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10 Days-YGOD Birthday Invitational

Yu-gi-oh Dude

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Hey! Welcome to my birthday invitational! Join the party if you wanna, but please read the invite (all of it).


Oh, and if your below a level four, turn back now.


[spoiler=Entry Fee] 20 points for invited, and 40 for the uninvited.


[spoiler=Basic Rules] 1) The judges will be me, myself and I. 2) The contest will run for ten days, coincidently ending on my birthday.

3) If your card is not posted, you will be disqualified from the competition. 4) Fee before card please. 5) Cards must come with lore and be posted in 2 spoilers with the card in one spoiler and the lore in the other. 6) If any rule is not followed, you will also be disqualified*.

*Rules are subject to change, addition or subtraction, at any time.


[spoiler=Prizes] 1st: 50 percent of pot

2nd: 30 percent of pot

3rd: 10 percent of pot


[spoiler=Pot]80 Points





Lovely C.C

Cursed Reaction(Accepted)

Phantom Roxas




2)Cursed Reaction

3)king of dypraxia



[spoiler=Card Conditions] Make a DARK Attribute monster with the name of "Midnight Vyper". It must have an effect and 0 ATK and 0 DEF.



Anything else you need to know? Don't hesitate to ask.


Feel free to make birthday wishes through this thread if you are in the contest. If you want to wish me happy birthday and you are not in the contest, just PM me.

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[spoiler=my card]131538zh.jpg

[spoiler=lore]When you Normal Summon this card, All monsters on the field are changed to face-up Attack Position and remain in Attack Position as long as this card is face-up on the feild. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. During each of your opponents Standby Phases, change this face-up Defense Position card on the field to face-up Attack Position and this card gains 800 ATK.




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Guest Cursed Reaction

My card.


[spoiler=Midnight Vyper]




[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 monster in your Graveyard. When this card is Summoned, select and place 1 monster from your Deck to your Graveyard and discard 1 card from your hand of the same Attribute, then shuffle your Deck. This card cannot be used for a Synchro Summon.

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My card is here aswell. Though I don;t think it's what someone would expect.


[spoiler=Midnight Vyper]


CM cut of its lore.




This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Tribute Summoned, remove all DARK Machine-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play. For every 2 monsters removed by this effect, place 1 Assimilation Counter on this card. Increase this card's ATK and DEF by the amount of Assimilation Counters on this card x 500. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Assimilation Counter from this card to Summon 1 "VYPER Token" (Machine-Type/DARK/Level 8/ATK ?/DEF ?). Its ATK and DEF are equal to the ATK of this card.



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here's mine

[spoiler=midnight vyper]midnightvyper.jpg



[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 or more Reptile-Type monsters in your Graveyard. If this card attacks an opponent's monster, it gains 600 ATK during the Damage Step only. Once per turn you can remove from play 1 Reptile-Type monster you control to destroy 1 card on the field or have this card gain ATK equal to the level of the removed monster x200.

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