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Sweetie Belle

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Sorry i've gotten into the habit of typing that, then editting it quickly.


I will now post this entry:

[spoiler=Is this what you are looking for?]


I hope this will do




LORE: Pay 1500 Life Points. Select 1 monster from your Graveyard. Special Summon it to the field in face-up Attack Position, and equip it with this card. The equipped becomes Level 1 and its original ATK and DEF becomes 0. When this card is destroyed, destroy the equipped monster.


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My Entry




This card can attack your opponent directly. Once per turn you can tribute 1 WIND or Fish-Type monster, if you tribute a WIND monster increase this cards ATK by 500, if you tribute a Fish-Type monster increase this cards DEF by 700. If this card is destroyed by battle, you can tribute 1 Fish-Type monster to Special Summon during your nect Standby Phase with 0 ATK and DEF.

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I'll add one




Lore: This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up, equip this card to a monster on your opponent's side of the field or one card on your opponent's Spell and Trap Card Zone. When this card returns to your hand, add the card that this card is equipped to to your hand. During your next turn, you must play the card that was added to your hand by this effect and pay 3000 Life Points. If you cannot, it is added to your opponent's hand instead.

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I'm in. Here's my card:


When this card is summoned, place 5 spell counters on it.(max.5) When a Spellcaster-type monster you control is destroyed, you can remove one counter from this card to special summon that monster. If a spell counter is removed from a card, move one spell counter form this card tp the card the spell counter was removed from.



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If you so happen to go back to this contest, here's my card.


Original Image - "Elemental Hero Bladedge"


[spoiler=Contest Card]



This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 Level 5 or higher Warrior-Type monster you control. This card can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. If this card destroys 2 monsters that your opponent controls during the same Battle Phase, switch this card to Defense Position and increase its DEF by 800.



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[spoiler=Entry]211482v.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 3 "Sheen Tokens." While this card is in your hand you can pay 300 Life Points to special summon 1 "Sheen Token" (Light Attribute, Fairy,ATK 0,DEF 0). There can Only Be 3 "Sheen Tokens" on the field. Each Time a "Sheen Token" Is removed From the field Place One "Shiny Counter" on this card. For every 2 "Shiny Counters" on this Card This card Gains 1000 ATK


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