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Pokemon Revolution X [OOC/Accepting/Not Started]


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In Silver Village Pokemon rescue teams are being made with the help of Silver Guild. Rescue teams explore Mystery Dungeons and complete their guild missions every week. Will you form a Pokemon rescue team?
[spoiler=Plot Updates]

This is just in case members are inactive and need a refresher. Sub plots may not be added.[/spoiler]
RP Rules etc.[/u]
Regular RP rules
Language may be G-PG-13 >.>
Only 1 character allowed
more may be added...


[b]Pokemon you wish to be:[/b] (no legends)
Character Name:[/b]
Male or Female:[/b]
*Rescue Team Name:[/b]
*Rogue?: (Y/N)[/b]


*Please only choose one


[code][u]Rescue Team application[/u]

[b]Rescue Team Name:[/b]
Rescue Team members:[/b] (Please Provide USERNAMES.must all be different members that agree to becoming a rescue team)[/code]

We are only accepting a limited amount of Rescue Teams so hurry up. Team must be with adleast 3 members with no more than 5. All rescue teams (once the rp is started) will be initiated and become an official rescue team. You may change teams or decide to become a rogue as the plot unfolds.

This idea was made by [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/117488-quiksilver/"]Quicksilver[/url] who requested that I make the thread. I am the co-host obviously. All apps should be PM'd to me unless stated by Quicksilver. Please PM me [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/149073-kuri/"]HERE[/url]

Please view the below [u]NORMALLY[/u] thank you.
[spoiler=Accepted Apps][spoiler=Quicksilver][b]Username:[/b] Quiksilver

[b]Pokemon you wish to be:[/b] Daikenki
Character Name:[/b] Daikenki X (nicknamed Dai)
Male or Female:[/b] Male
*Rescue Team Name:[/b] Head of Silver Guild
*Rogue?: (Y/N)[/b] No

[b]Bio:[/b] Dai began his life as a humble Mijumaru, one born to a family of water Pokemon in the Crystal Forest. (Feel free to replace this name with the name of a forest in the place we'll be playing in). At age 10, Dai left his home and went on a "journey of manhood" he said, in a Pokemon rite of passage. For 15 years Dai was never heard from, though whispers spread of a Mijumaru, and later, a Futachimaru, traveling the land and fighting dangers. On his 25th birthday, however, Dai showed up, a full Daikenki now under the guise of Daikenki X. He had changed over his journeys and some say the venerable Guild Leader learned from Arceus himself, learning the ways of the world. It is true that Dai acted with surprising haste in forming the Silver Guild- right before the Ekans Outbreak, which could have killed millions if not for the timely intervention of Silver Guild. Some also say that Dai has also prepared for the challenges ahead, selecting Pokemon for all around the land to be his "defenders"...

[b]Username:[/b] Quiksilver

[b]Pokemon you wish to be:[/b] Komatana
Character Name:[/b] Will
Male or Female:[/b] Male
*Rescue Team Name:[/b] Team Justice-X
*Rogue?: (Y/N)[/b] No

[b]Bio:[/b] Will is the son of Garce, a Kirikizan that is a legend around the land as one of Dai's most prized graduates of Silver Guild, a Pokemon who was once part of Team A.C.T. (ACTK? I dunno. :D) As such, Will was expected to follow in his father's footsteps and heaven knows he was eager enough to. Finally, after all his waiting, Will has become old enough to join Silver Guild and was assigned to Team Justice-X, a team headed by Digger, a Doryuzuu (Could be a NPC or one of your characters), and other new recruits. He is ecstatic he can finally join a rescue team, but little does he know where his adventures will take him...[/spoiler]
PLEASE NOTE Me and Quicksilver are the only ones allowed with 2 apps (sorry) and you'll see why.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Denied Apps][/spoiler]

Note: I am only accepting quality apps, but ALL apps are changeable. Change is needed when text is underlined and in bold.

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[b]Pokemon you wish to be:[/b] Vulpix
[b] Character Name:[/b] Elexie
[b] Male or Female:[/b] Female
[b] Rescue Team Name:[/b] No.
[b] Rogue:[/b] Y. This will change if she finds the need for company or finds a group that needs a jump start.
[b]Bio:[/b] Elexie was born and raised Silver Village. When she was old enough to explore, she went out to a nearby forest, and was badly injured (as in REALLY BADLY!) by a passing Seviper. She was attacked because she was too close to it's home or something, but lets say it WASN'T pretty. During te fight, she attempted to run, but was grabbed and thrown against a nearby tree, knocking her unconcious. The Seviper continued it's brutal attacked, and her injuries were SO severe that she fell into a coma. When she was saved by a passing Dragonite, she was taken immeaditly to a hospital, where she was treated.
When she woke up, she decided to join the Silver Guild so that she could explore places and, if the incident happened again, she would be able to defend herself.
EDIT: Oh, just realised what Rogue means *slaps head with hammer* Edited app.
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[b]Username:[/b]Alien Masta

[b]Pokemon you wish to be:[/b] Charmander
Character Name:[/b]Charlie
Male or Female:[/b]Male
*Rescue Team Name:[/b]Team Dragonic
*Rogue?: (Y/N)[/b]no

[b]Bio:[/b]I was born an orphan apparently destined to be alone...Now look! where I am some weird place...AND IM A CHARMANDER! Its quite ironic however since my name is charlie and im a charmander hmm.Charlie soon found the silver village and learned of the so called rescue team so now Charlie's exploring adventures begin now!

*Please only choose one
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