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Can a Deck be made without Staples?



I like YGO, dont get me wrong-- it's fun. But at the same time, I don't have the budget to play with the Kings/Queens of Childrens' Card Games.

So what I'm asking is this: Can a Deck (any Deck) be played without Staples (or at least a majority of them)? If so, will it be any good?

Some Staples include:
Solemn Judgment/Warning
Torrential Tribute
Pot of Duality
Gold Sarch
Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Cyber Dragon
Dimesional Prison
Royal Oppression
Book of Moon
Cold Wave
Gold Sarcophagus
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
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6 answers to this question

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You can make a Deck out of anything.
You don't have to use every staple or even one if you're good.
Most Meta or archtype decks include remakes of staples with similar effects, or more powerful versions.
One may be "activate when you control a "___" monster, destroy 1 Spell or Trap on the field and increase your Life Points by 500".
I think there's a Dragon themed card that does something like that.
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It's just that whenever I see a Deck today, its the same thing: All Spells/Traps are the same, save for two or three Deck-specific cards. It's sad whenever I can pick any random person and name half of their Deck.

Is Solemn Judgment really that easy to get?
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Actually a lot of the so called "staples" are easy and far cheaper to get if and when you know where to look. I don't particularly care for what version my card is so long as it is my card. For example, I paid $20 for my Dark Armed Dragon because I didn't feel like paying $120 or whatever when it came out, so I waited and Gold Packs came out, which seem to possess all of those hard to get cards for cheaper. I kinda lucked out getting a very rare version of Mirror Force for $5 at a yard sale of all places. But, you don't need those cards to play, there are better, less expensive options. Sakuretsu Armor is relatively cheap, but it is a staple now. Same with MST, which is available in many structure decks. As for Solemn, anywhere on the internet you can find him for around $20.
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