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5D's Episode 123: Team Ragnarok Illogic

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Guest TheFinalFan

Alright. In Episode 123, Harald states that the reason that Team Five D's and Team Ragnarok can't team up is because Yusei's father caused the Zero reverse event.

How does that make sense?!? The single reason that they can't team up is that Yusei's father caused Zero Reverse!

Let's analyze how this is incorrect:

1. DR. FUDO DIDN'T CAUSE ZERO REVERSE!!! ROMAN DID!!! In fact, Dr. Fudo tried to stop the damned thing from happening!

2. Why does Yusei have to pay for the sins of his father?!? We've never had this development before!!! If this was a bit of a recurring theme, then it would make sense, but Team Ragnarok hating on a guy because his father allegedly did something? That's just mean!

3. If Yusei's old man caused the Zero Reverse event, why are you just saying "Oh yeah, we don't want to team up because of this reason." instead of "YOUR FATHER CAUSED ZERO REVERSE!!! YOU MUST PAY!!!"?

4. Yusei's father doesn't seem all that remorseful for allegedly causing the event! He hates that the event happened, and he couldn't PREVENT it, but he didn't CAUSE it!!!

Furthermore, Dragan's logic for hating Jack is similarly flawed. Dragan's dad was injured in a cave collapse, and Dragan didn't have the money for his surgery, so Lazar came along and offered the guy a job. Dragan was supposed to lose a duel against Jack to make the guy look good, and he would get compensated in return. Dragan did so, and his father is doing better, but Dragan's supposed pride was thrown away.

Now, here's a thought: WHY WAS HIS PRIDE DAMAGED?!? He lost the duel to HEAL HIS FATHER! Isn't that worth losing a duel over?

Seriously! This episode made me WTF after I saw it! The logic is severely flawed, and I want to know how this stuff makes sense!

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