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A Pokemon Black and White RP!!! [started / always accepting]


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@shelds, if possible, here is a Professor app for Gary
@Delano, is it okay for our characters to be long time friends? If so, cool! If not, I'll change this app accordingly.

Username: Zextra
RP Name: Professor Gary Oak
Age: 17
Hometown: Pallet Town


Biography: Gary grew up in Pallet Town with his friend and rival Ash Ketchum. However, after losing narrowly to Ash in the Silver Conference, Gary went to pursue his dream to become a Pokemon Researcher, starting in the Sinnoh Region. Eventually, he came acros travelling the Oryu Region, where he met the current champion, Delano. After finishing his research on evolution in the Oryu Region, Professor Samuel Oak, his grandfather, informed him that there was currently no active professor there. Therefore, he decided to fulfill this position. However, in addition to being a professor, he continues to carry on his duties as a trainer, matching the power of the upper ranks in the Elite 4.
Personality: He is kind and caring to all Pokemon, and despises trainers who treat their Pokemon badly and those who make their Pokemon do bad things.
Trainer Type: Professor
Starter Pokemon: Squirtle
• Blastoise
• Electivire
• Umbreon
• Urugamasu
• Ononokusu
• Wargle

Favorite Generation V Pokemon: Ononokusu/Shanderaa
Favorite Overall Pokemon: Milotic :D

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May i join?

Username: Tuatha de Dannan
RP Name: Maha Suivi'lei (Note: Maha may be pronounced as Macha)
Age: 19
Hometown: Orghan City
Appearance: A tall-slim young-adult Girl. Has velvet red eyes and a light-black hair, tied into twin ponytails on her head. Her usual attire consists of a short-black dress with soft short sleeves down her arms. Black Knee-high boots support her feet and make her look taller then she should be. She stands around 5 feet, 6 inches. Sometimes gives off an eerie vibe.
Biography: A taller then avergare young-adult female who resides in Orghan City. Being in contact with the Ghost pokemon which gather there Maha has been known to sometimes exhibit unusual behavior and even become violent. Not much of a pokemon trainer or a pokemon breeder, as she possess' only one pokemon, a Shandera which was passed down by her late deceased mother. She tends to study Ancient Languages and has a heavy intrest in the history of the world. Maha finnaly decided to leave her home to search for answers to many of her questions.
Personality: Cheerful, friendly, (Controlling, sadistic)
Trainer Type: Normal Trainer
Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A
Starter Pokemon: Shandera nicknamed Funale (can this be acceptable?)
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Look, I'm sorry for being rude, but the reason why we don't directly state the problem is that otherwise, we can't be sure people have read the rules. It is important, because otherwise you won't know the battle guidelines. Trust me, it's not because we don't want to accept them, it's that we need to know that they understand the guidelines, and if they do not take the time to read the complete rules, then it is useless to have them there, and then the rules will not be enforced.
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[quote name='alien masta' timestamp='1286940316' post='4700954']
well bdd I'll help you unlike these enforcers of DA rules seriously what's this fairly oddparents? NVM well bdd you need yo fav Gen 5 pokemon and yo fave pokemon overall.
Oh.....I checked the spoilers, and I never saw anything saying I needed to do that. Oh well, I'll edit that into my app.
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Username: Quiksilver

RP Name: Jonas Greene

Age: 19

Hometown: Crater City

Appearance: Jonas Greene is a tall, slim guy with piercing purple eyes. This guy makes you think of a noble eagle, with sharp eyes and a slightly curved nose. As a said, he has slanted violet eyes that are like two drops of wine. His thick, curly, mahogany-colored hair is long and is worn in an utilitarian, precise style. His build is tall and angular, as though he grew up in jolts, and as a result his bone structure is very sharp. His skin is dark-colored, having gotten out in the sun nearly every day. He also has a low forehead.

Jonas generally wears light, loose clothing, and at most times he is dressed in a white t-shirt with a green-and-tan vest thrown over it. Scuffed, dark jeans usually accompany this look, and a pair of aviators' glasses slung rakishly over his curly brown hair finishes it all up.

Biography: Jonas grew up as the child of two serious trainers who lived in Crater City year-round just to participate in the Crater Coliseum when it came around. As such, Jonas was generally expected to be a great trainer like his parents, and, like any good child, he did not want to disappoint. He trained extensively, and eventually he decided to take the Pokemon Gym Challenge...and failed miserably. He almost reached the Pokemon League Tournament, but a narrow lose when his Shibirudon accidentally lost control during a battle, releasing extraordinary power that overpowered itself. Knowing he had yet to control the power of Electric Pokemon, he went into seclusion and started training exclusively with Electric Pokemon.

Three years later, Jonas returned and swept through the Gym Challenge with his overpowered Electric Pokemon. He beat all of the Elite Four in the same matter, and it was only a narrow lose to the Champion that stopped him from obtaining the title. Heartbroken, he moved to leave the Champion Chamber when a surprising offer was raised by the Champion. After some thought, Jonas decided to take the Champion up on his offer, and so Jonas joined the Elite Four.

Personality: Jonas is a upbeat, sociable person, but he is intensely concentrated on his Pokemon. He goes to great lengths to take care of his Pokemon, sometimes to the exclusion of the people around them. However, when he is not concentrated on his Pokemon, he will be a great friend to everyone, a generous person to all.

Trainer Type: Elite Four -Fighting

Gym Leader/Elite 4: EF4 (Elite Four 4)

Pokemon Team: (I replaced this because as a Elite Four I don't think I should only have one Pokemon. O_O)


Shibirudon (Main Pokemon)











Favorite Generation V. Pokemon: Victini

Favorite Pokemon in General: Luxray
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