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My written cards

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My attemped fix: (first try) Zatharos...Tuner + Dragon Lord + 1 or more tuner monsters.
While this card is face up, all monsters on your side of the field gain 2 levels and 1000 atk and def points.

Isn't that a bit too powerful? With the 1000 atk boost, unless Dragon Lord is really hard to summon.
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To be a written card, its just the info, ex:

Darkless Night Dragon
Light LV4 Effect
ATK: 2300 DEF: 2100
This card cannot be Normal Summoned. Once per turn, remove from play 1 card and add 2 cards in your Removed from play pile to your Deck and Draw 1 card.

Not using the card maker, also, some members dont like fake types, only some of us do, dont use them or else youll be flamed
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