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Mirrors [Complete Archtype]

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|Warrior of the Mirrors|0|WROD|Warrior/Effect|Dark|4||1800|1700|Once per turn, if this card would be targeted by a card effect during the Battle Phase, discard 1 "Mirrors" monster and negate that card's activation.|

|Fiend of the Mirrors|1|WROD|Fiend/Effect|Dark|5||2000|2100|You can Special Summon this card from your Hand if your opponent controls 2 monsters. Once per turn, add 1 "Mirrors" monster in your graveyard, to your Hand except "Fiend of the Mirrors". If this card would be destroyed by Battle, discard 1 "Mirrors" monster in your Hand instead.|

|Dragon of the Mirrors|2|WROD|Dragon/Effect|Dark|7||2900|2800|This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 Level-4 or lower "Mirrors" monster from your Deck. Once per turn, you can discard any number of "Mirrors" monsters in your Hand to destroy the same number of Spell and Trap cards on the Field.|

|Swordfish of the Mirrors|3|WROD|Fish/Effect|Dark|3||1200|1000|If you control no "Mirrors" monster when this card is Normal Summoned, add 1 "Mirrors" monster from your Deck to your Hand. If this card would be destroyed by Battle, discard 1 "Mirrors" monster instead.|

|Motor of the Mirrors|4|WROD|Machine/Tuner/Effect|Dark|1||0|0|If this card is discarded by the effect of a "Mirrors" card, pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card.|

|Viper of the Mirrors|x|xxxx|Reptile/Effect|Dark|4||0|1500|This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 Level-4 or lower DARK monster from your Deck in face-up defense position. It cannot be used to Synchro Summoned and is destroyed at the End Phase.|

|Firespawn of the Mirrors|8|WROD|Pyro/Tuner/Effect|Dark|3||1100|1200|If you use this card to Synchro Summon a "Mirrors" monster, return 2 "Mirrors" cards in your graveyard to your Hand except "Firespawn of the Mirrors".|

|Illusionist of the Mirrors|10|WROD|Spellcaster/Effect|Dark|1||0|0|This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is targeted by a card effect, discard 1 card to switch the target to a "Mirrors" monster you control. During each of your End Phases, pay 500 Life Points and discard 1 card. If you don't, destroy this card.|

|Fairy of the Mirrors|5|ANJS|Fairy/Effect|Dark|3||1200|1200|If this card is discarded by the effect of a "Mirrors" monster, destroy 1 card on the Field. You can pay 500 Life Points and Special Summon this card from your graveyard.|

[spoiler=Spells/Traps]|Appearance of the Mirrors|11|WROD|Spell card|Spell|||||Activate only when you control no "Mirrors" monsters while "Mirror Realm" is face-up on the Field. Discard 2 cards and Special Summon 1 "Mirrors" monster from your Deck. If its a Level-5 or Higher monster, that monster cannot declare an attack this turn.|

|Mirror Realm|5|WROD|Spell Card|Spell|Field|||All "Mirrors" monsters gain 200 ATK. Once per turn, if there are no "Mirrors" card in your Hand, discard all cards in your Hand and draw the same number of cards you discarded. When this card would be destroyed, discard 1 "Mirrors" card in your Hand instead.|

|Mirrors Return|6|WROD|Spell Card|Spell|||||Activate only when there is 1 card in your Hand. Add 2 "Mirrors" cards in your Graveyard to your Hand. You can only activate 1 "Mirrors Return" per turn.|

|Mirrors Confusion Chamber|7|WROD|Trap Card|Trap|Continuous|||When your opponent selects a "Mirrors" monster as an attack target, discard 1 "Mirrors" monster to negate the attack and inflict damage equal to half the attacking monster's ATK to your opponent. If there are no cards in your Hand, destroy this card.|

|Mirror Shot|12|WROD|Trap Card|Trap|||||When a "Mirrors" monster you control is destroyed by Battle, add 1 Level-5 or lower "Mirrors" monster from your Graveyard to your Deck and shuffle it. Draw 1 card and inflict damage equal to the amount of cards in your Hand to your opponent x100.| [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Extra Deck]
|Grand Mirrors Mage|13|WROD|Spelcaster/Synchro/Effect|Dark|7|||2600|2900|1 "Mirrors" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters. Once per turn, pay 500 Life Points to add 1 "Mirrors" card from your Graveyard to your Hand. You can discard 2 cards to destroy 1 card on the Field. If you activate this effect, halve the Battle Damage your opponent takes this turn.|

|Grand Mirrors Dragon|14|WROD|Dragon/Synchro/Effect|Dark|8||3000|3200|1 "Mirrors" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, discard 1 "Mirrors" monster in your Hand instead. If this card is sent to the graveyard, add 2 "Mirrors" cards to your Hand.|

|Grand Mirrors Warrior|15|WROD|Warrior/Synchro/Effect|Dark|6||2600|2000|1 "Mirrors" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters. When this card is Synchro Summoned, add 1 "Mirrors" card from your Graveyard to your Deck. When this card would be destroyed by the effect of a card, discard 2 "Mirrors" monsters in your Hand instead.|

|Grand Mirrors Engine|16|WROD|Machine/Synchro/Effect|Dark|4||2000|1000|"Motor of the Mirrors" + 1 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters. If there are 6 or more "Mirrors" monsters in your Graveyard, add 1 card in your Graveyard to your Hand. If this card is destroyed by Battle, you can discard 4 "Mirrors" cards to Special Summon this card. You can only activate this effect one per Duel.|

|Grand Mirrors Angel|6|ANJS|Fairy/Synchro/Effect|Dark|5||2400|2000|1 "Mirrors" tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters. Once per turn, you can discard 2 cards to add 3 cards in your Graveyard to your Hand. If you added any "Mirrors" monsters to your Hand by ths card's effects, pay Life Points equal to thier combined Levels x300 and Special Summon them.|
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