. 64)
[b]Rampardos[/b] (lvl. 71)

[b]Bold[/b] = new/edited
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Fistly, you still should remove the levels, since they don't seem to be needed, and if you do keep them think more about them. They should be fairly close together, and should be appropriate for the position of the person (for example the third gym leader shouldn't have a level 50). As was mentioned, the 3rd Gym is already taken, so you'll have to pick another one.

On Jak:
Most children have Pokemon in this world, and I doubt that if it's that common an orphanage is likely to not let it's residents have their own. Why did he not have any until he left? Also, he cannot be handing out badges at the rate of one every 4-6 months. Maybe if he was the 8th leader, but even then it's unlikely, and for someone fairly early there should be a reasonable number of people getting past him (otherwise every subsequent leader is going to be very bored).

On Kallum:
He's basically an idiot. He seems to be extremely wealthy, but yet he gave away a fortune. I presume this was to people who actually needed it (the homeless, orphans, undeveloped countries ect.), and whilst it's a generous thing to do, it's not what anyone who actually has money should do. Yes, he can be generous, but what he should be doing is keeping his fortune, taking the bare minimum to live, and then giving to charity from the interest. That way he can keep doing it, and doesn't have to worry about his own future either. Also, where did he get all that money, and was it his own, because if it was where are his parents, and if not why was he allowed to give it all away?
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Username: NotBot
RP Name: Jak Spikester
Age: 24
Hometown: Floaroma Town
Appearance: Black hair with black sideburns. He wears a purple and black top with camo trousers. He has blue eyes and is tall.
Biography: He was born in the sinnoh region and was put into an orphanage at the age of 11. After a week in the orphanage he got a He moved out at 17 then he started to collect fire type pokemon. When he was 21 the old owner of gym number 3, told Jak to inherit the gym when he died. A week later the old man died so Jak became a gym leader and has given out 33 badges from when he inherited the gym 3 years ago.
Personality: He is serious and when he is in trouble he stays calm. He rarely gets angry but when he loses he gets so annoyed.
Trainer Type: Gym Leader (Fire)
Gym Leader/Elite 4: #6
Starter Pokemon:
Arcanine (first)

Username: NotBot
RP Name: Kallum Robertson
Age: 29
Hometown: Trakma City
Appearance: He has ginger hair and always wears blue and orange.
Biography: He was a really rich child but when he was a teenager, he had a change of heart and gave away all his money (which he got from his grandad when he died) to poor people and orphans except some to have some food. At 21 he got into the Elite 4 and from then on he has just got better and better.
Personality: He is a kind, happy person. If one of his opponants become ill he will battle them again when they are better.
Trainer Type: Elite 4 (Rock)
Gym Leader/Elite 4: #2
Starter Pokemon:
Tyranitar (Shiny)(first)

I've edited again. Time Psyduck what do you think about this?
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  • 4 months later...
Username: Ghostmyth
RP Name: Akio Nyuhara
Age: 19
Hometown: Minma Town
Biography: When Akio was a child, he was attacked by a herd of Bouffalant. The resulting scars wiped it from his memory. This is all he remembers: He was born in a small city without any real dreams of achieving anything at all. His parents felt an extreme disdain towards it. In order to see what the problem was, his parents ordered an extremely rare therapist to go to his house and get to the bottom of it. He stated that pokemon never held much of an interest to him. He always liked baseball a lot more then training up “monsters”. He was quite clumsy, though, so baseball was just an unachievable dream for him. With a sigh the therapist left, and proceeded to return every day for the next month.

The first week was slow for the both of them. Akio was as stubborn as a mule and didn’t allow the therapist to make any progress. After a few sessions, though, Akio began to open up. It turned out that he knew baseball was out of the way. He knew he wouldn’t be any good at it. He just wanted something to distract him from pokemon. Akio didn’t know why, but something about pokemon scared him. On the third week, Akio remembered the stampede that attacked him as a child. What he didn’t know was that the stampede was the reason he couldn’t play baseball. They did quite a bit of damage to his legs. Thankfully, it wasn’t enough to stop him from walking. Sadly, the damage scraped bones making it hard for him to walk normally.

The fourth week was the greatest. The therapist brought an Audino to heal his wounds. The Audino didn’t fully heal him, but after five days of 2-hour healing sessions Akio began to feel a lot better. He could walk normally, but he didn’t get the hang of running yet. It took him a few years to relearn everything he needed to about movement. He was thankful of the therapist, and when the therapist left, he gave Akio to special presents. One was the Audino that healed him, and the other…


It was the final part of Akio’s therapy. He had to take the gym leader challenge and win, all while keeping Bouffalant in his team. Thankfully, Akio was a natural. He loved the normal type and stuck with it, eventually knocking out the competition. Instead of taking the elite four challenge, he was offered a job. His parents told them that he’d have to wait until he was 18 to make any life-changing decisions like that. When he was eighteen, the position was filled.

He had to fight the person and win to become the final member. Sadly, he lost. He hated himself for it, but he also hated his parents. He could have been a member of the elite four, but he wasn’t. He moved to Seeght City and began to work at the lighthouse until he got a strange phone call. It turns out that the man who was the previous member of the elite four had gotten extremely ill. He took the spot in a heart beat, but frequently visited the man. Sadly, the man passed away. Now, Akio pays his respects to the man on the first Sunday of every month.

Personality: Akio is quite the stubborn young man. He always thinks he’s right and he’ll fight to the end of the universe to prove it. His pokemon phobia isn’t one hundred percent cured, and every time he sees a giant pokemon he has a slight flinch. Still, he can get over it quite well. He is very ceremonious towards the dead, and makes it a point to visit the previous first elite of the elite four monthly. He bonds very well with ghost type trainers because of this ceremony.
Trainer Type: Elite 4
Gym Leader/Elite 4: 1
Starter Pokemon:


My favorite pokemon is Bouffalant and my favorite gen is the second
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