shelds9 Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 IC LINK: [spoiler=Plot]The Oryu Regions Pokemon League has just been formed and it is now open to challengers! Many Pokemon trainers, both new and old, have come to take the Gym Challenges and battle the Elite Four. There are two opposing forces that are battling for power over the Oryu Region, however. Team White and Team Black. Team White has always wanted to fill the world with light and Team Black, to cover the world in darkness. If either team were to succeed, the balance of the Earth would be off, and Pokemon and humans alike, would go extinct. Reshiram and Zekrom have used their immense powers to mind control the leaders of Team White and Black, (Zekrom = Black Reshiram = White) and are forcing the two counterparts into battle. The world is in danger.[/spoiler] [spoiler=The Oryu Region] [spoiler=The Map][IMG][/IMG][/spoiler] 1 - Premo Town - A humble city and home to most of the new trainers taking the Gym Challenges. Professor Gary Oak has his lab here. It is split into 2 parts. 2- Char City - A middle sized city, compared to other cities in the Region. It is neighbor to a rather small forest. 3- Shrubky Town - A plant filled town. Full of Grass Pokemon and environmentalists. Also, the first of eight gyms is located here. 4- Corna Lake - The smallest of the two lakes in the Region. It is said that many Magikarp and Feebas are found here. 5- Empiro City - Inside this huge city is the regions largest building, aside from Crater Colosseum and the Elite Four, the Empire. It has a great view of the entire surrounding area. 6- Crater City - Built into the side of a large mountain, is the famous Crater Colosseum. The best of the best gather here to train and show off their skills. 7- Yannappa Forest - The thickest forest in the world, and is home to almost any kind of Pokemon. However, some trainers have not returned from the forest... 8- Fractor City - The largest city of the region. It is home to the Department Store!. The 2nd Gym is located here and it is connected to the Oryu Tracks. 9- Trakma City - In this city dwells the Oryu Tracks, a railway station connected to cities. 10- Minma Town - The smallest place in the Oryu Region. It holds the 3rd Gym. 11- Canyou Island - Built into a mountain, it is famous for its seafood and the 4th Gym. It is also one of three cities to be connected to the Very Ferry Sea Line. You can take a ferry from here to Meteo City. 12- Power Plant - This area power all of the Oryu Regions electronics. 13- Jeeta City - It is surrounded by an ocean, a grassland, a desert, a river and mountains. 14- Kreeh City - It is connected to the Oryu Track. It also has the 5th Gym. 15- Skirt City - It is located right next to a desert and is connected to the Oryu Track. 16- Nipsy Village - The 6th Gym is located here. 17- Fleuve City - The 7th Gym is found here. 18- Fozitt City - The Great Fossil Mine would be found here. It is famous for its museums and fossils. And although it may be small, it is overpopulated. 19- Meteo City and Spire Tower - Meteo City is the most proper, beautiful place in the entire Region. Spire Tower is just another name for the Pokemon League, but no one can enter it unless they present a gem collected from Retina City. It is connected to the Very Ferry Sea Line and you can travel to Canyou Island and Portual Island. 20- Boma Town - Just another town, but this one is surrounded by lush green plants. 21- Seeght City - It is responsible for the lighthouse. It receives cargo every day from other Regions. 22- Ying-Yang Crevice and Gigantor Island - Ying-Yang crevice is said to be where the Ying-Yang term came into use and it is also said to be the birthplace of Zekrom and Reshiram. Gigantor Island is no bigger than the Crater Colosseum. It is known to be the resting place of powerful Pokemon, but it is supposedly haunted by the spirit of a Goruggo. 23- Leashma City - There is a huge iron wall preventing any entrance to the huge forest that neighbors it, and no one knows why... 24- Retina City - Earthquakes happen regularly in this city and is very rich in gems. 25- Spanto City - It is famous for its natural springs and spas, the Pokemon Trainer school, which is closed for know, and the final Gym. 26- Orgahn City and Orgahn Bridge - It is the resting place of all dead Pokemon. The bridge connects it with Portual Island. 27- Portual Island - Inside this village lives the trainer who first saw both Zekrom and Reshiram. He is also the move tutor.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Da Rules!] -All basic RP rules apply -The shortposting rule will be kept at two and a half lines (give or take) -Only the leaders of Team Black and White can have legendary Pokemon (Zekrom Reshiram). I might allow legendaries after the Elite Four, but PM me first -If you are to be a regular trainer, start out with 1 Pokemon. It does not have to be a designated starter Pokemon. It can be a Basic Pokemon or a Stage 1 Pokemon if the Pokemon has 2 stages - You are allowed multiple apps, but if possible, try not to battle yourself[/spoiler] [spoiler=Extra Battle Rules! IMPORTANT!!!] • Be fair about the damage you and your opponent's Pokemon do to each other. When they should do damage to you, let that happen. We are not here to win every battle we encounter. • It's alright to lose; In fact, everyone should lose at regular intervals (except Elite 4 members, and Team Leaders) • Understand the difference in power and level between the higher-up members (Elite 4, Champion, Team Black/White Leaders). to everyone else. Remember to illustrate this difference. It is illogical for a normal trainer with a Mudkip to be able to defeat an Elite 4 member. Keep this in mind. • Do not simply call "Dodge" every chance you get. If your Pokemon cannot logically dodge an attack (such as Psychic, which just controls the movements of an opponent's body), do not call "dodge" and expect it to happen. • Be a good judge to you and your opponent. If one side launches an attack that would inflict damage, do not try desperately to prevent it • Be a good sport. If you have won every battle you have faced, and you meet a trainer, perhaps you can let them win • To keep the battles running smoothly, I suggest the two opponents contact each other via PM to to work things out BEFORE the battle ends. • Before you call an attack combination, visualize the attack in your head. Then, express your thoughts on the combination AS DETAILED AS YOU CAN on the RP post, and make sure your opponents can understand what happens. • Do not attempt to pull off an illogical combination. Combinations should only be made from 2 attacks. Occasionally, you can add a 3rd attack to increase the effect, but only 2 attacks are allowed per combination. Think about it, could a Pokemon really launch 3 attacks at once? No. • You must declare and describe each attack clearly and accurately. Don't just say "Oh, but I used this attack earlier, and therefore its effect happens now. • Make sure your posts make sense. For example, a cloned Pokemon from Double Team cannot attack. Therefore, if a Double Teamed Pokemon attacks, and the defending Pokemon strikes it before it is able to launch its attack, do not just say "But you just hit a clone". This is unfair and cheap. The only exception to this rule is Substitute, which automatically replaces itself with the original when it is attacked (but don't forget its cost: 1/4 of your base HP) • To be sure that you have read these guidelines and rules, put the name of your fav. generation V Pokemon and your fav. Pokemon in your first post.[/spoiler] [spoiler=App] Username: RP Name: Age: Hometown: Appearance: Biography: Personality: Trainer Type: (Normal Trainer - we need a lot of these, Gym Leader, Elite 4) Gym Leader/Elite 4: Which number Starter Pokemon: [/spoiler] [spoiler=My apps] [spoiler=Morkez] Username: shelds9 RP Name: ??? (known as Morkez) Age: ??? Hometown: ??? Appearance: He has spiky, dark purple hair with a scar running down his left eye and two scars running down his right. He wears a purple shirt with a dark purple cloak. He has dark purple eyes and wears dark purple sweats and black runners. Biography: Not much is known about him. He changed his named to Morkez (Zekrom backwards) after being possessed by Zekrom. He is the leader of Team Black. Personality: He doesn't really have a personality as he is possed by Zekrom. Trainer Type: Team Black Leader Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A Starter Pokemon: Zekrom Shanderaa Ononokusu Goruggo [/spoiler] [spoiler=Patrick Imbo] Username: shelds9 RP Name: Patrick Imbo Age: 10 Hometown: Meteo City Appearance: He has wavy, greasy black hair and blueish-green eyes. He wears a black and white ball cap and a black and white vest under his black shirt. He wears black and white jeans and his black and white sneakers complete the outfit. Biography: He has always wanted to take the Gym challenge and finally became of age. His first Pokemon was a Monozu, given to him at the age of 4. He loves it. Living in Meteo City, he had the opportunity to see many battles of the Elite Four, and has gotten tips about where to find his favorite Pokemon. He is a natural battler and is quite strategic, but he knows how to work many strategies by watching the Elite Four. Personality: He is very friendly and loves all of his soon-to-be Pokemon. He cares more about his friends and his Pokemon then about himself, and is sometimes reckless. Trainer Type: Normal Trainer Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A Starter Pokemon: Monozu[/spoiler] [spoiler=shelds9]Username: shelds9 RP Name: Ria Hee Age: 22 Hometown: Shrubky Town Appearance: She has short black hair and wears a rainbow colored robe. She also wears a pink headband. Biography: She lived all of her life in Shrubky Town, but she got the travel the region to look at many Grass Pokemon and plants. She is a testy battler and decided to take the position of Gym Leader from her father to test the power of trainers. Personality: She is very environmentally friendly, and she is very kind to everyone. Trainer Type: Gym Leader Gym Leader/Elite 4: #1 Starter Pokemon: Mebukijika Hahakurimo Nattorei Marakacchi[/spoiler] [spoiler=shelds9] RP Name: Poemer Sheek Age: 13 Hometown: Empiro City Appearance: Posted Image Biography: He grew up in Empiro Town and he received his first Pokemon by winning a Tae Kwon Do tournament. He was told by his teacher that him and his Pokemon would win many battles. He then decided to take the Gym Challenge. He is currently near Shrubky Town. He sometimes trains, but he thinks he is the best, so he doesn't need to. Personality: He is obsessed with power, and doesn't use strategy. He is quite demanding of people. He is not mean to his Pokemon, but he does not love them completely. Trainer Type: Normal Trainer Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A Starter Pokemon: Dokkora [/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Important Roles] Champion = DeatSDelano - Various Elite Four 4 = Quiksilver - Electric Elite Four 3 = Black Diamond Duelist - Dark Elite Four 2 = Elite Four 1 = Gym Leader 8 = super star silver- Ghost Gym Leader 7 = Time Psyduck - Flying Gym Leader 6 = Gym Leader 5 = Gym Leader 4 = DeathSDelano - Fighting Gym Leader 3 = Gym Leader 2 = Gym Leader 1 = shelds9 - Grass Team White Leader = Zextra Team Black Leader = shelds9 Team White Admin = Team Black Admin = Kaiserchu Team White Commanders (Grunts) Team Black Commanders (Grunts) [/spoiler] [spoiler=Accepted Apps] [spoiler=DeathSDelano] Username:DeathSDelano RP Name:Delano Age: 17 Hometown: Premo Town Appearance:Posted Image Biography: Brief: Delano started in Premo Town with his partner tsutarja he named Rojin. Together he and Rojin traveled from town to town, route to route, forest to forest, battling strong trainers, catching pokemon, and collecting gym badges. More in depth: Delano's first few weeks as trainer were diffcult as he and Rojin trained losing every know and then due to inexperience. After that 1st week Delano started to wise up and catch other pokemon and learn about them instead of just fighting with them. Soon Delano started to understand the ways of the pokemon especially ones he has caught. Using his knowledge he gained Delano took down many trainers though still losing as well, but that was part of his learning experience. After many months of training and battling Delano collected all 8 badges and defeated the Elite Four. However Delano still had problems winning against the ex-champion. Delano traveled through the region once more training his pokemon and figuring out how to make them stronger. Soon Delano assembled a new team of pokemon that helped and covered end others blind spots though not by typing by there moves and skills. Family Background: Delano comes from a family making of his mom, father, pokemon, 1 brother, and 1 sister. His brother and sister were to young when he left for his journey to travel with him. His Father was a trainer in his day using his loyal infernape to torch his foes. Delano's Mother was once fathers rival during there trainer years. They always battled each other when they met(still do). Personality: Calm, curious, Friendly, adventurous, likes to help other trainers become more knowledgable about there pokemon and treat there pokemon with respect Trainer Type: (Normal Trainer - we need a lot of these, Gym Leader, Elite 4) Aiming for Champion Gym Leader/Elite 4: Which number Starter Pokemon: If able to be Champion than this is my team + movesets Posted Image Rojin (Favorite Gen V pokemon is this guy Urugamosu) Posted Image Kimosu Posted Image Dokagu Posted Image Gamatsu (had the ability water absorb) Posted Image Yuki Posted Image Ibagane[/spoiler] [spoiler=Black Diamond Duelist] Username:Black Diamond Duelist RP Name: Shiyoka Jikalhua Age: 15 (Her young age will be explained in Bio) Hometown: Minma Town Appearance: Shikoya has waist length black hair, silvery-grey eyes and pale skin. Usually noted wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt and a black skirt that reaches her feet. Black gloves and a black cape too. Biography: Shikoya is the only daughter of the now retired Gym Leader of Minma Town, Joshua. When she was young, her father taught her about all the different types of Pokemon, and even let her in the gym to watch him battle kids wanting their 3rd Badge. Shikoya enjoyed this, and caught her first Pokemon, Zorua, thanks to her fathers teachings. She trained her Pokemon well, and soon had a small Pokemon Team to call her own. Joshua trained her further, until she had almost surpassed him. Then, Joshua fell deadly ill, and Shikoya, only 13, was the only one who could take his place in the Gym, which ridiculed the family name until Shikoya versed some random Normal Trainer wanting the badge. That trainer came out with his badge, but said that it was difficult to get. After that, Shikoya versed many Trainers, many coming out with the badge, but saying it was hard earned. When Joshua finally got better, he took back hid Gym, but one Trainer said that Joshua, even though good, was too easy. Joshua kept his job, but trainers continued to complain. Finally, after 2 years, Joshua put a stop to his ridicule by retiring, leaving the Gym empty. Nobody stepped foward, and Trainers coming to Minma Town complained, until finally Shikoya stepped up, secretly. She reopened the Gym, and she was "burrried" up to her neck in Trainers, eager after a long wait for the 3rd badge. And now, because nobody wants the spot, Shikoya keeps her place as 3rd Gym Leader. Personality: Shikoya is one of those people who wouldn't admit defeat until the final Pokemon is returned to their Pokeball. She is kind, and sometimes, when a trainer she deems worthy loses to her narrowly, she might (this is a BIG might) give them the badge anyway, but this is rare. Other times, when someone she doesn't deem worthy loses, she will offer helpful tips and advice so they can beat her next time. Trainer Type: Gym Leader- Dark Gym Leader/Elite 4: 3 Pokemon Team: Zoroark Sazandra Barujiina Kirikizan[/spoiler] [spoiler=alien masta] RP Name:Shaun Age:13 Hometown:Chicole Village (from pokemon ranger SoA from the almia region) Appearance --Click here to hide-- Posted Image Biography:Shaun never was a "fighting" kind of guy. That was before he met his first pokemon. It all began in Chicole village Shaun worked as a milk boy for "Big Bertha's Milk Puddin" While delivering some milk pudding to someone on breeze hill. While walking through the nabiki beach he was attacked by a Charmander! Reacting to instinct he punched the Charmander Right when i readied a metal claw. The Charmander was very hungry as it turned out and Cried Right in front of him! Shaun Sympatized with it however and found what the charmander was originally searching for and that was milk pudding! After Shaun turned 13 he got a Pokeball as a present along with a ferry ticket to the Oryu region so now His journey...begins. Personality:Paranoid very smart but shrouds it with his gleefulness he only reveals his paranoid side in heated situations. Trainer Type: (Normal Trainer - we need a lot of these, Gym Leader, Elite 4)Normal Gym Leader/Elite 4: Which number Starter Pokemon:Charmander (Nicknamed Salamander) [/spoiler] [spoiler= Zextra] Username: Zextra RP Name: Professor Gary Oak Age: 17 Hometown: Pallet Town Appearance --Click here to view-- Posted Image Biography: Gary grew up in Pallet Town with his friend and rival Ash Ketchum. However, after losing narrowly to Ash in the Silver Conference, Gary went to pursue his dream to become a Pokemon Researcher, starting in the Sinnoh Region. Eventually, he came acros travelling the Oryu Region, where he met the current champion, Delano. After finishing his research on evolution in the Oryu Region, Professor Samuel Oak, his grandfather, informed him that there was currently no active professor there. Therefore, he decided to fulfill this position. However, in addition to being a professor, he continues to carry on his duties as a trainer, matching the power of the upper ranks in the Elite 4. Personality: He is kind and caring to all Pokemon, and despises trainers who treat their Pokemon badly and those who make their Pokemon do bad things. Trainer Type: Professor Starter Pokemon: Squirtle Team: • Blastoise • Electivire • Umbreon • Urugamasu • Ononokusu • Wargle[/spoiler] [spoiler=Tuatha de Dannan] Username: Tuatha de Dannan RP Name: Maha Suivi'lei (Note: Maha may be pronounced as Macha) Age: 19 Hometown: Orghan City Appearance: A tall-slim young-adult Girl. Has velvet red eyes and a light-black hair, tied into twin ponytails on her head. Her usual attire consists of a short-black dress with soft short sleeves down her arms. Black Knee-high boots support her feet and make her look taller then she should be. She stands around 5 feet, 6 inches. Sometimes gives off an eerie vibe. Biography: A taller then avergare young-adult female who resides in Orghan City. Being in contact with the Ghost pokemon which gather there Maha has been known to sometimes exhibit unusual behavior and even become violent. Not much of a pokemon trainer or a pokemon breeder, as she possess' only one pokemon, a Shandera which was passed down by her late deceased mother. She tends to study Ancient Languages and has a heavy intrest in the history of the world. Maha finnaly decided to leave her home to search for answers to many of her questions. Personality: Cheerful, friendly, (Controlling, sadistic) Trainer Type: Normal Trainer Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A Starter Pokemon: Shandera nicknamed Funale (can this be acceptable?) [/spoiler] [spoiler=Quiksilver] Username: Quiksilver RP Name: Jonas Greene Age: 19 Hometown: Crater City Appearance: Jonas Greene is a tall, slim guy with piercing purple eyes. This guy makes you think of a noble eagle, with sharp eyes and a slightly curved nose. As a said, he has slanted violet eyes that are like two drops of wine. His thick, curly, mahogany-colored hair is long and is worn in an utilitarian, precise style. His build is tall and angular, as though he grew up in jolts, and as a result his bone structure is very sharp. His skin is dark-colored, having gotten out in the sun nearly every day. He also has a low forehead. Jonas generally wears light, loose clothing, and at most times he is dressed in a white t-shirt with a green-and-tan vest thrown over it. Scuffed, dark jeans usually accompany this look, and a pair of aviators' glasses slung rakishly over his curly brown hair finishes it all up. Biography: Jonas grew up as the child of two serious trainers who lived in Crater City year-round just to participate in the Crater Coliseum when it came around. As such, Jonas was generally expected to be a great trainer like his parents, and, like any good child, he did not want to disappoint. He trained extensively, and eventually he decided to take the Pokemon Gym Challenge...and failed miserably. He almost reached the Pokemon League Tournament, but a narrow lose when his Shibirudon accidentally lost control during a battle, releasing extraordinary power that overpowered itself. Knowing he had yet to control the power of Electric Pokemon, he went into seclusion and started training exclusively with Electric Pokemon. Three years later, Jonas returned and swept through the Gym Challenge with his overpowered Electric Pokemon. He beat all of the Elite Four in the same matter, and it was only a narrow lose to the Champion that stopped him from obtaining the title. Heartbroken, he moved to leave the Champion Chamber when a surprising offer was raised by the Champion. After some thought, Jonas decided to take the Champion up on his offer, and so Jonas joined the Elite Four. Personality: Jonas is a upbeat, sociable person, but he is intensely concentrated on his Pokemon. He goes to great lengths to take care of his Pokemon, sometimes to the exclusion of the people around them. However, when he is not concentrated on his Pokemon, he will be a great friend to everyone, a generous person to all. Trainer Type: Elite Four -Fighting Gym Leader/Elite 4: EF4 (Elite Four 4) Pokemon Team: (I replaced this because as a Elite Four I don't think I should only have one Pokemon. O_O) Posted Image Shibirudon (Main Pokemon) Posted Image Luxray Posted Image Emonga Posted Image Denchura Posted Image Lanturn Posted Image Magnezone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Time Psyduck] Username: Time Psyduck RP Name: Malcolm Age: 44 Hometown: Fortree City Appearance: Tall, and rather thin, although seeming to be about right, being neither overweight nor too bony, and toned but not obviously muscular. He has medium-length silver-grey hair, and grey eyes. His skin is fairly pale, and although it's noticeable he's starting to age, he still looks fairly young. He usually wears a white shirt and black trousers and boots, along with a long grey 'duster' coat. Biography: Malcolm was born in Fortree City, which was well known for it's flying-type gym and trainers. Amid the tall trees and an atmosphere where the best were using flying-types, it wasn't unexpected that he too would specialise in flying pokémon. At one point he was offered the leadership of the gym there, but passed it up, wishing to travel more. Eventually he arrived Oryu, and upon finding another Flying-type gym, decided to train for a while. Again, he was offered the leadership of the gym, and regretting his earlier decision, accepted the second time. This was nearly 20 years ago, and since then he has become well known both in Feluve City and in Oyru in general. As one of the longest standing leaders in the region, he is also the administrator for the region's gyms, ensuring they meet the standards for the league. For the most part, he lets the gyms run themselves, only stepping in if there is a problem. Personality: Malcolm is rather independent, and prefers to do things himself. Trainer Type: Gym Leader Gym Leader/Elite 4: 7 Pokemon: Staraptor Swanna Skarmory Altaria Archeos[/spoiler] [spoiler=Zextra] Username: Zextra RP Name: Kirin Age: 18 Hometown: Hiun City Appearance: Kirin is a relatively tall man, standing at 5"11. His skin is white, though not to the extent of being pale. He has somewhat messy brown hair. He usually does not wear his team White Vest, regularly dressing in a black, long-sleeved shirt, covered by a dark red vest. He wears black jeans and is always equipped with many devices to react to any and all situations. Biography: Kirin was born and raised in Hiun City. He had a happy start in life, where he challenged the Oryu League and came out on top of the 1st Annual League Conference, where he became the first champion. However, soon after disaster struck. One day, while looking out to the sea from Sky Arrow Bridge with his family, Zekrom unleashed a severe thunderstorm, killing everyone else on the bridge and making the beautiful Hiun City tatter down in fear. However, Kirin was saved when his Sazandra burst out of his Pokeball to protect him from the lightning bolts. Unfortunately, the impact on his life was so great that he stepped down as champion and eventually was thought to have "disappeared off the face of the Earth". Eventually, some time after the incident, he learned of Zekrom being caught by another trainer, which made him him decided to look for an opposing force powerful enough to take down Zekrom and its trainer. Eventually, he found it when he was passing the Elite 4 Stadium. After first seeing it, he was astounded by Reshiram's beauty and wanted to let it roam free, but his anger at Zekrom eventually overwhelemed him, causing him to challenge Reshiram to a battle. Using his Sazandra, he was able to weaken Reshiram enough to be caught. Shortly after catching Reshiram, he found out that the trainer with Zekrom had started an evil organization, Team Black. In retaliation and fury, he recruited members to form his own organization, Team White, in honor of Reshiram. The team's intentions started off good, but fell to evil to match Team Black. Personality: He was a kind and caring trainer until Zekrom destroyed his family and hometown, which made him depressed. Therefore, he decided to start Team White out of rage to keep the region safe, but this goal eventually turned towards the darkness to rival that of Team Black. Trainer Type: Team White Leader Starter Pokemon: Monozu Team: Sazandra Aakeosu Shanderaa Reshiram[/spoiler] [spoiler=Kaiserchu] Username: Kaiserchu RP Name: Chimera Age: 32 Hometown: Unknown Appearance: Chimera rarely shows himself while in human form, but when he does show himself, he often wears a hooded black coat that covers everything but his yellow eyes and four viles that come out of his back... Biography: Chimera was always a twisted person, he experimented on everyone he ever met, even his parents. His experiments involve spicing the DNA of Pokemon with the DNA of Humans, often resulting in horrid abominations. He also collects DNA Samples of Pokemon, and battles as his own pokemon...He became an admin of Team Black around the time that the Leader became possesed by Zekrom, some say that Chimera experiments on his Leader around midnight... Personality: He has a warped, corrupt and twisted personality, he views Pokemon as slaves and humans as experiments...He has an extreme hatred for his leader... Trainer Type: Team Black Admin Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A Pokemon DNA Samples: Kirizan Posted Image Sazandora Posted Image Erufuun Posted Image[/spoiler] [spoiler=$super$ $star$ $silver$] Username: super star silver RP Name: Silver Staris Age: 17 Hometown: New bark Town Appearance: Silver has spiky hair, but sometimes, he has wears a hat over his head. He likes to wear a cape when in battle. His trainers are silver and his bag is blue and he holds his pokeballs and other items inside. Biography: Silver is unsure as to what he wanted to be, as he was raised to help others as well as himself, but after his parents was sent to jail after a disastrous trip to a casino, Silver was sent to his grandparents. After receiving an eevee from them when he was 12, he wanted to be a pokemon trainer, and he wanted to go and train to be the greatest and enter a league. Personality: Silver is a nice guy and likes to help others when he can because of how he is raised, however, he can be a rebel, but only rarely. He treats his pokemon with respect, and doesn't care how strong they are when captured. Trainer Type: Normal Trainer Gym Leader/Elite 4: N/A Starter Pokemon: Eevee[/spoiler] [spoiler=DeathSDelano] Username: DeathSDelano RP Name: Ji Jan Age: 20 Hometown: Fractor Town Appearance:Posted Image Biography: Ji Jan or Jan for short has always been the type of person to enjoy material arts. When he started his journey unlike most normal trainers he started with kojofu who represented his love for material arts. On his journey he caught only Fighting-types his most favorite being Nageki and Dageki. After spending many years in the Mountains Jan came down and challenged the former Fractor Town Gym leader for title of gym leader. Jan with his synchroization with his fighting pokemon overwhelmed the former gym leader being the new gym leader. After becoming a gym leader he changed the gym into a dojo and not only helped trainers train themselves and there pokemon, but to help them connect with each other through hand-to-hand combat and material arts teachings Personality: Friendly, In tune with pokemon of the fighting variety. He knowledgable of many material arts that he and his pokemon use in battle. Jan also likes to train others in the art of material arts to help make them better trainers Trainer Type: Gym Leader #4 (Fighting Gym) Starter Pokemon: Posted Image Kojondo Posted Image Nageki Posted Image Roopushin Posted Image Dageki[/spoiler] [spoiler=DeathSDelano] Username: DeathSDelano RP Name: Domu Age: 15 Hometown: Jeeta City Appearance: Posted Image Biography: Domu was born in Jeeta though he did not stay in the city very much. He normally hung out in the mountains, forest, or water playing with the pokemon that lived there. On his 1st day to become a pokemon trainer, he had a choice between the 3 starters however Domu declined. Instead he just asked for his pokeballs and pokedex. Confused the professor handed Domu his items asking him what he was gonna do wihtout a starter. Domu assured the professor he already had a partner just needed a pokeball to hold him. He went to the mountains and found his good friend Dangoro. Since he was little he and Dangoro's family played together and Domu promised to take one of the Dangoro with him as his partner on his pokemon journey. With this he started his adventure with a Dangoro whom he called Orin Personality: Friendly, loves pokemon, not a big fan of big citys so normally stays in the outskirts playing with pokemon. Trainer Type: Normal Trainer Starter Pokemon: Posted Image Dangoro[/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 I would like to reserve the White Leader. Team: Reshiram Sazandra Aakeosu Shanderaa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 Can i take up the Champion position? if not just say so and i shall edit this post Username:DeathSDelano RP Name:Delano Age: 17 Hometown: Premo Town Appearance:[img][/img] Biography: Brief: Delano started in Premo Town with his partner tsutarja he named Rojin. Together he and Rojin traveled from town to town, route to route, forest to forest, battling strong trainers, catching pokemon, and collecting gym badges. More in depth: Delano's first few weeks as trainer were diffcult as he and Rojin trained losing every know and then due to inexperience. After that 1st week Delano started to wise up and catch other pokemon and learn about them instead of just fighting with them. Soon Delano started to understand the ways of the pokemon especially ones he has caught. Using his knowledge he gained Delano took down many trainers though still losing as well, but that was part of his learning experience. After many months of training and battling Delano collected all 8 badges and defeated the Elite Four. However Delano still had problems winning against the ex-champion. Delano traveled through the region once more training his pokemon and figuring out how to make them stronger. Soon Delano assembled a new team of pokemon that helped and covered end others blind spots though not by typing by there moves and skills. Family Background: Delano comes from a family making of his mom, father, pokemon, 1 brother, and 1 sister. His brother and sister were to young when he left for his journey to travel with him. His Father was a trainer in his day using his loyal infernape to torch his foes. Delano's Mother was once fathers rival during there trainer years. They always battled each other when they met(still do). Personality: Calm, curious, Friendly, adventurous, likes to help other trainers become more knowledgable about there pokemon and treat there pokemon with respect Trainer Type: (Normal Trainer - we need a lot of these, Gym Leader, Elite 4) Aiming for Champion Gym Leader/Elite 4: Which number Starter Pokemon: If able to be Champion than this is my team + movesets [img][/img] Rojin (Favorite Gen V pokemon is this guy Urugamosu) [img][/img] Kimosu [img][/img] Dokagu [img][/img] Gamatsu (had the ability water absorb) [img][/img] Yuki [img][/img] Ibagane Favorite pokemon outside of Gen V: Torterra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 Oh yes, I'm up for this! Quick Question, if you end up battling yourself, can you just show the beggining and end of the battle, so it looks like the trainer actually earned their badge? [spoiler=Shiyoka] Username:Black Diamond Duelist RP Name: Shiyoka Jikalhua Age: 15 (Her young age will be explained in Bio) Hometown: Minma Town Appearance: Shikoya has waist length black hair, silvery-grey eyes and pale skin. Usually noted wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt and a black skirt that reaches her feet. Black gloves and a black cape too. Biography: Shikoya is the only daughter of the now retired Gym Leader of Minma Town, Joshua. When she was young, her father taught her about all the different types of Pokemon, and even let her in the gym to watch him battle kids wanting their 3rd Badge. Shikoya enjoyed this, and caught her first Pokemon, Zorua, thanks to her fathers teachings. She trained her Pokemon well, and soon had a small Pokemon Team to call her own. Joshua trained her further, until she had almost surpassed him. Then, Joshua fell deadly ill, and Shikoya, only 13, was the only one who could take his place in the Gym, which ridiculed the family name until Shikoya versed some random Normal Trainer wanting the badge. That trainer came out with his badge, but said that it was difficult to get. After that, Shikoya versed many Trainers, many coming out with the badge, but saying it was hard earned. When Joshua finally got better, he took back hid Gym, but one Trainer said that Joshua, even though good, was too easy. Joshua kept his job, but trainers continued to complain. Finally, after 2 years, Joshua put a stop to his ridicule by retiring, leaving the Gym empty. Nobody stepped foward, and Trainers coming to Minma Town complained, until finally Shikoya stepped up, secretly. She reopened the Gym, and she was "burrried" up to her neck in Trainers, eager after a long wait for the 3rd badge. And now, because nobody wants the spot, Shikoya keeps her place as 3rd Gym Leader. Personality: Shikoya is one of those people who wouldn't admit defeat until the final Pokemon is returned to their Pokeball. She is kind, and sometimes, when a trainer she deems worthy loses to her narrowly, she might (this is a BIG might) give them the badge anyway, but this is rare. Other times, when someone she doesn't deem worthy loses, she will offer helpful tips and advice so they can beat her next time. Trainer Type: Gym Leader- Dark Gym Leader/Elite 4: 3 Pokemon Team: Zoroark Sazandra Barujiina Kirikizan Fave Gen V Pokemon: Zorua Fave Pokemon Overall: Typhlosion[/spoiler] Edited, am I accepted now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 10, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 you need to read the rules before i can accept you... and you don't need a moveset for your pokemon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 Read da rules and ok shall remove movesets from pokemon And put the last part of the rules in post Though i had the 1st part already done (was pokemon #2) XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 10, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 thanks! Champion accepted! All hail the Champ! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 lol i'll be sure to do the champion routine of showing up battling weak trainers with side-weak pokemon i will capture for the low level battles if that is ok with you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 10, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 fine by me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 ok. Hopefully people remember that Gamageroge has the water absorb ability and hit him with a water attack expecting it to do something XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted October 10, 2010 Report Share Posted October 10, 2010 Reserve Elite Four Four for me please. And yes, I did just say Elite Four Four. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 11, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 11, 2010 reserved... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dākunaitomon ~ Posted October 11, 2010 Report Share Posted October 11, 2010 I shall join sername:whats this? alien masta? RP Name:Shaun Age:13 Hometown:Chicole Village (from pokemon ranger SoA from the almia region) [spoiler=Appearance][img][/img][/spoiler] Biography:Shaun never was a "fighting" kind of guy. That was before he met his first pokemon. It all began in Chicole village Shaun worked as a milk boy for "Big Bertha's Milk Puddin" While delivering some milk pudding to someone on breeze hill. While walking through the nabiki beach he was attacked by a Charmander! Reacting to instinct he punched the Charmander Right when i readied a metal claw. The Charmander was very hungry as it turned out and Cried Right in front of him! Shaun Sympatized with it however and found what the charmander was originally searching for and that was milk pudding! After Shaun turned 13 he got a Pokeball as a present along with a ferry ticket to the Oryu region so now His journey...begins. Personality:Paranoid very smart but shrouds it with his gleefulness he only reveals his paranoid side in heated situations. Trainer Type: (Normal Trainer - we need a lot of these, Gym Leader, Elite 4)Normal Gym Leader/Elite 4: Which number Starter Pokemon:Charmander (Nicknamed Salamander) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 11, 2010 Report Share Posted October 11, 2010 (sry for mini-modding shield) ^Read rules you missing something in your app Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dākunaitomon ~ Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 Delano could you not be vague and just straight up tell me what im missing plz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 ^.^ read the rules it part of the app Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 yep he's right! (and you were enforcing da rules! so its ok... as long as you don't enforce them too much...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dr Professor Spaz Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 reserve White admin favorite Gen V Pokemon: Sazandora Favorite Pokemon: Gallade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 @sheld ok i felt i had to state that as it appears only a view people pay attention to da rules XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dākunaitomon ~ Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 I'm following all the rules! -All basic RP rules apply check -The shortposting rule will be kept at two and a half lines (give or take)check -Only the leaders of Team Black and White can have legendary Pokemon (Zekrom Reshiram). I might allow legendaries after the Elite Four, but PM me first I dont got a legend! -If you are to be a regular trainer, start out with 1 Pokemon. It does not have to be a designated starter Pokemon. It can be a Basic Pokemon or a Stage 1 Pokemon if the Pokemon has 2 stages I have a charmander! - You are allowed multiple apps, but if possible, try not to battle yourself I only have one app! God damnit stop making me more clueless JUST TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 Here's a hint: It's not stated directly under the RP rules... Read the other sections... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 just read the spoiler that says IMPORTANT on it... sheesh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dākunaitomon ~ Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 To be sure that you have read these guidelines and rules, put the name of your fav. generation V Pokemon Zekrom and your fav. Pokemon Lugia what this geez this would've been wayyy easier if you just told me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shelds9 Posted October 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 but then you wouldn't have known da rules!but then you wouldn't have known da rules! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted October 12, 2010 Report Share Posted October 12, 2010 Oh, btw shelds, I think I recognize that set of rules from somewhere... Also, I'll have my app in by tomorrow night Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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